Saturday, September 2, 2023

Wonders will never cease


There was this guy 
Called Marco
Polo was his fathers name

He spent twenty years
In bondage
To one of those Khans

Genghis Khan
Ruled the whole
Of Mongolia

And kept China
At his knees
While the merchants

Were at his mercy
He even invaded 
Northern Europe

Why so many Germans
Have no idea of whom
Thier ancestors are

he kept asking 
For the Pope
To visit him

He wanted to hear about 

The Bible

He had a keen interest

In all religions

The Polos died 

Never having supplied

His simple request

Until today

When the Current Pope

Has landed in Mongolia

Where he was welcomed

By the leader of the people

Always making new waves

Are merchants

Take tea for instant

One day they discovered

A new drink

Or Spaghetti 

Those rice noodles

Made a big  hit among

The Roman descendants

Now called Italian


What Marco would

Have become if his 

Father had been successful

In the endeavor

Of bringing priests 

To him

Instead he had to have

The bible explained to him

By a boy who did not attend


The Pope has made it his

Endeavor to go where 

No one else has gone

The far flung villages

Of South America

Now Mongolia

Where Catholics

Are not known

Although they did make

It into China

Leaving behind many seeds

Only to be expelled

What is next?

The Moon does not need him

Nor will they listen 

To him 

In places such as Kiev

Where they gave up 

Thier own religion

One that is older

Than Roman Catholicism

No longer Orthodox

They will not be well

Received by god.

To fight to keep

A people hostage

And n bondage

What is that scripture?

About the words of Christ

In the farthest remotest

Parts of the earth

Before the end 

Will come?

Pope Francis

Has made it to the 

Amazon river

And the Mongolian 


Wonders will never cease....

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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...