Saturday, July 8, 2023

Let me tell you a secret


Dear mother,

I wish to tell you 

Something you don't know

This might hurt

Just a little bit,

About cats...

Did you know 

By the way. 

Whose obituary 

I found in the newspaper.?

It was your sons...

For your information

Felines were created first

When god decided to create

The earth with animals

The first was perfect

His prototype,  

For all the others

To follow, except...

Well, at least one angel 

Got in the way

Of god's plans.

The rest of the animals

Might not be as perfect...

So, when I looked at the date.

It was that little occurrence.

Of the non-brother

When you were pregnant

With me, I was your first

This guy was just a mistake.

You had a dead born

It was in the news 

With your name and 

Your family had a funeral

For a newborn 

That was born dead!

How could you tell lies

All these years

About Jimmy being

Your son when in fact

You did not have one.

Your first marriage was annalled

Then you  married my father

Before discovering your

Fetus would not be another

Mans son for my father 

To raise.

Indeed you have tried

All the different ways

Of getting even with a man

You feel in love with as a child

And then did not want 

To acknowledge

You even sent him to Korea

He survived so you had 

To marry him after all.

Well the records indicate

That he was born dead

There never was a baby son.

Which is why you went

To a mental institute

In Switzerland .

Where you continued

To complain and wail

About your husband 

Not being able to get

You pregnant

Until they could not stand

Anymore of you

So they gave you a chance

To have an artificial one

My poor little sister

Was just an experiment.

Done not with sex

But with a medical lab

Meanwhile, you went ahead

And had sex with my father

Whom you lied to so long

That he expired.

But there it is one of us

Was natural and one 

Concocted artificially.

While I was born 

Midway from Paris

My sister was born in California.

Neither of us forgiven

For spoiling your joke.

Your first born is in fact

Me! Too perfect for you to handle

About those felines you hate,

I do hate to tell you

That god made sure

That even on Noah's ark

There were a pair of cats.

And in the future

There will be no one hunting

Down the last one of them.

If anyone goes extinct

It will be the stupid dog

Believing humans are there 

To feed them.

They will themselves become

Food and fodder.

While the cats 

Will simply disappear

Into the mist .

While they wait for the end.

And then they will also 

Be there waiting in the paradise

Of your religion of the resurrection. 

A pair of smiling cats

Waiting for you to arise.

They might not be able to talk

You understand,

But if you follow them

You will find your family

Who have been hoping 

You will be well and sane

This time around.

Not hating every cat 

You meet nor your own children.

Happy dreams dear mother.

Jimmy was never born to you.

And he is already dead 

With no hope of a second chance.

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