Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Blue chip stamps thief!


I was accused of being
A blue chip stamp thief
I recall my mothers horror

When she found them gone
And assuming i was the guilty party
She never got over anything

And I have spent the rest of my life
Wondering why she keeps after me
Or why I cant go shopping without 

Knowing the staff have been informed
And as for the coin jar or piggy bank
Well, I always assumed it was Jimmy

After all he did go to prison
As a teenager and as an adult
He has committed almost everything

But he has a challenger
Imagine an old guy
With a roast in the oven

Has been convicted of being 
The Golden state killer
He was once a cop 

And a Viet Nam veteran
And also a neighbor
I recall his wife was my mothers

Divorce lawyer!
He went from being a cop
To ransacking people places

Stealing nothing more than
Thier piggy banks 
And their blue chip stamps

For those who don't remember them
These blue stamps were given out
At stores and gas stations

Then when you had enough
There was a catalog to buy things
There were also stores 

Where my mother bought
Our school clothes 
And her linens 

And dads tools
It was this thing that was
Never touched 

Those things that brought
Home the things one was not going
To get at the trip to the stores

Anyways my mother was never the same
When they shut down
It was the end of her life

Anyone who stoled them
Were dead to her 
And yet i had no means of spending them

Who would allow a child to use them?
Anyways this cop started tormenting
His neighbors with ransacking

He ended up being arrested
And convicted of rapes and murders
At least three different sprees occurred

In California with the cops 
Wanting him but then he moved on.
Until he got married 

His pictures were there 
At the post office 
As well as other places

One of them matches him
Another one looks like Jimmy
Who likes to replicate others deeds.

How much more of my world
Is going to be dissolved
What kid does not trust a cop

Nor a familiar face coming along
Meanwhile people are blowing things up
All over the world

From a bridge in the Crimea
To a sewage transformer in India
To a Pfizer plant in the path of a tornado

Too many complaints about
Everything and everybody
My cat stoled my phone

And I was outside going around
Looking for it in the bushes
Then I stepped on his only plastic toy

I squashed his bell with my foot
Had to clean up the little pieces
And spotted my phone.

I bought him a new potty
With a cover for his privacy
And for my feet not to step

On tiny grains of litter
Every time I need to use the toilet
He loves it

Moved right on in
And then looked shocked 
To see my peeking at him.

If i could just get him
To stop drinking out of the tub.
When is Mr. Putin going 

To be allowed to have his way
With his country and his military?
Never for the former Allie

Is now the enemy of America
Worse things possible
What if he is not actually wrong?

Too late.
America has put all thier eggs
In the same basket.

By the way
There is a lottery going on
It is not unchristian

To buy a single ticket
Or a few more
It is unchristian to sell

Your house or someone elses
In order to loose everything
But crazy people go around

Causing problems for people
And I have not even thought
A billion-dollar payout

Would be the worth the cost
Of others having me
Tarred and feathered

Wonder what jimmy 
Is going to do this weekend
With the Comic con in town

And the actors on strike?
No visitors no free lunches.
What is the poor guy going to do?

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