Sunday, September 10, 2023

Its that time of year again,


Do you remember 

Where you were

Twenty-two years ago?

I had been brought

Back from San Diego

Where I was supposed

To be working again

Instead I was informed

By my mentally ill mother

That I had to house sit

For the Cardinale's

Who had abducted 

Us children decades ago

And who claimed I gave

Birth to their daughter

When I was five years old

And whose retarded son

Who was not born till

I was over twenty 

Was going to marry me

Then again my mother 

Belonged to a religion

That did not seek

The authorities

They were clearly 

A group of terrorists

And old time gangsters

None of them telling

The truth about anything

Once upon a time

My grandmother 

And her mother

Had joined a group

Of informed bible student

Banned and blamed

For everything

And yet were the only ones

Who were still willing

To use their freedom of speech

To condemn the churches

Who allowed the atrocities

Of the Holocaust 

As well other things

Were now under the gun

With whole congregations

Being run as if they were

Communists or criminals

No one gets away free

I had been complainging

For years about these men

Who kept coming on to my aged mother

It used to be young girls

Who wanted to shame her

She enjoyed their company

Now the men were frightening her

They wanted to discuss religion

And have introductions

It was the types of questions

They asked that concerned me

But then the authorities 

Were busy controlling 

Thier streets from drug addicts

And other types

Leave those nice men alone.

I woke up on the morning of Sept 11

Knowing I was supposed 

To go through the process

Of appearing at the local college

Where I was being forced 

To go back to school

After already completing 

Every level of education

But my mother was special

The Cardinale's had to have us

That weekend they were moving

The Untch's across the country

With stops in New York

And Washington DC.

It is amazing how many

Times people are told

To just go through the motions

With the aged parent

It will be okay in the end.

She was frightened of somthing

Than the news came on the radio

I stopped in the parking lot

I told her I wanted to speak 

To the music teacher

I was allowing myself 

To take Piano

Something everyone 

Thought was wrong

But hey I was over thirty.

She was not in the car

When I got back

And I had to hunt for her

She was watching the news

On a tv in someone's office

Without their permission

I flew home with the car

To make phone calls

My cell phone was refusing

To respond

This was our old house

By the way

Our family got so 

Displaced in the seventies

Over all the different groups

Running around that our homes

Were not sold nor bought

But squatted in by men

Who should have gone to jail.

Instead they were acting 

As if they were gods or something.

Never forget those years

Of the Mansions

And the Zodiac killer

They seemed to breathe

On our heels

And here we were 

With the Santa Crocis

And the Gordons

Watching our every move

Fron inside a house of worship

Who were wanted at one time

By Interpol and the FBI

I found my old boss

Who was sleeping in 

He said and had not even phoned

In to see if he was needed

I told him to open his curtians

And look in the direction

Of the huge black plumes

He hung up 

My other calls were to those

Whom I thought would

Be interested in me

But someone had been

Having midnight raids

On the phone again

In frustration 

I sat on the front steps

Of a house which once 

Commanded the respect

Of the community

Saw an old friend

Or at least neighbor

Made the mistake 

Of going across the street

To where the gas statioin

Now stood

And asked him to turn 

On his radio

He was not happy with me

Nor did he want to comply

The station guy deciced

To throw the switch

And on came the ominous sounds

Of the attack on the World trade center

He collapsed on the ground

He could not handle it

I went back across the street

Feeling terrible

And found my mother

Had a hidden stash

Of her needles

She jabbed me just as I walked in

Followed by the former neighbor

Who caught me as I feel to the ground

I heard her muttering too herself

They did not tell me

What they were planning

Just to get out of town

If she finds out  ...

I just sat there 

Listening to the news

In a drugged state


That is another story

How many people used

To travel without phones

In thier pockets

She shielded all the calls

From me until 

Karen called

Hateful bombmaker

From the old days

Threatening San Francisco

City Hall and others

No Karen

There is nothing wrong

Unless your cat got out

We dont have a cat!

What is wrong with you?

Where are you ?

Someplace on the East Coast

Planning to drive the last

Few miles to NY City

I would not do that.

Find a Motel Six or something

And just squat down for a few days

What are you talking about?

