Wednesday, July 26, 2023

He blinked first!


There are times when
You know you area right
And they are wrong.

But then they forget
That they were the ones
Who blinked first.

Poor Hunter
Being the son of a President 
Is not easy

All those offers
Who can possibly know
Who to trust and who not.

There is not much a son
Can do but live as if he is a pauper
Not allowed to really have a job.

Look at Ronald Reagan Jr.
He wanted to dance!
He got his chance to be a ballerina

And then he disappeared 
Into the air
It is easier to be the daughter

Then they get to pretend 
They are in fairytale land
Play the princess

And the poop 
On everyone afterwards
When they don't marry a prince

When really they just want
To be witches for the rest of their lives
Only a few of them

Have done anything at all.
And almost none of them
Have faced a criminal court.

In the good old days,
If one sinned 
And forgot to file their taxes

Such as my mother 
Did every single year
And some of us close to her

Also found ourselves 
With missing years
As she would steal them

Before they got mailed.
She was a trifle confused
About Jesus telling someone

To pay to Ceasar 
What he was due
And in those days 

They even taxed a person 
For being alive
They called it a head tax.

Everyone had to pay 
If they still had their head attached
Unlike Jimmy who was decapitated

Sometime ago 
And pretends he does not have
Banks accounts in the Caymen's

While living off someone else
Social security and unemployment
While the Bidens had someone

Smart enough not to want
To be involved
In the wrong avenue of the court

The court does not decide
To persecute they are the ones
Who proceed to trail 

And then decide punishment
The justice department decides to prosecute
They don't have to if they don't want to.

The cops arrest people under suspicion
But are held innocent until proven guilty.
Allegedly in the past

The Tax court
And yes there is one of those
Would frown upon those

Forgetful ones
But would decide if the person
Could do so they would accept money

Preferably cash
As one of the few courts who can do so,
The issue being that money is due

The government and they want it
If the person can pay the past taxes
With interest and usually a stiff fine

They allow them to remain free
In order to work and pay off their debts.
Jail time only comes from tax invasion

When there has been a crime committed
In association with the money
Evading taxes is not technically 

A crime.
It is how they acquired the money
Why they did not pay the taxes

And what they did next 
That can cause a crime 
To become apparent

It is actually very American
To refuse to pay taxes.
My mother was not so much American

But obstinate about taxes.
A number of us have fallen
Into a pleading position

With that court 
Asking forbearance
In the missing documentation

And have paid themselves into the clear.
I am now told I have no work history
And therefore have nothing to worry about

Until the day in which
Jimmy gets caught stealing 
My income and I have to face 

The IRS for non payment.
In the mean time

A plea bargain
Is not necessarily 
Unfair nor unchristian

It is a matter of business
It wll cost the state
A certain amount to house

And convict a person
Who could instead make 
An agreement of some sort

It is up to the judge 
To decide this especially 
In the case of first time offenders

It is better to have them agree
To work off the debt due society
Or to provide evidence of a more 

Serious crime 
Or simply listen to a bunch
Of shoplifter's brag about their thriftiness.

Then to send someone
Over a misunderstanding
Or a confused customer service

Individual who simply does not want
To provide a service
And does not see it a sin 

To lie about someone 
When there is no evidence
But what ever does occur

Once the page has been wiped 
Clean it can not be revisited
Nor additional charges brought

On the same offense
Here they were worried about
Outside sources or foriegn interest

In the case of a relative
Of a politician
Treason is basically 

What the prosecutors were after
And since he is not known
To have a low economic life

Even though broke
And living off dad
He should not be deemed 

As worthless
Such as a homeless person
Who does not have the rights

Of a citizen.
Whereas an illegal alien
Is given the oppurtunity

Of finding a source of income
Usually someone elses
They are provided a hearing ear

By the fair and just courts.
It is the brown skinned
Nonwhite or Latino's

Who are always under suspicion.
This is a day for a very traditional
American past time.

Ice Cream.
Take young Hunter to the 
Ice cream parlor

And treat him to a triple scoop.
He is now going to have to face a trail
Unless the court decides on something else.

Did you know that the prosperous
Polos were not believed?
They were rich merchants 

Who traveled and got caught
By the grandson of Genghis Khan
In his own land

They kept the son for so long
That he came back more Chinese
Than Italian.

For instance he preferred
Thier dishes

What could be more Italian
Than noodles with sauce?
He of course brought back rice noodles

Not horrible wheat ones
And they did not have tomatoes
Columbus had to bring those back

From his travels to America
Columbus by the way is not Italian
Nor were his employers.

As for gelatto
It is very Italian 
Especially with expresso

In China it does sometimes snow
And then they make up treats
Without sugar but plenty of salt

In Italy all things
Are made over for the Pope
And we now have Italian ice cream

And American Spaghetti!
Remember who blinked first!
Not I but Jimmy

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