Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I know there is a mouse, I know it, I know, if I just sit here long enough...


She sat there in a state

Of complete shock

They said of her,

But really

She had been expecting

The news that came

It is just that she

Had not realized it 

Would hurt her

She had been hired

To seduce him

Her husband was 

At Alcatraz

Where all the big boys

Go when they get caught

Robbing banks

It was the Great depression

And even with her own

Cousin in the White House

There was nothing they could do

How was she to know

He would get involved

She was a nice enough girl

From the reservation

Her family were French Canadian

And Indian but had some money

It is just that they could not get it

What the new era

Did not tell people

Is that there was no money

All that bank robbing

Was causing trouble

Not because they were stealing

Peoples money 

But that there was nothing 

To steal

She knew that from her families

When they used to get together

The Delano's 

Were new Amsterdam

Belgium and Netherlands

De La Noyes

Anyways they had their

Own account in Manhatten

But it was empty

Because the governent

Had not enough to cover

Those accounts

Federal Insurance

Was a fraud

But Franklin was not

He had been kind to her

When she was a kid

What could she do?

Unless one of those

White guys wanted her

She marreid locally

And it was a mistake

Walter seemed intelligent

But he was not

Now he was locked up

And so was she

They had released her

The first time 

And sent her home by bus

Really she had been spoken

But all those girls

Were in on it

No where to go 

And she had no where to run

So when word came

She went to him

As was planned

There was this really big

Robbery planned

Instead of a bank

The train itself

With over amillion dollars

They were all going to be in on it

Frank Netti  was screaming

At everyone involved

He had that new guy

To take care of

Those new laws

Could not apply to his grouup

Or big Al Capone 

Would also go to jail

So she had been hired

It was easy

He caught her eye

And liked her for being hereslf

Working for this new group

The Federal Buruea of Investigations.

Her cousin got her hooked

And now she was in it

She did not know

She would like him

Nor that he would be real

Real! For Gods sake!

Anyways there was nothing

She could do once 

She walked with him

The rest had her pegged

And now they arrested her

For being with him 

A second time 

After he escaped

He only did it for her

He was cautious 

That one and was not going

To be no jail bird

But times were changing

He had to suck up

And go with the others

Or cut loose 

And leave altogether

They talked about

Cuba and Rio

But he seemed sad 

About leaving 

No way to stop him

She told him not to come

He hung up the phone

And she knew

He was dead inside

What would he do?

Go to a damn brothel

And make friendly with the ladies

They had killed all of his friends

The thing is after his death

His strict father survived

After all as if there was a source

Everyone of his 

Got some of the share

She was sure of it

She even traveled with them

Just to see what was what

They finally cut her loose

Sent her home to Wisconsin

Where she found a third husband

But that day 

When they told her 

The Dillinger 

Was dead

Shot outside 

A movie theater

It was as if a knife

Went through her.

And then he came

And told her the rest of it.

John had made a deal

Without anyone knowing

He knew it was over

The bank robbing

But he could not leave

Without her left inside

So, he just walked in

To the situation room

Where it said on the door

Dillinger on the door

They had put his name

On a door for the Feds

Who were working out 

Of a police stationi

So no one would get lost

He was not lost either

While the crew 

Were watching the game

Instead of just listening 

To it on the Radio

And doing thier work

He walked in and had a look around

He got one of the guys name

Off of the board

Made a call on that one

There it was him all dressed

Out as if he was in disguise

Strawberry jelly

No it was that new tomatoe stuff

For hotdogs

Inside his shirt

All he had to do was make

Sure the right guy 

Was behind him

And go down

On the ground.

Now he was gone

And in the clear.

He wanted her out

They told her they 

Could not let her go

Until her two years were up

But then she was free and clear

They had done it for the Bureau

Things were not going well

They could not find the elusive

Bank robbers

And if hey took down a train

Then it would be over

This new guy Edgar

Was not to be messed with

He spent the rest of his career

Stating there was no organized crime

Got the bigger fish

Capone at alcatraz!

On tax evasion.

Nice little job

Done all sweet

All she had to do was sit

It out 

And thank her cousin

Whom she would have done

Anything for anyways

But it had hurt her

To know her would 

Go down for her

In that way.

Just give it all up

And disappear

For the rest of his life

While she who had made

Miss Indian America

Oh yeah 

She was a beauty queen

Was going to do nothing

But sit at home

With some old guy

At least in Chicago

She had been checking

Hats and coats

For the FBI

As their inside guy.

A beautiful life

Awaited him somewhere else

He waited till he had aged 

Just enough

To go see what a reservation

Looked like

He fit right on it

Because he had been living

With hem

The Indians out on the various places

God forsaken places

But he wanted her 

Real bad

So now he was an Indian

An older Indian 

Courting a younger woman

Who had been wronged

Art they called him, now.

Poor Purvis it was his score

But she had to be freed

They had not realized

They had a Delano 

Under arrest

They made the arrangements

Without him knowing

Then told him and he quit

They did not need him anyways

Practising law

Would give him a family

And a life better than hers.

Poor kid was just working

For them and got caught

By the wrong guy

That Fred Netti

Scared a lot of people

He was relaxing 

One day in Florida

After having made sure

They got that bird

In jail.

Al Capone even showed

Up in his neighborhood

Florida !

He was after some radio girl

She had been instramental

In the early days

Knew the Eisenhowers

Had been sent home

When it got dangerous

Had a husband behind the lines

Those days of the war

Now she was retired as well

Wonder if she ever figured

Out the messages 

They handed her 

To read on the radio

Her husband was furious

When he got home

His wife had been used

As a mouse!

What if the cat had caught her!

No way, they never told her.

Fuming the rest of his life

That one.

Now all he has to do

Is figure out what 

His cat is up too

Sits for hours

Starring at a spot

Where there is no mouse

Always something new wth creatures

The cat stopped starring

When the man came out

And finished off the job

They had never intended 

To have all those guys killed

Nor for FBI

To become an actual 

Government police force

It was ruled a suicide

Only the cat knows

Since everyone got too busy

Watching the Televison

And not listening

To the sounds outside,

While inside ...

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Three times loser

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