Wednesday, February 28, 2024

46 BC the year of 15th months or 445 days

Leap year

Thank be to the gods

Or Pope Gregory

Who finalized the Calendar

As we know it today

Instead of the one above

With all those feast days

The Romans enjoyed 

A good feat

With their vomitorium's

The modern anoxeria

Is jealous they actually 

Made rooms just for them

They binge

And they purge

To keep their lifeless

Unattractive bodies

That no one wants

Not even themselves.

Anyways this is the month

And the day

Of all days

And a feast day

Gregory got all the months

Down to a 30-31 

Ratio of happy months

And then February

Came along 

During one of his colds

And he cut it down

To size of only 28 days


But then every four years

Unless it is divisible 

By 100 or 400

Which is why 

Some missed thier birthday

In 2000

The big twenty first century

And they had to wait 

Another four years.

Anyways I was not born

On February 29

Which comes along

Every four to eight years

But Jimmy insists

On not only taking

His penis out of his pants

In an open court room

But also that at six

He became my father

When in fact 

It is my sisters birthday

We keep in memorium.

But according to him

I am only 13 and half years old

Poor thing laying there 

Not having gotten past

Five or just one 

Jimmy wise

How many people

Really belive they only age

Every four years?

Well, Jimmy wont allow me

To have any grown up things

In fact he has throw away 

All of our dolls and toys

He was told not to

And my mother promised me

But then she never kept 

Her word 

Not even to her favorite son

Which was not Jimmy

One should be 14

Come tomorrow

But hey now that I have

Gotten to menopause

I am expected to have what?

No coming out party

I will eunuch the first guy

Who thinks he is going 

To pop my bubble

In jimmies case

I will just chop off his head.

Pop goes your weasel!

Now the tradition

Is that one is to propose

For years people

Would gather together

To see me pop the question

To the same poor fool

Who was just sitting there

Not knowing anything 

About anything at all.

They kept bringing him back

Just so I could then see him

Go off with another girl

Instead of waiting for me

To be old enough

Which is why Jimmy

Always laughs his head

Right off his shoulders

Because it is just so silly

That I am ever going 

To be old enough

And young enough 

At the same time.

Well Jimmy

What is the difference

Between 13 and 14?

For you information

When I was 14 

Going on 16

I might not have been

Under my mothers thumb

Nor my fathers roof

Too bad for that other 

Little one 

But she is not going

To be pleased

If she does wake up

And you have not completely

Decimated the world

My poor old little guy

Is probably not even alive

I would not know

Since it has been since

The 21st century

Since I have been allowed

Well, sleep well tonight

It will not be March

Until the next day

No money in your bank

Til the next day

Perhaps you wont wake up

At all.

If there was still a god

Who can count on his

People and angels

To do what is right

Kill him!

And make it count

This time

Not like all those other ones....

Monday, February 26, 2024

There she goes


A long time ago

There was a friendly


Between the USSR

And the USA

Now it is obvious

That neither side 

Is capable of doing

Anything right

Come on

He just wanted to finish

His coffee

When Jimmy had to come

On hot and bothered

Instead the other guy

Got up and started

One of his comic routines

Not knowing who was listening

It sounded as if he was being

Threatened or something

And as it is 

One guy wont back down

And just apologize

And the other guy 

Is sure he saw enough

To draw a conclusion

Of threats against the state.

There is no where I can go

Without remembering 

How many times Jimmy

Has shown up 

Leaving me bruised

And hardened to his plight

One day he is going to be dead

Because I am tired of having

Epileptic attacks

Anyway there was this interview

Where one man was said

To be about to be released

And the other guy went 

For a walk

Turns out the guys

In the know had forgotten

To mention whom

Was on the agenda

Just like Christ

The populace wanted 

To be released Brutus

The killer instead

One killer in Germany

And two Americans

In Russia

For one rich Russian

Held in dissention

Seems fair enough

One in exchange for four

Too bad 

It annoyed someone

Candace does not understand

What I want in life

I was not to be born

Nor allowed to live 

She keeps me subjugated

And causes all sorts

Of alarms

She really believes 

She is a Queen

Who cant be prevented

From having her way.

What did Navalny 

Do to annoy her?

He was just known

To a former international

Foreign correspondent

A female who traveled

Where the need was

And got interviews

Just not allowed.

This guy was just gusty

Enough to believe 

He was going to be

Allowed to get ahead

Of the rest in line

For most those positions

At the top are few

And only few have a spot

Just like American politics

We scream and yell

And then the guy 

Who is booed at

Gets elected

Not expected.

