Friday, September 29, 2023

Its over!


Its all over!
There will not be a tomorrow
Someone call Jimmy

And tell him 
Not to even bother
Getting up at all.

Come Monday
He will be in complete collapse
They are actually talking about

Canceling his favorite
Captain Kangaroo 

No more Zelensky
Jimmy and his favorite
Stand up comic.

He has put a lot of money
Into this guy
Rising him up to celebrity status

And then into political office
All so he could go after
You know who

Mr. Bad.
The chauffer 
Of Gorbachev

Who kept him alive
And thwarted his attack
On Yeltsin

And the White House
That GQ guy
With the cool name

Evan Jack Palance
Was originally named Vladimir

It was better than 
The other popular name

Alot of those guys running around
But it was this guy
Who kept jimmy 

From walking in 
And stealing the Oval office
From big Bill

Another one of his 
Favorite things
To destroy

Most people 
Don't recall 
The days of the pre cell phone

And Tik Tok days
Jimmy attacked the man
In the bathroom of the 

Library of Congress
While Bill was giving him
A tour of Washington DC

Including the buildings 
On the Hill
And then tea at the White House

Jimmy attempted 
To throw the an over
The barriers

In the huge oval
Of the Library
Stopped by his best driver

The Head of the KGB
Is often listed as the driver
Or the Chef 

As in America
There are so many
Of them that suddenly 

Get dead.
Hmm, anyways
He decided to march

Into the Whtie house 
And relieve himself

Off the second floor
Just as Hillary hung

Her head out
To tell him 
To get out of her house!

Somehow they kept 
Bill from killing him
While Yeltsin went home

Knowing his time was short
He appointed his savoir
As the next head of state

On the eve of the 21st century
Imagine the headache 
Jimmy had that day

Stay in bed
Jimmy for the next week
Don't wake up Monday

And find out that the 
Has shut down

One more time.
Unless they dump
That program of his

The one for Ukraine
And his special battle
They either cut corners

Or they don't pay 
Any of their government workers
Including the military

Wonder what they will do
Cut Zelensky
Jims best friend

Or go to no employees?
At least I got paid
A day early

Paid my rent
On went shopping
Bought some black things

Just in case 
I get an invitation
To Dianes death

Oh that's another thing
Stay in bad jimmy
Your favorite Aunt 

Has died
It is all over
Those days when you ran

Around San Francisco
Because your real mothers
Husband had become Mayor

Of Washington DC
You thought you owned 
San Francisco

The Twinkie curse
We all know who eats

Sitting in a closet
And plotting

The end of the universe
Who shot JR?
Not Jimmy!

Mayor Moscone 
Got shot dead
So. me guy went to prison

And Miss Rosenberg
Was put in place
As the first female mayor

Of San Francisco.
She was a native of the city
Her grandfather was born

In Russia 
Died in Eureka California
She is both Jewish

And Russian
But all Californian
Led us through the eighties 

As a strong female voice
Still was voting
From the floor

On the very day
Of her demise.
Did not give up

As a Senator 
Either lending her support
To everyone 

She felt a connection
She was Jimmys
Favorite aunt

He somehow 
Managed to get her bank account
At some point

Her husbands fought
For her as she grew 

The died one by one
As jimmy demanded
To have his way

What was a woman to do?
She did her best
Which was better than others

Poor McCarthy
I told him he would win 
His chair

But he would have to be
Prepared for the day
He would be faced

With the fright of his career
He is facing a shutdown
And the end of his control

What will he do?
Without the threat
Hanging of Mrs. Feinstein

Anything is possible
Cut the Zelensky program
And emerge a winner

Stay in bed Jimmy
You don't want to know
What is happening out there

Even New York city
Is in a state of emergency
They got rained on 

The storm has caused 
The Subways to stop
And the five boroughs

Of the Big Apple 
To be undated with water
Cant even drive

Stay at home 
They say
Stay in place

Don't get up Jimmy
It is bad out there
No more Diane

For your to use
Behind her back
No more government aid

Did you notice 
You had no money
Coming to you this weekend

It is all over.
Government shutdown
Zelensky not getting 

His latest hand out
The state of California
Governor is going to have 

To appoint someone 
To stand in her place.
Do you remember his aunt

He had an aunt as well
She had two girls
And two boys

Went out to supper
And came home to 
A house on fire

In flames was her home
She lost her two daughers
In an electrical fire

Be careful of that aquarium
Sitting next to your desk
It might tip over

And wreak havoc 
On your computers cords
Gavin, Gavn

He has seen almost 
As much as I have
In deaths of families

At a young age
Now well over six feet
Acknowledging his wife

Was a rape victim
Of your friend
He might not be as easy

To harrass
Whom is he going to appoint?
Not me

Not you
Stay in bed Jimmy
She wont even get

A state funeral
With the government

There is no funds
For her to be laid 
At state 

Her family will have
To pay for her return
To the Bay area

Of which she was raised
For which she fought
For which she is remembered

A private funeral
For her family and her friends
While her public

At home in private
No Tik Tok
No public funeral

For the government 
Has shutdown
And there is no one

To even empty the trash cans
At the Watergate
Nor  anyone to drive 

A garbage truck
Down the city streets
It is over for you

An end at last 
A Jewish woman

Has passed away
I saw my first 
Rabbi nutcracker

I should have bought him
But was taken aback
By the next one

The Queen in blue
With her handbag.
Dead and still providing

Tourist Nik nacs
I got a strange note
This week

A personal message
From her on my email
My phone would not work

And I was informed of
A special inspection
Took up my week

Just wanted to now
Why had I gotten the message?
After all she is not my aunt

I thought of her as a friend
Of the family
But her people

Did not want to play nice
I lost the pre civil war house
In DC 

Only to come home
To the city my father
Was the Mayor

Only to have his life
Stolen from him
By someone named Jimmy

Don't go out
There might be a garbage truck
Or even a bus

That just cant stop
An asteroid fell from the sky
And missed your house

On Del Sol Court.
Goodbye, Au Revoir, 
Do Sivdnayia 


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