Saturday, September 23, 2023

Autumn Equinox


Angor Wat

The sunrise rises

Over the main temple

On the exact date

Of the Equinox

As do most medieval churches

Align themselves

For the arrival of the equinox

Through their doors

Julius Ceasar

Created the Julian calendar

For the beginning 

Of the year 

To correspond 

To the spring equinox

Later changed for Easter

While the older pagan 

Calendars began with the Fall

Or harvest in the fall

Autumn equinox

Was once more important

With all the fall festivals

And harvest celebrations

It is still assumed 

To be a necessary element

My sister always had 

A nice Spring Equinox

With Easter

While I had to wait 

For the Fall one

Where I was usually 

Away at school

Or brought home

To watch the boys

Fool around with 

Jack O lanterns

They were once adorable


But then Jimmy got wind

It is thought that 

Spring is when Christ died

Hence Easter being so important

But it said he was born

Thirty-three and a half years 

In the Autumn 

Some claim this as Halloween

But also the beginning 

Of he Jewish calendar

Was the Harvest 

With their celebrations 

Of life 

I spent the day

At the beach

Watching the foolish

Getting sunburned

And at a favorite

Place or two

No one came to visits

Not like the old days

When everyone wanted

To see the homestead

By the water

I cant even get there

Myself and I am the heir

It has been stolen

By so many religious people

Who just want to lay nude

On the beach

My father brought me home

For my first birthday

Bought a doll for the 

Mexican Indpendence day

Septermber 17 

The day they took

The French monarch 

Hostage and executed him

For this they claim to own

All of California

And the belongings

Of anyone else

Such as Teresa and her son

Who have been using my mother

And her poor mind

While Jimmy just sits there

Not knowing why it began

But not giving up at all

He will be dead someday

But I still want to know

What happened to everyone

Who were so pleasead

And then allowed 

A bastard to walk all over

Us and our friends and places

There she is at the top

A doll I have not seen

In fifty years

Because Jimmy does not want

Me to have anything at all.

Where oh where 

Are the other ones?

Only Cinco de Mayo

When jimmy runs around

Claiming he his the owner

Of everything he can set 

His eyes upon?

Really a Christmas baby

But he has to have his way

And two birthdays

While I have had to settle

For my sisters 

Jill did come to town

But not to visit me

When would I beleive

Such a thing would occur?

I had a life once 

Upon a time

Before al those ungrateful

Little bitches

From the Kingdom Hall

Arrived at the conclusion

They will not be struck down

By Jehovah

Because he is too old

And dumb or dead

The old man is snoring

Is one of Jimmys favorite

Things to sing.

I don't believe god is dead

Nor is he unaware 

Of what happened 

To the one true religion

Who were the only ones

To notice that times

Had changed

Only to become so corrupt


All they want to know

Is everything that is none of their business

Your weight and age

Your bank account number

And your social security 

While false husbands

Show up in order

To steal your property

Or fake daughters

Who just want to claim

To be the princess

For what reason?

Committing treason

Is automatic execution.

Death to them all.

My family suffered to much

For the sake 

Of a bunch of nudist

Really, I still don't 

Think that Adam and Eve

Were really buck naked

Thier enlightenment

Was something else...

Why else would the serpent

Disguise himself

What did he not want

Them to know?

He stoled their lives

From them 

Just as these ones

Have kept after us

Since the Great war

Three four generations

They even hired Jimmy

To impersonate 

A relative 

He has gotten to big

And no one now knows

How to take care of him

Instead they get ill themselves

Unable to prevent 

His threats becoming real issues

All those years 

My father took care of others

Only to be removed

From his own homes

By the very same ones

Who did not tell their 


Not to want their way

When is it going to end?

When Tara dies a horrible death?

Or Harmony looks in the mirror

One day and finds out 

She has grown old

Being mean to someone

Who is not her mother

Nor is going to give 

Her life over to a spoiled

Rotten little bitch

Such as herself

While the world

Tilts in the opposite

Direction and might

Explode at any moment

They just want to play

At being Barbie and Ken

Thier modern ideals

Of Adam and Eve

Who saw the animals

With fur clothes 

And most likely

Were a bit cold 

Besides it does not say

Exactly what they wore

Fig leaves have been suggested

But where did they get the figs?

Not an apple

But a fig caused 

The whole world 

To become a homeless

Mess of miserable persons

Maybe Jill should stop by

To explain 

Why the government

Cant tell the difference

Between persons

Who have been verified

And those who assume 

Others identities....

Not even allowing someone

To write in their private journal

Just to get information

They can use as extortion

On their betters

For they are inferiors

Who cant allow someone 

To breathe without them knowing about it

Autumn Equinox

Has come and gone

Half a moon was visible

Half of my life

Half of year 

A whole world is waiting and waiting...

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