Saturday, September 16, 2023

It something only women get


I went and got it

Something only women get

That disease!

I told myself 

I would not get it

Or at least I would not 

Suffer in the same way

As the others 

Who had also caught it

It is not really contagious

But it comes along anyways

And only women get it

No it is not the moon cycle

I am discussing

But Menopause

Menopause is just for women

Only women get this disease

It affects their minds

You see.

Thier minds!

They become stupid 

Or something

Many call the symptoms

Dementia or Schizophrenia

Really, a disease of the mind

In the minds of everyone else

That is.

You see, 

Women experience

Thier moon cycle

When they are in full bloom

As baby breeders

Then they turn forty


Forty-year-old women

Who thick they are attractive

Who believe they should 

Be waited on in line

Should be allowed to go

Out and buy themselves

A gelato or an expresso

And just sit and enjoy it

Of course 

Most over forty-year-olds

No longer have a significant other

They are no longer

Baby breeders 

They don't get to be attractive

Unless one is special

Such as Kimberly Hunt

Who has always looked

Just like Loretta Swit

And who now has a girl

Named Kelly Reilly 

Looks just like her 

Or at least the way she should

You see I went out to a movie

By myself

Kenneth Branaugh 

Was the youngest guy

To get a directors Oscar

A winner not a nominee

His life was his

He could do anything

He wanted

So his wife and him

Made a movie

That scarred everyone

About some sort

Of other world 

Scarry beyond the grave movie

He made his name 

As King Henry IV

Shakespeare actor

His wife and home 

Made a few more flops

Than they got divorced

He went on to make some 

More bad decisions

While she got to be 

The Princess of London

Everyone hired her 

Just because

She was under forty

And still considered beautiful

Now they hire her 

But dressed up as a hag

While he has gone

Through the Shakespeare

Remakes extraordinaire

To assume Agatha Christies


The Haunting of Venice movie

Was no different

Breathtaking scenes

And great surmises

Halloween Party

In Venice 

It was great

Even though my least favorite

Agath Christie actress 

Was making yet one more

Kelly Rielly 

Is not my idea of an actress

But David Suchet 

Allowed her to act

In more than one of his films

Despite her it was worth it.

However, I met up 

With that disease

Of being seen as not acceptable

There are plenty of women

Who are not yet fifty

Who are overweight

And get respect

Manly because 

They have a man with them.

I am not really over weight

But Menopausal

I have uterine tumors

More than one

And one that is very large

It sticks out at an angle

It makes life unbearable

My quality of life

Has been diminished

Because a woman doctor

Who is herself still

In her childbearing years

Chose to have me go through

Those extra exams

And then schedule

And cancel the promised surgery

Why else does a woman 

Of my age go through

All those exams

And having to sit 

In the same room

With young women 

Who are having a baby

While my burden

Is not a fetus 

But a Fibroid

Because we are stupid

Over the hill

And cant control our own bodies

We allowed ourselves

To have our moon phases

Give us too much umph

And we grew tumors

Instead of fetuses

Of course, to have a fetus

One has to have a relationship

And not with a finger

But there it is 

We developed a disease of them ind

We actually believe

We still have some worth

In the world

Even if it is just to breathe

And take ourselves

Out to a movie 

With a special delight

Stupid me

I have not been to  a film

For a few years

And it was not a good experience

I paid for my ticker online

Ticket boxes 

Of the past

Of which I sat as a young girl

Watching my own family

Go in to the film

I sat behind a little gilded cage

Taking money for tickets

Now there is no exchange

Of money

It is all done online

I had my ticket ready

With the QR code showing

And some man who wanted

His parking validated

Preteneded he could not see me

Standing right there 

And stepped on me

On my injured foot

While I use a cane to walk

No one wants to acknowledge 

I need a walking device

But my spine is curved 

And obvious curved

But as he purposely stepped on my foot

My screen changed 

And then went blank

Somehow my ticket had disappeared

It could not be found again

I tried in vain to bring up the sight

That had sold me the ticket

But in the end 
I suspected  an old email had 

Surfaced to capture my money

My disappearing ticket

Never did resurface

And the girls were 

So pathetic about the woman

Who just was not wanted in their theater

Or place of business

Because I was not child bearing

Nor young or even beautiful

I have not had those operations

As the others have had

And look well not skinny

I also have no metabolism

Something that is usual

It is caused by our thyroid

Suddenly deciding it has had enough

Of dieting and simply stopping

It would help if any of my doctors

Had given me estrogen

A female thing

Unlike testorone 

Which is seen in commercials

With famous sports athletes

.Talking about needing

An extra boost

For their sex life

And their ball swing

Women are often forgotten

They also need theirs

But anyways

I found the ticket on

My bank account

Showing the purchase 

The girl had already told me to go in

Anyways even though 

I had stood their patiently

With my QR code showing

But they had not believed me

And now I wanted them to look

At my phone

Again I got a wave of the hand

Just go in and sit down



Nervous breakdown

All I know 

Is I took all the procautions

Knowing I would turn

That age someday

But the doctors did not allow 

Me to go gently into 

This special area of females

With the proper medicines

And treatments

Now I am being forced

To carry my multiple tumors

As if I have a baby who is refusing

To be delivered 

Oh, come on baby

It is time 

Isn't it 

To come out?

A disease which affects only women

That is a life threatening one

Just like cancer or heart disease

But not treated in the same fashion

We have a disease of the mind

We think

We think or believe

We are still human beings

Instead of specimens

To be taped or photographed

And show to a students learning

About medicine 

Instead of about insurance

No nos as the nurses do

I just thought 

I could take myself out

To a movie and a gelato

Having already bought 

Myself roses out of the discount bucket

I don't hold my own hand though

Just my kitten s

Who at least 

Only sees me as a food source

And puts up with the paw holding....

Are you aware

That Agatha Christie

Also go the disease

Her husband wanted a divorce

After she became a world famous author

After all he was still good looking

And she had a child

And was getting 

Well, fat!

Her real name by the way

Is not Christie

That was his name

Hers was Miller

No wonder she never 

Changed it even after

She did remarry

A man with a scientific mind.

I on the other hand

Am expected to never

Marry or be expecting a baby

Not allowed to have a romance

Nor a baby

Never been pregnant

And wont be getting any time soon

I just wanted an expresso

And a gelato

To remember those times when....

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