Sunday, September 3, 2023

One never knows


One never knows

Whom to trust


They were just

A bunch of college kids

Who were assigned 

To go to a protest

They were studying

To be school teachers

But the current 

Situation required

More government funding

They were good kids

They wanted to make

A good impression

So they got up early

And went to get on the busses

To go to Mexico city

Where they were going

To be part of the new 

Protest type 

Americana image

Standing around with signs

In their hands

Smiling and waving.

Instead the Pope

Came for a visit

And their parents

Were standing around

With signs and pictures

In their hands

They were not smiling

But asking and asking

What happened?

Thier kids never made it

To Mexico city

For a planned protest

That was not going 

To be violent

Just part of the new style

Of people asking

For what they wanted

From government

For over a decade

There was no information

Then there was a wire

Tap on phones 

In Tijuana

"Tell him 

If he does not want

To be Number 44"

What the hell?

Someone knows!

The newest President 

Said he wanted 

To Know

Whom can you trust

If not the government

the police

The military

He wanted answers

They were resistant

And not forthcoming

The Military knew

The while time

They had never 

Even left town

They never got past

The city limits.

Finally the bodies

Were "discovered'

On  a Guadalajara cliff

A bunch of body bags

Actually they were 

Garbage bags with ties

Attempting to identify

Them after all this time

Is the job 

While the truth

Has come out

It was not the army

They were only

Watching the events

But they did nothing

To stop it 

From occurring

Thier instructions

Did not include 


It seems that 

A new gang 

The Guerreros 

Was emerging

Today they are a huge

Thing and everyone

Knows them.

But a decade or more ago

They were not even a gang

Really they were just

A bunch of bullies

Who were wanting

To be Americanos

They were on the south border

Were they could get drugs

And then transport them

To the border 

And Vala 

They could have them

Sold on the streets 

OF Los Angeles

And overnight

They were going 

To be rich


All they had to do

Was make sure 

No one else got in their way.

It seems the original

Planners were cousins

And one of them drowned

In the desert?

Another one died of ?


There was these guys

With wives and girlfriends

Some of them traveled

By bus to the border

Where the housekeepers

Are allowed to go 

Across the border 

And ride the trolleys

To the big hotels

Were another exchange

Is made to the big people

Who move the drugs 

To the bigger city 

Up north 

And then they all 

Get rich.

Of course the trains

Have been under

Repair along the coast

So a lot of this has occurred

In the wrong city

And not all of the guys

On busses want to hand

Over the drugs 

At the border

Since they are not getting

To LA were the money

Instead the local 

Tijuana - San Ysidro

Quick sale

But no big bucks

For over a decade

They kept their mouth shut

But finally a man in a high enough

Position called in quits

The Military coughed

We did not know 

You wanted to know

We have been aware

But it was not causing

Harm to anyone

But those stupid Americans....

This is what happened

The stupid guys

Who had hatched a plan

To get rich quick

Had a network plotted

Before they had merchandise....

The big guys got whacked

They died by accident

Leaving behind 

A group of guys

Too young

Too inexperience. d

To know any better

They panicked!

They heard a group of kids

Were going by bus 

To the city.

That is all!

They had no information

On them 

No one seemed to be drug dealers

They were good kids

Trying to impress 

Thier own parents

By going to school

To be schoolteachers

They were not going

To go the route 

Of becoming gang members

Or drug dealers

They were captured 

Before they got out of town

Some of them were hand.ed

Over by the cops

Did I mention 

The military knew 

It was the local cops

For fifty dollars a month

They were willing

To do whatever it took

They were the ones

Who shot at the kids

They were the ones

Who handed 

Half a dozen of them

Over to the lower ranks

Who had no idea

What to do 

They tortured these six

Who had nothing

To offer in exchange

For the rst of them

They knew nothing

They were innocent

So they killed the rest 

Of the group

They would not talk

It was all about the bus

They were using them to transport

The drugs to the north

All the way from the southern

Border to the northern one

All those human trafficker's

Who bring people across

From central America

To the border

Of Texas 

Had more skill

Than this group

They took a group

Of innocent kids

Just because the got

On a bus 

A school field trip

And neighbors of theirs

All because they panicked

And thought they were 

Trying to get in on their 

Quick rich scheme

Somehow they got away

With it.

The police were the ones


And the military knew

But did not want 

To say anything about it


The families of the good kids

Were never told by the others

What had happened

After all

They wanted to be good

Taught their kids

To go to school

And learn something

And then do something

Meanwhile the cops

Have been encouraged.

To have a side job

While the army

Just makes sure 

No one gets in the way

Until the wrong guy

Asked the right


All for nothing.

Their deaths

Were over nothing.

It amounted to nothing.

I was traveling

At the time

And noticed things

Such as the bus people

Not being normal

All those stops

Along the route

To and from 

Mexico city

Where the military

Pulls over the bus 

Inspects it 

Viewing the Americans

With suspicion

While a few of us

Noticed the others

Something about them...

They have been hanging

Men from overpasses

In Cabo San Lucas

Setting cars on fire

In Tijuana

Killing journalist

All over the place

Dangerous to be reporting

On anything in Mexico

Also dangerous

To go swimming

On the Playas

Half a dozen

Middle age men

Went down in two feet 

Of water.

I have been complaining

And explaning

Everywhere I have been

And then there are those

Surges on the trolley

All those women 

Coming across the border

We used t have property

Inherited before there

Was a border

Got kicked off

My own families property

Cant stop complaining

Had a few accidents

On the trolleys

On the escalators

In the elevators

Wont go anywhere

Near them now

Until someone in government

Explains how these

Women with no prior 


Suddenly have the way

Of getting their way

The los Angelenos

Who took over my places

Leaving me with a concussion

And no wallet or bank accounts

Got robbed big time

Leaving me with no way

Of proving anything

Except the needle marks

The police are uninterested

Wont take my reports

Even set me up

Attempting to claim

I tried to pass a bad check


I was thier legal representative

Way back when

The company had gotten

Away with murder

They make specialized

Parts as a machine works

Company for special things.

The space shuttle

The mini sub

That imploded

If their special pieces

Fail or get too much

Stress without replacement

Well, they have to have

Them replaced

With a new one

But they have to be special  ordered

I sat there in congress

Listening to it all.

And got cold

I knew that no one

Had created the extra part

With murder in thought

I also know how easy

It is to have them swiped

Did someone else come in

And replace the original?

I worked with the father

The owner of the company

But then got cut out 

By the daughter

They would send me a check

Don't count on it!

Then he died and I did not know

A check arrived

And I made the right 

Phone calls

Only to have her revoke

My right to cash it.

Really it was a whole 

Series of events

Those women who traffic

Or smuggle are smug

They want you to know

But don't want 

Your to talk.

I have survived a situation

Where others should 

Have known 

Something was wrong


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Three times loser

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