Friday, July 7, 2023

And Waterworks


Conor O'Brien

One of the last

Of the High Kings 

Of Ireland

Of whom King Henry VIII

Demanded they finally 

Give up the idea

Of being rulers

He was the King

Of all three isles

They complied due

To the lack of blood

Left to be sacrificed

But his descendants

Of Brian Buro

The originator

Of the family line

Has died as a direct descendant

Also named Conor O'Brien

A military man

With the rank of Captain

Came home to his inheritance

To find it had been sold

By the previous owner

To be made into

A hotel!

He has now died

At the age of 79

Without the family castle

Nor even its family portraits

On the same day,

That King Charles III
Walked the Royal Mile

To be presented 

With Scotland's Honors

The Crown of the Scottish kingdom

After waiting for his 

Inheritance till he was 72

Hopefully he will have 

A few more years

Not the William 

Looks terribly happy

With his prostitute by his side

Hired to be a baby mother

Not a Queen

Born into poverty

Given up for adoption

For ten thousand dollars

To a Mormon couple

Who were not allowed

To keep her at all.

Then found by an airline stewardess

Who with her husband

An airline controller

Brough the bundle home

Along with a check

Imagine to be raised

Just for a check 

Not even allowed to know

Your real mother

But a substitute individual

Who has no reason to acknowledge?

Her at all.

After all she was just 

A witness to the birth

On the floor of a school room

Not in a hospital

But sudden birth pains

With no insurance card.

One went off to art school

Makes public works of art 


Another one ended up loosing

Her husband to suicide

A cop!

And then the ones

Who managed to find a way

Of hiding it from the girl

She was just a paycheck.

Billionaire's overnight!

Winning the lottery

A home based business

Run in the garage

Monthly subscription

Bloomed into a seat

In Parliament

And a Lloyds of London

Bank account.

Lucky family

Living in a home 

That once belonged

To an engineer man

And his boys

Who had to find something

Else with their lives

While their heiress

Lost her life

The will of another

No bank account

Went untouched

While the parents

Both died of horrible 

Health issues

The children were scattered

The girl also noticed her family homes

Were given to others

The last homestead

Has had squatters 

Who will not acknowledge

They are not the owners

But want to sell the old estate

Which once had nut trees

And wine grapes

As well as roses

Their is now a company 

That makes nut oil

And a flower growing operation

But the horses are gone

As are the antiques

And all hope that the place

Will ever be returned

One spoiled teenager

Thought she could be the manager

Everything she has touched

Has gone to the dogs

Some places shut down

Others torn down.

Disrepair overall

From a drug addict

Who only cares about 

Being skinny not healthy

What are the brains 

Of her children 

Worth without proper nutrition

After all she was born 

To a Herion drug addict

A Herion baby!

Haven't heard that expression.

Since the 1980's

This one made it through

But did she do it without?


Charles has finally gotten his

And the death of the last Irish king

Descendant goes unnoticed

While his male cousin will inherit

The titles but  not the family estates

While his daughters

Hopefully have the bank account.

Did you hear about the miserly man

Who made his wife pay for everything?

Including his breakfast 

And his wardrobe

While he hoarded his millions?

He decreed that on his death

He would be buried 

With his loot!

Never giving a single cent

To his wife nor his others.

So much like Jimmy

Whose parents were rich

And famous

But he just wanted

The little girl 

Who made the news

To be his for life.

She was abducted. 

And held for ransom.

It went to his head

That he could have a stupid

Family with that much money

To ruin and control

Which he has done

By stealing babies

And giving them to others 

To raise by using

Extortion and blackmail

The wrong men are paying

For children not their own

While all two hundred bastards

Are given the same poor woman

To be their mother in order

To make it work for Jimmy.

She is tired of the game.

It has gone on too long.

While watching them take over

All of the jobs she wanted

Her career or her dreams.

None of them are doing it well.

Enough for them to keep

But Jimmy has a limp dick

And he cant understand

He is not going to get his way.

Lets watch William

Watch his father finally get

What he was groomed for

The job of a lifetime.

King of England

And Scotland 

And Ireland.

They have lost India

And Hong Kong

As well as some smaller areas

Eh, gods!

Imagine a self made

Empress who survives on heroin!

Long live the King

King Charles III

May he have a long 

And fruitful rule!

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