Have not turned on your radio?

No we were driving with 

Fred and Jan 

Who dont listen to music

They just turned off

On thier way to Viriginia

And we were checking in 

Before we go the opposite direction

I would not expect to get through

"Just tell her"!

Tell me what

There is this thing 


New York city 

Has been attacked.

Furiously being yelled at

Get out of my house!

What is going on over there?

She says New York city has been attacked

Greg takes the phone

And starts in on his monolog

How much I hate these people

Who took everything away,

And then showed up 

At our place.

Greg turn on the news

Two planes have flown

Into the World trade center

Just like the King Kong movie

They say there are another two 

Hijackers all of them

And the President has been

Put on Airforce one

And they are not planning to land

Anywhere until this thing

Is under control.

By this time I can hear

The radio 

And sighing

She said it was the right

Time to travel

Shut up and get in the car

Okay girls

We will call you back

When we know

Maybe DC is better

No dont do that!


They also got the Pentagon

It is also on fire!

Oh my god.

Turnpike blue

I remember them well

We would get all the way

To that last stop

On the highway

Only to find 

Grandma or grandpa

Had us going 

In another direction.

We will call you back.

Don't bother

We are not on fire.

We will still be here

Not going anywhere at all.

My mother must have called

Every truck stop 

To find them 

So I could be the one 

To give them the information

When I was not a journalist

I was a house sitter

Nothing else

Although I did walk their dogs

It was a side job

With the security of not having

To go out and scrub floors 

Or something.

I had fielded the call

The day of the San Francisco quake

Brought an end to the World Series

They were in the desert

Gone home the day

Of the Space Shuttle

And called around till

I found the family

Whose Siamese cat

Had gotten out

And refused to return

Till they came home

They waited until their cruise

Was over

Karen called me a few days later

She apologized for her behavior

Nothing compared to her old hippie days

They had attempted to go to NYC

Got turned back miles away

No one was going into the city

Had driven all night


Where they were also told

The roads were closed

Into the place

Then crashed at a Economic inn

They had finally gotten 

The news on and immediately

Checked out again

Traveling all the way

To Florida

Where they were now.

Some people

Don't come from money

But have all the luck 

In keeping from being

There the day the police arrive

They were the only ones

Who spoke to me when 

My mother died

After she had kept 

Me from being on hand

I had made it to ground zero

The next year for the first


Where I had asked for 

A moment of silence

I meant from my mother

Who had attached herself

To my  earpice

And would not allowe

Me to have a conversation

With anyone without

Eavesdropping first

Cooke Roberts

An old friend of my mothers

Thought I was talking to her

And asked everyone 

To shut up

It was one of the last reports

I gave for PBS or ABC

I have encountered things

I did not know 

Were still happening since then.

To have your career stolen 

From you just because

Someone was afraid

I would assume she had 

Been part of the thing.

Her cousin never did 

Make it out 

Dying on the job

While she was locked up

By Jimmy 

Who kept causing 

My family

To be there 

When bad things went down

He knew all of those men

Jimmy used to be a high-jacker

Trained in the desert

With men in Muslim

Clothing with guns

He was not allowed

To have in the US

He knows I know

And keeps after me

From a distance

He hired that other family

The Pittsenbarger's

To harass me 

Everywhere I went

Where I had housing

And job opportunities

But they will not allow

Me to have money

Nor memories

The families

Of those men 

Are still here in San Diego

Jimmy brings them by

To make false claims 

Against me.

I have another needle mark

How does he get the door open?

Probably with a security key.

Another hurricane

Was heading straight up

Baja but did not make land

It brought rain

And thunderstorms

All those years ago

Everyone wanted

To visit my grandparents

Inheritance on the coast

They took down the trees

And stooled the boats

And the horses.

Leaving us with nothing

Not even the furniture

Nor the fixtures.

I am still waiting for someone

To take me down to inspect

The place they all ran

In times of trouble

All those years ago.

I am afraid

The storm blowing past

Is all I am going to get.

Jova they called it

Pronounced hova

Is that short for 


Like Yahweh?

In Latin countries

They often name 

Their kids Jesus

But in French areas

It is Jehovah


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Three times loser

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