Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mr Roberts Or Mr James?


What name did you say?

Which name is he using?

He is supposed to be 

Mr. Robert James Keshan Jr.

Jimmy refuses to be his fathers son

Not that the clown who ran

The longest children's show

On record might not have

Been sweet and innocent

Jimmy is such a scam artist

Swindling everyone he can

And threatening extortion

No one is safe around him.

Not even his own mother

Benta Camille Bullocks

Was her name

He had everyone signing

Camille checks

Just because they all hated me

And I am not even the one

Named Camille!

It was supposed to be

My name but mother

Gave it to the other girl

I was called a lot of things

But there it is

They meant to rob me

On purpose 

Instead his own mother

Died of a massive heart attack.

Now not all dads

Are crooked 

Or even a little bit

Not saintly

Than again.

My own father 

Had issues being 

Raised by his uncle

And heard things

Only to find out

It was all about the 

Manhatten project

His real father could 

Not speak a word about it

But all kinds of things

Were said about him.

Take the Bidens

A nice guy 

Who came out of nowhere

And if his wife had not died

He might not have made it

To the bog time

Then again he might have

One never does know

Anyways he was known

For being a widow

Who raised his two sons

By himself

Until one day 

Jill walked into thier lives.

He still made time

For his boys

And one went off 

To the military

And to battle

While the other one 

To college

One got a wife and daughter

And one got drugs

One died of cancer

While the other one

Suffered the consequences

Of having no friends

People with too much money

Oftne have kids 

With  no friends

But lots of enemies

They get them hooked

On anything and everything

Now this guy cleaned himself up

Then went on to get a wife

And another chance at life

One thing though

He forgot to pay his taxes.

The one thing 

No one must do

Is forget the IRS

They have long memories

And they always get their man

They got Al Capone

On tax evasion

And Sophia Loren

And a few others

As well,

It is just that they are now

Angry at Biden

After giving him the impression

He could do no wrong

Allowed him to jog 

Next to the Barack

They now are tired 

Of his slow dealing

They want him out

So it is the son

They have gone after

Right or wrong

hunter is in trouble

All for the sake of his 

Fathers chair

Who else do they want?

They did not like 

Trump nor Biden

They said they wanted

Hillary but .....

Now Bobbie Jr

Is in the running

This after they shot 

His father

For being his fathers

Best friend

One does not know

Where or when

But the public 

Is very fickle

They will turn 

Thier opnion

On a whim

Or a whisker

Now if we could 

Only get the IRS

Interested in Jimmy

He used to have 

A Swiss bank account

Now he has a Camen Island 

Secret bank account

One no one is supposed 

To know about

Except me whom 

He just has to let in

On his success

At making everyone

Else pay him

To keep him out

Of their lives.

Wonder how much?

One Hundred Million?

It has been awhile

Interest alone could 

Have accrued 

Since he never

Ever uses it

He just lets it sit there

While he poor mouths

Does not want me

To spend money 

Nor have it

While there is always 

Someone else to be put

In their place

By being robbed

I am surprised he has not

Robbed the Kremlin

Nor the Pentagon.

I am not convinced 

He has not gotten

Some account

At sometime

Wonder how much

He owes in back taxes?

Too bad he does not have a daddy

Someone wants to take down

Jimmy is anobody

Who had never done anything

At all with his life

While he has a huge 

Amount of money

Stashed away

For god knows what

Since he is never going

To get away with it

Everyone has been watching him

But no one has put handcuffs

On him

At least not recently

They used to do it all the time

Until he got good

At something

Called extortion

How much does it coat

To buy off an IRS agent?

A free trip to Buckinham palace

Or a career in Hollywood

Somehow a nobody

Has managed to get everyone

To do his dirty work for him.

Oh Mr. Tax agent

I know of someone

I am not going to be accused

Of harboring a fugitive

This ug has a secret

Bank account

Which he has not 

Paid a single cent

Of US dollars on



Not enough of a bad guy

He is even good at 

Being not a good enough

Bad Guy....

Unpaid taxes

And I cant even report him

He has everyone too busy ...

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