Friday, July 14, 2023

Bastille Day!


Vive la franc!

Long live the ...

Something went wrong,

Oh well, its was just

A Misunderstanding

Really, who wants to see

A bunch of people

With their heads 

Cut off!

The storming of the Bastille

Was done by women

Who were tired of their men

Being held hostage

While they had to not only

Work but often raped.

The paintings show 

A single woman leading the charge

These famous artists 

Shied away from showing

The vengeance even women 

Will have upon others

When they have had enough.

Bastille was a prison

During the more corrupt times

Of the French empire

However Versailles

Was removed from Paris

And its many illegalities

None the less

Heads rolled due to their lack

Of responsibility

The results were men put up

A new machine designed.

To severe the heads 

The person was laid down

On their belly and then

The blade came down

Onto the neck of the person

Causing the head

To become detached 

Falling into the basket below

Carts of bodies 

Were lead through the streets

Of Paris missing their heads!

What did they do with

King Louis's head?

If only Jimmy would fall 

Down onto one of these machines

Even monstrous Cathy M

Told me in front of the class

That she wished I was gulliontined

After refusing me the right

To take French courses

In High school.

Some Principles should 

Be hung with their lack

Of responsibility

As for what went on this weekend

Who is going to accept

The final responsibility

For Zelensky and his wife

Being allowed to visit 

The NATO summit?

It is dangerous to keep 

Encouraging a murder

He even refused to remove

The dead bodies of soldiers

From one town retaken

By his men

Leaving them thrown 

Out of the way 

For all to see

Or at least the gullible

Media who are eating up

Everything he is serving

Them on a silver platter

Not even during Barbarian times

Would they have had such 

A public display

Of lack of humanity 

Much less christianity

Not that I am anti semitic

But this guy shows off 

His disregard for others 

Religious beliefs

And makes it clear they are not

Christians in his country

Any longer

He is actually after the old

Eastern Orthodox monks

And priests 

Making their lives hell.

Meanwhile the country

Decided to go Catholic. 

For the association with

The current President of America

Who is only the second guy 

To be Catholic

And the last one was 


I don't believe that 

Biden is really fooled 

By his pretense

But to have them present

When in fact the whole

Basis of NATO 

Was to control the aggressive

Countries while encouraging

Peace amongst the stronger ones.

Ukraine is not one of the stronger ones.

Having to panhandle for funds

While offerings his wife as a whore

To any leader willing to climb

In bed with his murderous schemes.

They have already ruined any peace

That might have been in the world.

Those Donbas Donetsk people

Haven't a chance of ever being forgiven

For their desiring to be free as many others

Have during the ages.

Watching the fallout

From the mutiny of a chef

Who thought he could be a mercenary

Fits well with this butcher 

Of the humanity once thought

To be part of the modern world.

It is like the Fascist

Who came to rise after

The sweet Victorian era

Came to an end.

Did you hear the one about...

A guy proudly says 

His grandfather died 

At Auschwitz!

When he fell off 

The guard tower!

How many comics 

Are going to explain

How this genocide 

Is going to be viewed.

Let them eat cake

Or Pizza 

As the current complaint

Of spoiled people

Who immediately

Stood in line at the ATM

Machines, depleting them

Of all the money in one day.

Leaving no cash for anyone else.

Thoughtless and merciless

This man has lead his people

To laugh at the bodies left behind

Just so he can feel big

Standing there in his Cuban outfit

Clearly the old communists

Which did not die when the Soviets

Went down to the desire of the people

To be free from the machine

That was grinding them all into the ground.

Did you know that many people

Had a chance to look at the records

In Berlin to see who had turned them in

Only to find it was their own spouse

Or relative.

One wonders about some of these


We see in the media

Such as poor little Charlie

Theron, whose mommy

Went to prison when she was a child

For shooting her daddy.

South Africa is full 

Of white supremist

And old guard fascist

As well as communists.

What was the argument

Really about?

Or perhaps it was the child

Who laid in wait for old da

To come along after visiting

His friends down at the pub

He wasn't going to let her go

Royal or some stupid thing

Instead she got to be a child model

In Italy and Japan

While her mother went to prison

Everyday and every night

The big girl partied

And snorted cocaine

A field of poppies 

Was not near her house

Was it?

I understand it was the seen

Of another murder

An entire family held hostage

While the man of the house was shot dead.

Not unlike my family who kept

Having people follow us home.

From Europe due to both WW's

Having been fought by members. 

Of our relatives.

Sitting there as a child watching

The gun men and women

Point a gun at your fathers head

While your mother goes into 

The routine of crying and giving

Up her own family

In order to save herself

But would not take the medicine.

To save herself from brain cancer.

Some people dont known not to

Sit down when someone else is being

Interviewed and begin the extortion

Of threatening the freedom 

Of someone who is not a relative

Nor should be blamed for the actions

Of others including grandfathers

Who at least attempted to help

Free people they did not even know.

Only to have them want them go to jail.

For nothing at all except having a few things

That they did not hand over to them.

Then I had Oral Roberts 

Sit down and tell me he was also

Cherokee Indian as well,

And a relative of mine.

Never know who you are going to get.

But those with court orders 

Should understand that when 

They deny the justice system

Of giving them the right to live

But not keep others from living

Are going to find their fate

At some time taken from them.

Why is she in all the best movies?

Why does she not have kids?

Adopting something she is opposed

Does not work when her past is obvious.

Meanwhile I have never been forgiven

For anything I have or have not done

By my own real mother.

Thank god I do not have any daughters!

Or I would have to cause them to die.

If I had any work history according to Social Security

And I was a member of a union

Such as the Actors 

Who are going on strike 

Just as the industry is getting 

Back on their feet.

I would withdraw my membership.

What do they want anyways

The freedom not to be undressed

Which does not provide any acting skills

Or be told their hair is too long

Or their skin is the wrong color?

I was sat down and had that explained 

To me by my GMA associates 

Who were both white 

Trash from nowhere

While my grandmother and I worked

Since we were young

Proving and refining our skills.

Only to not fit in with the next group

To French

Ekk, an Indian!

Who is next to wiped out 

Of existence?

The Donetsk people 

Who were once Welsh

Have already lost their right, 

To freedom.

Perhaps France is a reminder of what has been lost....

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