Friday, September 8, 2023

Has it really been a year?

It happened when
We least expected it
She had lived so long

We had gotten accustomed
To her always being there
And then it is as if 

She was simply 
Blotted out
Aged out by the young ones

The young ones
Are not accustomed
To be made to wait

They want everything 
Now and not tomorrow
Who snuck in with the pillow?

Really the Queen has died
Was not wanted
At that moment

When she was 25 
It was almost too much
Then she had children
And her husband

Was not accepted
By the populace
Who wants a damn Greek!

After her boys got grown
Maybe she could have retired
But no, only a few did not want

Her to be there blocking
The kids who were 
Not allowed to have a private life

Finally we had gotten
To need her again
It was a Pandemic

Who better to lead us
But the same ones
Who had already been through it all

Ironically, she was last seen
Having tea with a criminal
Paddington bear

He was a refugee
A homeless man 
Living at the train station

Got caught and went to jail
Before he was rescued
By a family 

Who just wanted to be good
Enough to take home 
A stray bear

Instead he barged in on 
The Queen and stooled her biscuits
And drank out of the pot

The tea pot
Never gets lips on it
It is carefully stored

And never ever gets used
One delivers the hot water
To it only to be poured out again.

Really bears cant be trusted
After all the one who does
Not speak English

Was dubbed over
By a celebrity
In Russian

Russia was so popular
As long as Philip
Was alive but no more

His language had to be used
By a bear in a animated story
About a British bear

The bad guy 
Was Zelensky of course
He pops up everywhere

A poor lad from the country
His mother was trained
To be an engineer

In the old Soviet times
When woman were forced
To appear to be scientific

Given a free trip 
To the United Nations
She took advantage of her 

Trip to Capitalist land
To take in a Broadway play
Imagine it was about....

Fiddler on the Roof
What an unlucky day 

For her, 
She was hoping for something else
Went home and married 

A man who was Jewish
Just because
He became a Professor

She must have been good
At her job of misinformation.
Her son went on to law school

Only to want to be a stage actor
For some reason
Always taking center stage

His voice for Paddington 
Was only one step away
From running for President

Just like an American
Playboy who was born poor
He just wanted to run with 

The big guys
And to everyone's surprise
Got elected!

Now whose the bad guy
On the block?
From Soviet poverty

To overnight millionaire
And then he has to ask
For handouts

Imagine having tea
With the Queen
Only to pawn her silverware?

Or be invited to a party
Where at least one Kennedy
Is present?

Only to have their wallet
Go missing!
I bet Bobby had that happen

To him a lot
Watching him bled

Out on the floor 
Of a hotel kitchen...
Another Billion dollars

Was needed by Zelensky
Imagine having a job
Whose main objective

Is to ask for handouts.
Anyways his main thing
Is to ask for money

From other countries
Even the bad ones
He got caught 

Having things in his store house
From Iran
And then Korea 

Was caught showing off
Too much about his powers
A little but suspicious

Blinken went running
With another check
I do hope those things

Don't have to go through
A real teller
Instead of a bank manager

Biden is on his way
To Asia for the new G-20

Minus Putin and Xi
While Jill stays at home.
Wonder what next year

Will bring?
Bless King Charles III
If he could only trip

Miss stiletto heals
On here way to the 
Feeding trow....

Jimmy ?
Is there anyone 
Whom you have not made

To become King 
Or President?
Anyone who does not owe you...



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