Sunday, July 16, 2023

One night i went out


For drinks with my sibling

And I did not come back

I woke up on the beach...

Did I ever tell you 

About the time i got

To be Michelangelo?

.  .  

My cousin studied in Paris

In the old days 

To become an artist

And he was very good

Instead, he became a missionary.

It was a different time period

Everyone was into the bible

Even the Asians wanted to know

He spent decades sacrificing.

And then retirement came along.

Like all other business

Once one is too old....

There I was hanging off the ceiling

Of the Stanley theater

Coloring in the images

He always gave me coloring books

And watched me carefully 

Keeping to the lines

Teaching me the correct color

Combinations and even allowed

Me to copy things

Without all those nudes

That is why he gave it up

He said, those girls would follow

Him around not unlike Candace

Handsome and old fashioned.

Hopelessly i was stuck 

Upside down carefully 

Following the lines 

Of his religious art

He was finally given a task

Worthy of his compassion

But too old to complete it himself.

They reminded me of my days

At the Russian orthodox schools

I was not allowed to go to Catholic private 

Instead I had to go to the other one.

I loved those old paintings

Still do and worry about them

Over there in that place

Where they have no place 

For Christians anymore.

The Kevian's don't want them 

Anymore those men of faith

Out! is what they have demanded

My family inherited a homestead

Here on the west coast

Complete with a port site 

For the boats they arrived 

As well as an old wagon

For when they had to come back

Overland, with all those old buildings

That jimmy has been tearing down

We had a small playhouse in back

That had a funny onion dome

Turns out is was an original church

In downtown where no one had noticed

It even had miniature paintings.

Long gone to jimmy's whims

He bulldozed the building 

When we were still children

Now he is burning down each place

That reminds him  of those days

A spoiled rich kid

Who wanted to play

With the politicians had come to town

California governors and presidents.

Anyways another old hotel has been demolished

Wonder what my sibling we do when he finds out

They were too small 

When everything went wrong

They grew up in different places

Not knowing how much trouble

Was caused with my father 

Was elected mayor of half of the city

Long time ago 

We were respectable people

My mother went all bible

And destroyed her marriage

Even though he was not doing anything

Except getting her pregnant again

And again.

Sadly she gave them all up

To others to have and raise.

Leaving me with nothing at all.

After my sister died.

But I was the heiress

The first born who was supposed

To have access to the various places

Not even the ones I paid for

When I was working.

Jimmy took my bank account long time ago.

I caught him in the Bahamas

When friends asked us to visit

I do know where my family came from 

But also know a group 

Of German gangsters arrived

Illegally in the country

Thieves and murders 

They have always been

Training the third generation

To replace us in peoples eyes

My family were eliminated.

One by one

Till there is only me left

They thought it was over

So they allowed me to find out

That he was rich and i was broke

Then he got angry

They don't know him the way I do.

He does not enjoy being caught 

Which I know comes with a cost.

Why I don't tell him what I know

A confrontation occurred

And I woke up on a beach

Knowing I had survived another attack

On my person 

I keep waking up screaming at times

Those slanted eyes of a man

Looming down at me.

It is confusing for I know

Not to talk about things

And yet my system seems to be full

Of truth serum or something

I might have had a nervous breakdown

But then something really bad 

Might have happened

Which the others know about

And keep after me not to recall

He is thier guy in place

Except he is not going to do anything

But what he wants 

Which is to control the politicians

For some reason he thinks

He is qualified with a type 1 ego

The conversations I have to endure

And no one to report them 

While I keep finding idiots

Who think I will agree to what 

Jimmy wants just because.

I laid there dying on the metal bed

Having flatlined 

When I was only fourteen years old

Thirty three minutes

They said it was a miracle

I survived and recovered

All those migraines

And lies behind my back

He had promised he would not

Do it himself....

But it is hard not to believe

My mother and her lies

Her brain was gone anyway

And she only trusted 

Those who said they are religious.

When in fact they are atheist

Obviously from their actions

Who keeps insisting a six year old gave birth

To the child they are using for extortion?

I see another family home 

Is in the news 

There it is the family home

Of a suspected serial killer

Small red house on long island

Who knows where the guy got

The idea he was raised in it

Or who gave him the keys.

Perhaps the authorities will get it right this time...

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