Sunday, July 23, 2023

Dog days of summer


Hot and sultry

Dry throats 

And sweaty skin

There are always those

Who know how to lie

Down and take it

Findinf a man size

Dog bed even!

But most would not want

This as a solution

Walking on a picket fence

Is not an easy ordeal

But can be accomplished

If one has the mind 

To do so.

Instead I find this day

To be confronted 

With a ghost from the past.

There was not any 

Single thing

That was not taken away

A natural sibling

Or an adopted child

Replaced with something wicked

Yesterday I once more

Ventured out to an appointment.

For the sake of my kitten

Only to have the transport

Turned upside down

Meanwhile there are those

Who just wont stop

Taking pictures with their phones

It is illegal to include

A stranger into your selfies

But they do it on purpose

If taken to court 

They will go to prison

For it is the law

With the new devices

Not to take advantage 

Of a situation 

But modern people

Don't care who they hurt

In fact that is the only 

Reason for getting up

In the day 

Just to say 

Hey mom

What can i mess 

Up for you today

My life was promised

Not to have a bunch

Of retarded women

Full grown demand

That they wont

Be reasoned with 

In their heroin brains

About a small child

Being the birth mother

Or not to be punished

While my mothers brain

Rotted inside its cavity

From brain cancer

Given to her by her own

Adopted boy 

Who hated her as much

As his own mother.

Merciless girls

Who have now experienced

Life believe they can provide

Evidence just by rubbing me 

The wrong way or biting me

For no reason at all

The judges told 

Each and every one of them

That i was not their mother

Including Richelle the rich girl

Who survived Jonestown

But not a free life

Of no work except

How to kill my father

What is going to  happen

If I should disappear

Will the big white blob

Really think she 

Is going to keep stealing

And then demanding 

She is not someone elses

Why are all of them

Such cowards 

Unable to do what is right

Because everyone lives

In a fantasy world 

Without reason as to who

Or what or when

Little mis Collins

Sits on a tuppet

Having farted in everyone's face

Just so can screw 

The idiot puppet

Of this horrible massacre

Zelensky is not the one in charge

Nor is she a qualified interviewer

All they know is to get a story

They have to provide an answer

As to why women were not allowed

In the press room 

In the first place

Look at the examples 

Of Kelley and Martha

Who did everything 

They could to endanger

Someone by removing her credentials

Then having nothing to say

The rest of thier careers.

It is worse than watching 

A dog fight....

At least Barbara 

Had a way of letting people

Know who she was to them.

Death if they did not cough up

While my grandmother 

Had to survive London blitzes

Only to sent to Hollywood

Where the real heroes 

Were stationed instead of Europe

Where she got caught trespassing

Found Eisenhower in his tent

But forced to interview Jimmy Stewart 

When these girls get the message

That AI is here to replace them

The robots have arrived

No more need of a vagina

When they have artificial intelligence

To do the job much better

They will have to lie down

With the dogs 

Instead of flying with the birds....

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