Thursday, July 13, 2023

If I were to tell a lie


The place was ablaze

Up in smoke

The whole of Atlanta

Not Atlantis but Atlanta

Georgia !

How had this happened?

They were the best trained

Men of Westpoint

There was no way they could 

Go wrong

And yet, there it was

They were going to go down

In defeat

Over a bunch of school girls

Northern soft skinned 

Bible boys!

There was no way of saving

The city now

He made a quick 

In and out

Through the vault doors

With the city burning down

No one was going to notice

The banks nor their vaults

He had served his master

And had fought valiantly

But he knew when it was time

Way out there in the blue yonder

Was the new state of Kentucky

Kentucky blue grass country

Originally the royals 

Had said they were going

To take care of everyone

East Virginia colony

Was now this new creature

It was going to produce 

Thorough  bred horses

And women for fine 

European gentleman

Who just wanted old money

And what was called class

Not like those northern

Farmers with the knowledge

Of how to read a bible

For gods sakes.

Here was far from his

Field of men

Dropping a bag

Of sold gold coins

Into the ground where they 

Would stay to kingdom come

If necessary before being 

Discovered by any one.

A corn field grew up

In that spot

As the man went back 

To his barracks

And his men of war

Dyeing in the field

Would have been better

Then the surrender

And court marshalled

Then the hangings

He made it back to

His little bit of paradise

But could not dig anything

He just sat there on the porch

Not able to do anything

Nor speak a syllable

His shock had been severe.

His next of kind

Never got the message

Written on the page of

A bible on his dresser.

Might as well,

Use the enemies device

But stupidly it was donated

To the veterans charity 

A cornfield sprang up

On abandoned property

Or started by the no gooders

Who thought little of what

They had survived

No one wanted to go back

Just corn pickers 

Were left of the great

Royal aristocrats

Who hopped on a ship

In order to grow tobacco

For thier friends at home

To sale at great cost.

Nothing but corn pickers

To poor to even know

What the land was before

The great disaster

That shook the old guard

Down to the ground.

The great horde 

Has finally been discovered

By an unlucky man

Who missed the grave

For the old general 

Had himself buried

In the same spot

A hundred and fifty years ago

During the Civil war

When all of them 

Removed their own 

Monies from the vaults

Of their failed republic

And a few of the others as well

So many of them just

Wanderd out west

But there is a bonanza

Of golden coins

Littering the fields 

Of the vanquished.

Just as Europe 

Has been having 

A field day with thier


Wonder where and how

They all got were they were found.

Somone of us just dont

Believe in luck

Nor do we wish

It all comes back

To greed and thievery

None of it is real

To to a lie

About how one acquired

Someone else property

To walk in as a young couple

When an old woman

Is mourning the death of her husband

To laugh in her face

While they claim ownership

To grow old 

Watching the family 

Unable to dislodge them

Except by killing them.

This is how the property

Was inherited

First a family were found 

Shot to death in thier mansion

Then another family walked

Into the old homestead ranch

Only to be found dead 

At the table having eaten

Mushrooms it is said

Food poisoning

And electrical fires

Is all we have known

My family of honest ones

While the liar 

Just sits there collecting

Coins for her beach

Which is a free public one

She is old and knows it

What her daughters 

Dont know having 

Murdered thier own 

Brother and father


Is that they are going 

To be feed to the sharks

While such ones as 

Suzanne are not even 

Going to make it through

The trolley station

As they lay there flat

Across the tracks

As for Teresa 

All her years

She just wanted

To be sued for her lies

Another historic building

Has meet its match

Flattened to the ground

And then they need to dig

What are they looking for?

All this digging in the ground?

Ancient artifacts

From when the Romans 

Ruled the whole world?

Or just a bag of stolen

Gold coins?

Just another lie about


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