Monday, July 10, 2023

To tell you the truth


I did not meet my mother

Until I was at least six months

After she dumped me in the fish tank

And ran like a bat out of hell

Only to get caught having a second one...

I was four years old before

I was allowed to stay the night.

My sister had gotten lonely

I lived with grandpa Jack.

Which was just fine with me,

He did not have funny ideas 

About vegetables 

Nor do other things,

But alas, the old man

Sad over the divorce

Of his childhood love

Finally meet another 

She wanted to get married

And live in Florida

While I was pushed 

Gently towards California

Grandpa and I had traveled 

The world, grandpa style

Mom was on a death course

She made my father 

Relive her dreams 

By traveling around the world

As an engineer and a father

We always got lost

Or worse kidnapped!

And held for ransom 

Before getting back

To find out there was no one

Aware of our imminent deaths.

She was fool hardy 

My mother who was so wise

She refused medical treatment

To many of us who just 

Wanted to go outside and play

Not lay in bed waiting

For a real doctor to come along.

She never took a single nurses course

Nor did she study medicine nor law

But she was an expert on everything.

She died with eighty percent of her brain

Metacisized to cancer.

Stupid! She refused to have

The treatment that others

Had to withstand 

She lived to 69 years old

Before Jimmy put a pillow

To stop her from breathing

Any longer.

When we arrived 

He stuffed her into a car

While I had gone in to find

The reservations I had just made

Were in fact not there

They had decided to remodel

It took them fifteen years

To reopen as a different place.

Meanwhile, I lost my mother

To Jimmy insisting she go into 

The hospital which is what

I was hoping she would do

Willingly and also hoping

There was someone left 

To speak to about her health

But all those phone calls 

She had been making 

While I was kept from knowing

By being held for no reason at all.

Anyway he got his way

He had also put her uncle 

And aunt in nursing homes

Then walked away which

Is his way of dealing with things.

I know he has shot at me

Stabbed me, knifed me,

Strangled me, run me over

With a car and much worse 

Things besides being buried

Alive in a pet cemetery.

He hates being told upon

And makes sure he jabs me

With one of those date rape drugs

So I cant remember what he has done

Somehow I survived!

I am now not in the same 

Condition as I was a few years ago.

No one seems to notice

Nor care or he would be dead.

But why get in his way?

Really, he even tells people

I am now his wife and it is for life

Excuse me I want a divorce!

But before I do go,

I am going to donate his organs

To science or anyone to poor

To buy their own replacements

He once stoled my sisters kidney

And sold it to someone in Asia

Only to have it brought back

To me who had slid into another

Coma after being on Dialysis

How I got the kidney disease

The only one in the family

One can only guess

But I have my sisters kidney

Which is also failing 

And I have no one left

To borrow another one from.

Imagine being not even eighteen

Having survived so much 

Only to be beaten by an organ!

Even in my fifties

I am unsure of how to get

People to listen to me 

Instead of the imbecile 

Who only knows how to 

Hang the limp thing 

In my face since

His real parents

Were so rich 

He never did get 

What he deserved.

Nor is he going 

To have his way

I will cut his head off

Before I allow him 

To have all of my possessions

Only to throw them away.

By the way,

It was charming to see

King Charles III

Walking and talking

With President Biden

Instead of Jimmy who

Has been trying to just

Become the man who

Sits next to a woman

Married to a powerful man.

His mother was married

To a rich and powerful

Politicians while his own father

Was just a clown

Captain Kangaroo.

Big deal!

He even had to be on his show.

He got rid of him as well.

His power base is a mirage.

But he does get results.

No one from the old days

Believes he is not a killer.

I even had to watch him

Eat the goldfish and turtles

That did not actually 

Belong to me 

To tell you the truth

But my young brother

Who looked so sad 

When he found the fish bowl

Empty and only I sitting 

There crying

What could he think

But that I must be guilty

Of disposing of them.

My mother told such stories

To be honest,

God himself probably

Is reviewing his notes

Carefully about whether 

Or not I am the innocent

One or not.

She was a crazy lady 

To grow up with as a mother

But who the hell 

Raised Jimmy to be a demon?

Suzie P who gave her own sone

Up for adoption when he was born

Then raised a bitch to believe

I gave birth at six.

Only to have her hunt 

Me down to steal me 

Away from each and every place

I attempt to inhabit

Then turned her attention

On any man who came near me.

Really Suzie, you were just

The daughter of a bad man

Who went to prison.

While you were an underwear model

Not anything else

Sine all of your children

Have behavior problems

We wont even discuss

Betty A who went to prison

For sawing me in half 

When I was just three years old.

She manages to tell people

Stories that no one else would believe

She even followed us to Africa

Living in the wild 

And smoking monkeys for food.

That world is how monkey pox

Evolved from a dwarf who cant

Understand I will never believe

She is my mother nor any 

Of the otehrs.

I got the one I did not want

But it is the way it is

To tell you the truth

She was my real mother.

After three years 

Of hanging a feeder

In the tree outside my window

I finally got hummingbirds!

Despite catching a squireel 

Squeszing his lips

Into the small whole

They have decided 

I am safe enough to visit.

Anyone else want to remember

The way to my door?

In the day without needles....

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