But he was already

In line.

Few Jimmy Carters 

Come along

Allowed in because

Of his families

Southern roots.

Unlike the UK

Where they encourage

Outsiders to give

The Royal Rump

A shock or two

Russia is different

Poor guy.

Just got in the way

Of some American

Killed a day after

He was given the word

It was going to be him

To be released 

Instead of the American

Twin on vacation


Too bad for him.

Maybe Paul can come home

Maybe he has not gotten

In the way of someone

Outside the circle.

If  there were no Jimmies

In the world

It would be a better place

And as for the Candies 

Well, there would be 

Peace and joy

Something she does not allow

Just because

She will put her thumb down

On someone who has the right

To be there

Just was not in line

But then again.

Little Vladimir

Was born before Candy

Older than her

And did something with his life

He was also on hand

Before Jimmy 

Found out about the baby

Who was going to be listed

As the heir

In order to prevent

The grandparents 

From loosing their savings

And the Parents

To go out and live a life

Working and saving

No one needed to pay

The taxes on this little piece

Of property

Jimmy does not want it

He just does not want

Anyone else to have it

And Candy cant understand

That she will not own it

One of those misunderstandings

A family were already the owners

Then the heirs came to visit

In 1888

They came back as a married couple

Had a family and traveled

Only to find out

That every time they went

To church or the store

Someone from the neighborhood

Insisted they were the owners

Such as Chue who still thinks

I am not going to show up

With a knife to make

Him into a woman

So he will no longer

Have a reason 

For refusing the rightful hier

From her property

I waited all of my life

For my grandparents to die

And my parents

As well as a few others

To finally be left the only one

In line and with a will

Everyone else has been

Screaming and killing

My family in order

To just walk in 

On a tiny piece of dirt

With port access

Way back when

In the day

This place could only be

Accessed by boat

Just like alot of places

Back east where a river

Was the way in and out

Not pack horses 

And certainly not by

Plane nor train

Not that they did not have both

At one time

It is still a long walk

From the road

Faster by water

No longer a pier

Nor a port or

Even a boat

Just dirt and sand 

Is all that is left

Of the nutfarm

They raised not animals

But nuts and fruit

To dry and package

For sale in places

That did not have such things

Because they had 

Cows and pigs.

Anyways I am not saying

That even the Bidens

Are attempting to steal

This piece of three walls

And once half a dozen

Small houses

Not big castles

For themselves

By causing problems

For someone else.

They just dont want 

Putin to be the one selected

From a list of possibles

Which is now down 

To almost nothing

As most of the former

Soviet leaders are gone.

After all 

No one blamed 

Ford for having been

The head of the CIA

Before he strolled into 

The White House

Did they?

Nor did they blame

George Bush sr.

For having the same job

No one would expect them

To know everything

Nor be provided

The up to date information

In a prisoner exchange

Now Candy

I have seen you drag

People such as the Brokaw's

Down the stairs

After you drugged them

And stuff them in a car

To find themselves

On the other side of town

Wondering whom they had offended

Just because you did not want

My family from having friends

Now I know the Bidens

Also came to visit us

On the west coast

Remind me 

What did you do to them?

Give them lice or measles?

Or empty their car tank

Of gasoline?

Or just call the authorities

Telling them these people

Were criminals

Just for being invited

To walk around and sit

On a beach

Now that everything else

Has been removed.

War of the  Roses

What was that about?

I wonder if I should die

Before you do 

What do you think

Is going to happen?

The only heirs

Will be those in a will

With instructions to shoot to kill

Anyone else who is on the little piece

Of land.

I know you have been there 

Stealing everything you can

I even walked into your house

Once and saw the wood floor

I had just installed

Under my feet

And the wood stove

I had brought all the way

Back from Amish country

Sitting there installed in the corner

I wont continue

But anyone who goes to college

In California 

Must now this woman

Whose family were born

In Germany thinks

You are funny.

She has made herself queen.

You see.

Anyways I have made a will

In the past and had it properly

Probated by court

It does not include

Your daughter Lisa

Nor your niece Janet

Nor even your boyfriend

Jimmy or any of his family.

The person has been informed

To just burn the whole thing down

And make it uninheritable 

For anyone since it was stolen

From a sweet ninety year old

Woman who did no one harm

Except her life

She made a will 

Which was published

And probated

If the child should die

Then after her last child

Which was my aunt Ella

Who did not die 

Until 2008

Then it will pass on

To the next person

On the list

Outside the immediate family.

