Monday, July 17, 2023

Then there was the incident with the emu


Sadly, my mother well sell 

Anything and everything

Including your soul

Not hers 

Mind you 

But yours.

Anyways there was 

The time my father would 

Sit me down and explain. 

He had just bought 

Himself and my mother

Burial plots.

Did I understand?

I was to bury them in them.

The problem was 

That he did it a number of times

In different places

And I knew jimmy would

By right behind him

Using his name

In order to get the money

A rich spoiled white mans son.

My mother would also 

Sale them to others 

Or at least give them 

The impression they were theirs

After all she had no plans

To use the burial plot 

For herself

And my father she would 

Just throw out at the old dump.

I remember a big party

Shocked so many people

Had shown up for his death

And then I went to sleep

I remember waking up 

To find a strange box

Was sitting next to me

I paid no attention.

And went along to the office.

Later someone delivered the box

To the old house up the hill

The neighbor found it 

Went into overdrive

How could I not bury 

My father?

She took me by the hand

Over to the Memorial Park

Where she paid for his cremated remains

Were put into the rose garden.

I sat there in shock

Because I was really sure 

We had buried him in a casket

In the ground!

Who would dig him up

And burn his body

Throwing away his clothes?

If not Jimmy

Who else would do such a thing?

Now jimmy woke up one day

To find a large bird

Poking and nipping at him

It was like Sesame streets

Big bird

Only smaller

An emu had escaped.

He got tired of it 

And walked down stairs

Putting on his old blue robe

Which used to belong to someone else

And found to his horror

A bunch of packages of Emu meat

On the counter!

His counter had been defiled

He heard the garbage trucks

Walked out with his collection

And deposited them in the back

Just when my mother drove up

She was attacked by the big bird

While she went into shock

At seeing Jimmy walk out

Of the very house he was not

Allowed to be inside.

Meanwhile, in his haste

Jimmy had tied the robe 

With a buckle around his fat belly

It got caught in the dump truck

The buckle part was tangled

With the claws of the machine

The last cul de sac on the route

They took off happily

For home the guys in  front

With Jimmy dangling off the back

Stupidly attempting to free himself.

He was succesful!

The robe came off his body

And he was free!

And very naked.

He thought about it 

For a few moments

Got honked at 

And decided to walk back.

Straight down the middle of the road.

And along came the escaping Emu

Straight at him, agian.

It was not a pretty sight

To see its neck wrung 

With one of his hands

While the other one was doing

Something unexplainable.

Along to the house

We had moved back into

As the lawyers had explained

It was ours after all.

Jimmy is in the habit

Of dropping by

And deciding to stay

Making it his home.

It is now in his wifes name

Not mine anymore 

With no bill of sale

But those country clerks

Are underfed

They will do almost anything

For a free pizza

Or a subway sandwich.

He punished me of course

Once it was found out

That I was the one 

Who had placed the emu meat

On the counter 

It was my fault he had been 

Attacked by the Emu

Laying in someone else bed

It is the same house

On Del Sol court

That his wife evicted me from

After stealing my mother

From the train station

And then calling an ambulance

My mother only lasted another 

Six weeks laying there waiting

For someone besides me 

To rescue her.

No on else came.

And never intended to rescue her

She had sold them out 

So many times in the past

I am not even sure 

Where her parents are buried

Nor my little sister

Most people dont bury things

In the back yard

Although those old houses

They keep tearing down

Might have something under the back porch

When they did not have cemetaries

And were homesteading.

Anyway, she sold her grandparents

Homestead to so many people

I cant even keep account

While her aunt their daughter

Out survived her 

And it was never hers to sale.

Now I am the will stated heir

And cant get on it 

Over  some idiot drug dealer

Who is taking bribes

From women who just

Want their husband dead

Two feet of water

Is not enough for a full grown man

To drown in and multiple times.

He has moved into Buckingham palace

Once or twice

And the Vatican 

As well as the Kremlin

He just wanted to look

Around it he said.

She even sold houses

While they were being occupied.

Such as the one on Long Island.

I saw in the news, 

Some guy is claiming he grew up

In it where he was born.

I know that house had lots 

Of visitors while I was forced

To reside in New York city

They were off to the wilds

Enjoying this prime piece of property

A little red house with green trim.

Hmm, I wonder of Joe

Did not dose off on the porch

Wonder what they will do with 

The DNA they gather from 

Twenty to thirty 

Years ago?

Lock you doors 

Mr. Putin.

Jimmy wants to sleep in your bed

And please don't leave. 

Any strange animals around

Even a cat he has strangled 

Just for sitting there watching him.

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