Friday, September 1, 2023

How about the little dutch boy?



Have you ever heard the story
Of the Little Dutch Boy?
Not that Jimmy is Dutch

Nor related to Ronald Reagan
Who used to laugh at himself?
Who was supposed to be Irish

For being a descendant
Of the old Amsterdam colony
Now Manhattan,

Jimmy imagines himself.
A lot of things
And then like a little sissy

Wants to be put your in 
A choke hold 
Just because

He does not want 
You to spend your money
Nor make yourself 

Beautiful for others
All his girlfriends 
Got tired of him

And his miserly ways
Then they would steal
And say to him that 

They were making themselves
More attractive for someone else
Such as Suzanne

Who tormented him
So much she has now
Made my life 

A living hell.
The story of the 
Dutch boy

Is that he was walking along
Doing nothing at all
When he noticed

That the levy or damn
Unlike the new Amsterdam
The old Holland 

Had been reclaimed
From the sea
Which has invaded 

A certain area near
France called the lowlands
Hence Holland

Could be said
To mean hollowed out
They built levies

To keep the water out
And fields of tulips
And cows for their cheeses

They had created 
An environment
Out of nothing

But then they forgot
To send the boys to school
Little boy sees a leak 

One of the walls
And sticks his finger in it
He is plugging it from 

Destroying the town
He is a hero
The little Dutch boy

Falls asleep
With his finger stuck
In a crack in the wall

He is told he is silly
When his far more
Intelligent sister comes along

He has been standing 
All day without his supper
For nothing as the wall

Always has runoff
And it is not  the big damn
Outside the city

He could have been playing
All day and had his supper
Now he has to be put to bed

Without any food
And stay there until 
He recovers from the cold

He has caught being outside
What a silly little boy
Mayb if he had learned

His ABC's he would have
Known he was not going 
To save the world.

Well, Jimmy used
To steal from everyone
Ad then hold kids hostage

Calling the FBI
To help him with his mom
Who was too stupid

To know she had to pay
A ransom.
Then they would get 

Fake money for him
To run and hide
While the children

Had got tired
Of his game
And wandered off

Only to be discovered
Not abducted at all
Just hidden away

Jimmy was saving 
the family from starvation
All those fake bills

He kept until he found 
Out he only had monopoly money
Then he got angry

Enough to kill a few of them
Putting plastic bags over their heads
Taping them shut

He enjoyed that 
Until his father sent
Him to mental institutions

And tried to tell
My parents to leave his kid alone.
He killed him as well

His own father 
Now he goes around
Pretending he is saving

The community 
By reporting everything
That I do or someone else

He thought it was her
Did not want harm to some
Or he switch's out the bills

In order for me not to spend it
But it is embarrassing
To be at a bank 

And discover the money
you now possess.
Is in fact fake

When you inspected it
When it came out of the machine
And put it safely in your own wallet

Only to have another 
Midnight visitation
The staff refuse to discuss

And there it is
Once of value
It has no value

Except a pair of handcuffs
I do not want to have a mug shot
Jimmy so take your finger

Out of my wallet
Stop crying wolf
And please give back

The stack of the stuff
You stooled from some 
Movie set 

Where they use fake bills
Look at it carefully.
It says it is movie prop

What am I supposed to tell
The authorities?
They wont believe me

If I tell the m I got it out of an ATM
Nor that I called the bank first
Or even that it is really my driver's license....

                                                                                                                                                                         .                          .                                                                                                    . 

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