Do you have any idea

Who that would be Candy?

I bet you do and have done

Your best to get even.

I have a suggestion

For the lawmakers of this country

Instead of dropping off

Migrants with no way

Of knowing what to do next

Off at transportation locations

With no food or water

Or flying them in planes

Why don't we send them back

To where they came from 

Spain or Portugal

Are the ones responsible

For causing the massive

Homelessness in Mexico

And Latin America

With their communism

And terrorism

They have encouraged

Instead of good Christians

Even Catholic girls

Are expected on their 

Fourteenth birthday

To give up their vaginas

Thier parents hold a big dance

And then cry when the girl 

Is still at home

On the next birthday.

This is why there are so many

Prostitutes such as Teresa and Olivia

Who make up stories about themselves

If we cant get rid of the trouble making

German krauts

Who now have a safe place

To live and work

Then get rid of those other

Communist Spanish speaking ones

This was a Christian country

Built on capitalism

I must assume

That I am under suspicion myself

And might be taken into custody

Just for being born here

And to a family

Who had already arrived

Ahead of all the others

Best to the one who wants 

The thankless job of being an elected official.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

I'll cry if I want to

Its my birthday
One years old

Mom got me this tie
For my present
Isn't it adorable?

I cry if I want to
After it is my birthday
I was not even allowed

To say high 
To those cutes in the window
At the Cafe cats 

What is the point 
Of showing me what's
On the other side?

To many problems
Too many suggestions
Not enough control

I could have sworn 
I walked into a war zone
There was that strange 

Trolley station
With nothing but homeless
The only customers

Were Jack and myself
I had to wait so long
To get around the corner

Just one stop
And people standing
On the streets 

As if they were rehearsing
Then the situation 
With the past favorite breakfast place

No more favorite
Couldnt even find
Cafe cats

A chabot 
Was there instead
Ah, after walking 

Up and down
It was kitty corner
Moved to a new location

And old apartment
Weird remembering 
Being a toddler

Inside staring out
While I was watching
The cat population inside

Only had a glimpse
Of the Chinese new year
My old neighborhood

And everyone acts as if 
I am a strnager
An unwanted one at that

I could not even eat 
My face froze
I was attempting 

To shove food inside
When I realized
That the nerve damage

Was worse
Frozen muscles
Mini stroke?

Great just another thing
To worry about
My old family home

Is now a dog park.
I wonder if they found
The body buried underneath?

All old homesteads
Have burials of the first
Inhabitants in California

No wonders 
Nothing is going right
All those old memories

Making me cry
At the oddest moments
And then there are those kids

My family had extras
Until Jimmy made us
His home for good.

Even my own siblings
Would whether play
The game of taking me out

Just so someone else
Can show up instead
Why provide them 

With a chance
Unless that is all they had
Growing up is strangers

Being told it was them
Or no mom
My mother was taken hostage

By people way back
Even had this girl 
Kim Harrison

Tall african girl 
With a white mother
Whose photo used to be up

At the Post office
For robbing banks
When she attended Berkley

Kim would not  leave us alone
She even introduced herself
As family!

When one is native american
And european
With no real issues towards

Slavery or racism
It is an odd thing
To have someone like her

Not get to make us uncomfortable.
Then she went off and joined
The Muslim movement

Just when those guys
Were arriving to learn to fly
In my hometown

Her look alike daughter
A by product 
Is called Najma

Wont stop making me angry
Thinking of the 9/11 
All those people 

Her father killed
And sitting there in front of me
No one will listen

Why else was so left behind
When Kim had to move
To Colorado with all the other

Fleeing Californians
Only to come back
With a white guy

It is like watching
Zelensky making fools
Of everyone 

Handing them flowers
And walking down the street 
He has killed all those children

Because he wont allow
A fellow group 
To have their independence

I am afraid even Trudeau
Was one of those today
Two years anniversary

On my sisters birthday
We always celebrate it
For her even though she is dead

Just so it is a reminder
Of a lost child.
Remember, remember

Cry for me
Valencia has gone up
In flames

As has a block in china.
All those people
Out of a home

Because someone 
Wants to smoke in bed.
My face feels weird

Poor rich millionares
The Russians always hide it 
But they are for the most part

