Tuesday, September 5, 2023

What day is it?


Again and again

What day is it?

My mother would drift off

She would do nothing at all

We would take care of everything

Then it was just me and her.

We both hated it

We could not stand it

Neither one of us was able

To handle the other one

Each in thier own misery.

She had lived through

The Great Depression

And then World war two

Only to have the family

Not return 

As must of the men

Were now dead

As well as a few of the girls

One of her aunts never came back

Uncles buried in national cemetaries

And then there was that baby brother

Who disappeared on her

He was there one moment

Than gone the next,

Only to have an accident

With the little sister

Those roller skates

She used to carry around

Nun dolls in their habits

She hated school

Those women frightened her

She kept one of the dolls 

With her at all times.

To scare away the other kids.

What day is it?

All those birthdays

We did not clelbrate

But had to be aware of 

Or the others would 

Cause something to happen

Every Labor day

We would arrive at the compound

To find it had been used once again

As a public camp grounds

Instead of a private residence

Four generations of women

It was my grandmothers birthday

And the squatters 

Were told to get lost

Her mothers birthday

Was in June

At the beginning of summer

When they would arrive

As she was whisked off

To some foreign spot

To enjoy herself

Not knowing her larder

Was being raided

And her trifles 

In her drawers 

Were being handled

Some of those people

Don't know  to go inside

A private place

And then decide 

They are going to own

The things hidden away.

Time to go home 

Was the right answer

I was always working

Every summer at some park

Yosemite Indian village

The Jamestown historical site

Or the Cabrillo monument

Where I could see as far as the eye

Only to know it was not enough

Life was never going to be the same

She had boys you know

They were there when 

They were little but not allowed

To stay or there was problems

Suzie and Betty

Just wanted us not to have

Them and kept taking away

The men of the family

Both my grandfather and father

Were dismissed through

Divorce that neither woman wanted.

They did not even know us after awhile

And then they stopped coming home.

Do I have a daddy?

Yes of course 

I have no daughters

I cant have children

I did adopt and do other things

In order to provide

My husband with an heir

He was then too busy

To be around

He was not a bad man

Just always too busy

To stop by and visit

Instead some other little bitch

Would show up

Such as Ashley

The Japanese nannies granddaughter

Spoiled rotten and deserves

To find out what life is really like

Why does he not like me?

It is not that, it is that he cant

Come by until those others go away.

He is not their father 

And they only want to hurt him.

I used to find my father

Sleeping in odd places

He was a Korean war hero

He was supposed to be laid

To rest at a national cemetary

But instead was left next door

To the only person 

Who remembered him from high school

In an urn, having been cremated.

She was not happy with me

We had to find him a place.

I sat their mute

I had not had enough time with him.

My son does not get to see his father

Says Olana Zelensky

Whose fault is that?

If he had not staged a play

For him to be a real life hero

Instead of letting those people go

But Pharoah does not want to give in.

So he has been busy

Killing other peoples

Fathers and sons

None of them are going 

To go home

Why does she not send her son

To Disneyland in Florida

Where he can get lost

And not go home to his 

Real family instead of some

Other people who just want

To be paid for raising him

But have nothing for him.

Not even love

Why does she not go 

Over to the Donetsk wives

Just like they did in Ireland

And cry on their shoulders

And not apologizes

For what her husband has caused

Her son wants him at home!

Then tell him to stop waging war

With his neighbors.

I still cant have children

And Ashley is just asking for it

I am now a widow 

Having lost my husband

In the duration it took

For my mother to die

Of her Dementia and cancer

I have no options of going home

There is no place left for me

And Tara and Janet 

Have made it clear

I have no religion either

They may as well shut down

After all, there will be no 

Birthdays in the future

Most of them will not

Be reborn at all.

The rest will just not know

What day it is.

Meanwhile, I have lost

All those I cared about

I cant even go back

To my career

This Lindsay sits there

Making it clear she has usurped

Me in all my hard work

To do something with myself.

Instead of just laying there

As my mother did, 

Waiting and waiting

For it to be the right day

To go home to our homestead.

Is he still alive?

I think it is best for you to go 

To school

And learn something

To keep you busy

Some day he might

Be able to see you

But life has taken 

A strange twist

There is no end of the wrong

Ones coming over to introduce


He is busy running away

From the wrong ones.

Perhaps some day

He might be resurrected

And you can enjoy a meal with him

As an adult!

That is what life is like

Mrs. Zelensky

When the world turns upside down

You should be ashamed

Of yourself

I don't imagine

You will ever apologize

To the ones who lost

Thier men because

You just wanted 

Your husband to play a part

Instead of being a real man

A hero would have stopped

But it is too late 

For many of the women

Such as myself.

Having lost their families

Or their homes

While little Ashlie's 

Imagine they are talking 

With god since my mother

Died fifteen years ago.

I had that conversation

With someone who insisted

She was my mother

In my strange journey

Since my face was 

No longer recognized

As an honest journalist

Instead of a Mark.

I don't know why

You and my father

Are not getting along

I cant find another place

For you

If you don't like 

The rose garden

In which I found you a place

With each other,

 The woman on the phone

Did know I was speaking

Of them both dying 

And being laid together

She suddenly understood

And hung up the phone.

If only Ashley would 

Suddenly get them message

And disappear from my life.

I am afraid I might never get out of here.

My nephew will be sad

To find I almost made it

But in the end 

It was someone 

Suchas Olana 

Who did me in 

Just as Oleen

Drove me crazy

This one has no clue

Who the rest of the world

Are to her and her son.

Maybe she should teach him

About land mines

As Diana did

Then died

Leaving hers sons

With no lives

Except to marry women

Such as Mrs. Zelensky

Who does not care about

The other side is doing

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Three times loser

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