Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Welcome to my town


San Diego was once

So beautiful that even

The Queen of England

Brought a boat 

To explore its area

Instead, today it is 

Nothing but a large

Garbage dump

People dump things

Outside that they don't want

They even dump people

Here they are attempting

To live on sidewalks

Because there is no place

For them to go 

Beds are full

And tasks persistence

To get into any program

And once one does

It is as if one has checked

Into Hotel California

No way out 

Once inside

Grateful for a roof 

Over my head

And yet

They steal everything

The can, even if it is nailed

Down on the concrete

Here one has to watch

Ones toes

Yes, they are even

Taking those off

How many more 

People are going to be

Diagnosed with diabetes

I don't even eat sugar

Chocolate has become

An issue because of my teeth

The old joke of people

Selling their teeth 

For money because

They are so poor

They don't need them anymore

Since here is no food to teat.

Now the toes are disappearing

Another man who was once

Active and enjoying himself

Now has a wheelchair

And no toes

My toes were broken

In my terrible auto accident

They even showed it on the news

They listed it as a fatal accident

Outside the city limits

Where there is no traffic stop

There is a stop sign

But everyone jumps it

And there are about a dozen churches

On the outside of town

Due to the cost of the property

My toes are hidden from view

But they are trying to get me

Into their program

I know I don't have diabetes

Because I have been through

This before and it is not

A reason for high glucose

I have a kidney transplant

And that would cause me

To have too much glucose

Eating sugar  does not make 

One a diabetic

By the way

Did I mention Jimmy

This week?

I have a surprise for him

He was a going around 

Selling body parts

He was not a grave robber

He dug graves

And put children in them

Such as myself

Only to be shocked

When we found our way out

He found he had not  hit us hard enough

Anyway, he goes to the morgue

For his body parts

Miniature penis for the pillow fairy

So the mother of the young boys

Know that he is serious

If they want a normal son

They do as he says

Well, I think it is time

His tongue is always 

Sticking out at me

From his pants

He says it is golden

Has never had an erection

Nor produced sperm

Hmm, maybe instead

Of attempting to sell a child's 

Kidney to an old lady

We should decide to ten

This battle of him 

Having a body part 

I don't have 

And don't desire to have

His penis could be removed

While he is still living

It does no work

And he could get paid 

For having it donated

To someone else 

Who probably wont

Leave it hanging around

Nor expose it to 

Dangerous elements

There are many men

Who by accident

Or due to war 

Loose their most 

Precious item.

They would probably pay

At least half a million dollars

A kidney goes for a quarter of a million

Therefore this much more 

Precious item will be worth

Much more

Its weight in gold!

He wont mind and 

I am sure a number 

Of his ex girlfriends

Could do without it

He likes to make them

Hook for him

Since they cant make 

Him excited

Imagine a world

Where people such as 

Jimmy offer themselves

Willing to others

What a sacrifice

And for a Christian cause

He can just have a catheter 

Inserted into the spot 

And he can pee into a bag

Attached to his waits

Piece of cake.

In fact we can even

Deal with the homeless 

Situation by offering 

Them a reward of money

In exchange for theirs

After all there are places

Such as Ukraine

Where they are losing

Just about everything

Including their manhood

It would make the 

Red Cross Society

So happy to have offers

And I know with all 

That loot they are getting

They can afford

To pay for their men

Who have had the ultimate

Loos of limb

In fact since 

They are taking all those

Migrants and bussing 

Them to unfriendly environments

Far away from the border

They might want to get in on 

This great deal.

They could go and fight 

For the Ukrainians

Where they will get food

And shelter in exchange

Or sign into the Penis giveaway

Iran offers a huge

Compensation for donations

While some countries

Frown on body parts

Being recycled into others

Asia on the other hand

Sells them on the streets

Like everything else

After all once a man

Has lost the ability to work

He has no further need

Of repopulating the world

After so many die on the streets

OF America from starvation

Or in parts of the world

Where the leaders

Don't see it worthwhile

To offer freedom 

To those who ask for it.

But hey, they can be compensated

From all those willing to part

Witha worthless limb

I am not going to loose 

My ovaries

Got another gynecologist

Still not pregnant

Nor am I going to hear those words


Just because I turned 40

And was size zero

They screamed in my face

And refused to treat me

As a human

Now I have a huge tumor

And lost my thyroid gland

Due to being seen as worthless

Just because I did not have a man

Women were once valued

For their virtue

Not their super skinny silliness

Oh Jimmy

Come here, I have a surprise foe you....

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