Monday, July 31, 2023

Revelations 1000+


Just wants to have his way

That is all Jimmy

Ever says...

Laying in another stolen room

His father keeps bitching

About Hilton hotel bills

And this town does not 

Even have a Hilton!

But it does have a lab

He is all into medicine

Now that he knows 

What it cant do

Cure cancer!

He is trying to read

A Gideons bible

He stooled from the last hotel room

While he gently plays 

With his rat

He traded the rat 

From one of those special

Labs they have on University campuses

A real international school of medicine

And a stupid girl named Debbie F

Willing to do what he wants

Shes from Alabama 

Just like he is she said

He was not to be reminded

As his mothers family

Practice something else

He is a mutant they say

A miracle others say

While some just plain

Admit he should not have been born

White from a black mother

With a white daddy

Who thought he was going to get away

With an affair

But instead sat there with his kid

For the whole world to see

His wife never acknowledged 

The kid who looks just like him

He called him Bob jr.

She called him Benito Mussolini

Her little demon child

Which is what others called him

Behind his back

Why he always reports 

Those people to the CIA

As terrorists who use bibles

They wont let him have the child

She is an angel 

With beautiful eyes

He just wants to tear out

Which he did already

Except they had them replaced

Beautiful blue ones

Like marbles of the sky

Now they are putrid green

She always sighs when he is around her

His dad found out that there were two of them

One of them disappeared

And then the other one was brought forward

Identical girls 

Now one of them is dead

She told on him about Santa Claus

He though Santa could give him

What ever he wanted

But no he was told 

To keep his hands off the child.

Spanked by his grandpa

When he went to visit Alabama

She was going to suffer for that

His mother Camille

He wanted to be called Jimmy

So he can sign her checks

She is a rich bitch

At least she was until he took it all

Then she died of a massive heart attack

Right now he trying

To get the mother of the girl

His way with her 

He just wants her

To destroy her 

And make sure she does not have a life

Debbie was running around Mexico

With the rest of the teenagers

Who could not afford a trip

To India or Turkey

His mother had already taken him

To all those countries he wanted

Now he just wants this family

To loose their lives

So he bargained with Debbie

To give him her child

So he could claim 

The sweet six year old

Was guilty of a sin

And be blamed for it

Denise he named her

No one denies him

Pregnant stupid girl

Was eager to keep her parents

From finding their perfect one

Was getting paid for doing it

Against a wall in Tijuana

They had moved to the Bay area

And were too good to have

A bastard born out of wedlock

To an unwed teenager.

So now he has her lab rat

They inject them with cancer

These little guys

And he is going to have it bite

That white woman

Reading his doomsday book

He is so happy

She got bit!

Now all he has to do  is wait

She is going to die of cancer

From the rats bite.

He never did pass the sixth grade

His reading was limited

He hired someone to read it too him

Then had him arrested

While he found out that the bite

Was not the same as from a rapid dog

Which is what happened to the girl

She  knew her sweet dog

Had rabies and took him

In to the right place

Where they put her on medicine

Which is where both of them

Learned about injections

So happy is Jimmy

He is now standing over 

His other mother 

Giving her injections 

While she is tied to a dentist chair

Now she is going to die

Of cancer!

He just wants it over

Three decades went by

While the slow growing stuff

Took affect as she appeared 

To still be normal

But acted odd and bizarre

The bitch made him suffer

Now he is going to make

The woman suffer as well

For denying him his rights

She just laughs at him.

They made him permanently impotent

A long time ago

And he has beaten her too many times

Besides she plains to decapitate him.

His precious brains and hair

He still has the same hair

And he is over sixty

Not six years old 

And  kept from going to school

Because she had been scalped

Chop goes his head

He deserves it 

She just has to find a way

And then he will be one 

Of those missing Americans 

In Mexico

Should not travel across the border

Jimmy Benito Junior

Meanwhile there is a fire

So large and out of control

That it fills the sky with smoke

While the are using small jets

For the fire retardant

Small croppers are usually used

Or even helicopters

But this one has a larger plane

With more red stuff.

So large and so close

To Los angeles

Where the movie stars 

Live and breath

There is another one

Near Las Vegas

Where those other singers

Make their millions

Why is he so untalented?

All these fires that he lives for

To destroy what he is not allowed to touch.




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