Saturday, July 1, 2023

And the little Prince


My mother always 

Thought of herself

As the Queen

She named herself

Karel known as Carol

It is not her birth name

But the one everyone 

Knows her by

Really it is...

Charlemagne is also known

As Karel 

She likened herself 

To the Holy Roman Empire

Where Germany messed up

The geography of Europe

Only to loose their holdings

And then rage war against

Everyone one more time.

Anyways my mother 

Refused to get married 

To her childhood sweetheart

Instead went around

Mooning everywhere

To see what else she could do

As the only spoiled daughter

Of a couple who had their hands full

And did not know what would 

Become of her if they were 

Not vigilant all the time.

She went from an angry

Frustrated fourteen year old

To a furious twenty-four-year-old

And then she bit the bullet

And went ahead and got married

To the wrong man of course

I don't know what she thought

He was not going to do

On the wedding night

If she signed the marriage license

But it was a hell of a weekend

With the groom in jail

While she cried away 

Her virginity

She divorced him of course

But was still with child

She tried everything 

To get rid of it 

Within reason

It was the antiabortion years

And she would go to prison

Under a doctors care

She was very careful

But still could not figure 

Out what to do so she lied

And she lied

Until her former boyfriend

Came home unknown

To him that he had been

Thrown aside for someone else

He married her again

For they had already been married

But he had gone to war in Korea

And she pretended it was over

Now he knew she was plump

But along came Christmas

Her birthday was imminent

Out came the cat from the bag

Everyone wanted to congratulate him

He would find out later 

How it  had happened

But while he was away 

There were a few too many girls

Bringing false evidence against him

So he said nothing when he was told

How she came by a pregnancy

It was dead already 

Not her doing despite

It all, probably 

The former grooms

Animosity towards her 

He showed up at the hospital

When it was born dead

Too stupid he took another one

And ran off to Germany with it

My mother had to face 

The firing squad 

She was convicted according to the law

But was not sent to prison

Instead to a nursing home

And put on notice for it 

Not to happen again

They made sure she was not

With child again.

To her frustration

As she wanted to relive 

The experience again 

And again

As was her nature

But to no avail

She had no idea 

They were feeding 

Her birth control pills

She ended up 

After a few years 

Of this so really 

Angry that she was put

In a mental ward

In Switzerland

After she called 

My father every name 

She could think of 

Because he could not get

Her pregnant as the first time

She kept up the complaint

In the hospital where 

They cure patients 

Before sending them home

There was this new technology

They were quietly experimenting.

The results were good

But it only produced girls

And sometimes multiples

They asked her if she wanted

To partcipate with thie project

Then she would be pregnant

And she could go home 

To her husband 

With child 

If that is what she wanted

She agreed not knowing

Her parents were under orders

To keep her from having a baby

While my father 

Could not understand

Why he was not getting

It straight with all the time

They spent together alone

Anyways they went ahead

Got his sperm from him

Then artificially went 

Through a procedure

Which then resulted in two

Girls being born to her.

The only problem 

Is she had early Dementia

From starving herself

And brain cancer was beginning

She could not understand

What had happeend

Because her husband 

And her had not been allowed

To have anything at all

Until she was cured of her fear

And anger towards him.

Well it was a new thing

Laer it would be the main

Thing that most older men

Have to have 

As well as a few females

Who are unable to naturally

Have babies

Now I cant get pregnant

Due to my tumors

Which have grown so larege.

But I did not do this procedure

Now matter how many little

Bitches there are out there,

It is not Amnesia

The judges have already 

Told you that I am not 

Your mother

AS for the likes of Jessica 

And Becky 

Out of luck you are

You have also been 

Told that my father

Is not yours

Now that he is dead

Just back off

Or it will not be nice

For you!

My mother insists

She did not give birth 

To me while my sister

She smothered

Until Jimmy 

Decapitated her

And then stoled her body

They never did get back

Togerher after that episode

While my mother 

In her dreams

Just lifted me out of her

And laid me to rest

In the sea where I would 

Never survive nor exist

But instead it was an aquarium

I ended up being submerged

The lab technician

Was very angry about

His experiment

having to be aborted

In order to save me

From drowning in 11 inches 

Of water.

She has never acknowledged it

Due to the conviction on the first

Baby but ran home to her mother

Where upon the second one came

To terms with her in front 

Of her family.

A new species of human

Even Jimmy keeps laughing

At me in fish stores

Where he imagines

I came out of the water

Fully formed as a human

The little prince

As his real parents 

Referred to him 

Imagines himself intelligent

Heard the story

But still go it wrong.

No human should have to endure

Such torture as a Jimmy

Who likes to light things on fire

When he is dipleased

And keep after an innocent

He needs to be decapitated.

Himself in order to stop 

His brain from functioning

He will not stop at his 

Realm of disbelief

And hereally does think

Of himself as capable

Of just sitting down

And becoming President

Which is why the Oval office

Was off limits to him

Instead he sits in a dark

Garage at an old desk

Stolen from the trash

When they redecorated

The White House

And removed the furniture

But could never find that one desk....

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