Filthy rich
At least the ones we hear about
Not like in the old days

Those poets 
Would write stories
To break our heart

Only to come to America
And die happy rich guys.
That mother is most likely

Not the real one
Old Soviet habits
Steal a child

And raise it yourself
Then your will be blessed
Maybe she not even recall

The day a lost boy
Wondered into view
Wanting to know why

His family were not here
Or there
Wonder if  uncle John

Ever forgave me
For that thing
I don't know about

Turns out there were 
Alot of lost souls
In my childhood

Besides my dead sister
Only five years old
When her life was snuffed out

Her is another child
So, reminiscence
Of those blond Scandinavians

Afraid to say they were
Russians not Germans

Those horrible days
Of being black listed
Now I am being given

That rude shove 
Just because my cat
Is a Russian Blue

Actually, with his gold eyes
He is probably a 
Chanteuse, French!

I wont be getting close 
To Paris this summer
All the reservations

Are already gone
And I still have not gotten rid
Of my tumors

Multiple ones
Protruding as if I was pregnant
And over 55

Poor mother
Who had to be given
The lifeless body of her son

Whether or not it is hers
She raised him
While the wife just wants

What has the world come to
The Palm trees
Have been blown over

By the storms
A hundred years old
Brought to California

For postcard realestate
Come to sunny california
Where there is a pool in every yard

And Palm trees
Really they are not native
Which is why they don't withstand

Everyone is crying for them
While I see another two old houses
Have been torn down 

Up on old Bankers hill
Hundred years old
And part of the history

Of this town but they dont care
Cry for the Palm trees
But not the houses 

Where families
Lived and breathed
Fought and died.

Good for nothing
While my old downtown
Is a ghost town

Except where they put up
Tall hotels
On top of harbor sand

Just like San Francisco
Everyone moved away from
The safe streets

Because of fire
And found themselves
In the dark

When the big earthquake hit
These people wont even make it out
They will probably all die

In those glass structures
Progress and modernization.
I will cry if I want to

My parents suffered 
The consequences of being the wrong race
And their parents the wrong immigrant group

Little brothers and cousins
All gone and not coming back.
The Torsos should look at the headlines.....


Thursday, February 22, 2024

My life now


Post pandemic 
My life now
Is not better 

But much, much worse
No one wants you to enjoy yourself
And they make it a point

To now exactly how much money
You have 
Even though we are told 

Not to spend it all in one place
To conserve it
And make sure we don't end up

With none at all.
But they don't want you
To go to the free things

Free museums Tuesdays
Nor those free screenings
I visit the Japanese gardens

Too frequently
My grandmother was one of the first
Whites to join the Japanese club

And encourage the women
To keep their culture
As well as for the freedom from camps

But she is a dead person
With no bearing on anything at all
I worked at various charities

Not caring what religion 
As long as they were doing good
And not showing prejudice

Until now
When everyone is complaining
Just because I am a survivor.

I survived being born to a crazy woman
I survived a childhood of trauma
From everyone who just did not like

An Indian walking around
Nor sitting or even standing.
Only good Indian is a dead one.

Which reminds me 
I walked into Jimmys fist one night.
Woke up in a body bag

Had a huge round bruise
Right around my heart
A sharp jab to my heart

It seems to have killed
Navalny a big six foot man
While I survived

Was that gods will?
Or just chance that jimmy 
Is incapable in impotent.

All I did was get invited
To a lunch with the Bidens
Who used to live down the street

From my parents in DC
It was only because the saw me
Not knowing the local anchor

Kimberly does not allow it.
I was the anchor at ABC
Until she waltzed into town

I watched my father die a slow death
Just because she did not want me
In my own hometown.

It would surprise her to know
I also went to Stanford
Where my father also attended

His roommate was Ted Koppel
Not anything important
But today a spoiled bitch

Sat there crying on Mr. Bidens
Lap after her father went back
Instead of staying free of prison

And now Mr. Biden has made me
Not cry but get enraged
How dare he use such language

Towards someone who is only the man
Behind the desk
And not the one out in the field.

Jimmy will be happy
I never argue with those two
After all it was his wife 

Who was driving
When my sister died
Since we lived just down the street.

But that is another story.
Son if I have one
I am sorry to tell you

I insist on an apology
Don't put your job in danger
Just accept that your mother

Is not crazy just exhausted
Politics aside those are feuding words
In the old days he would have 

To put up his pistols
That is the reason one of the better
Known politicians never made president

Aaron Burr
On his way into the Presidents manor
Ended up dying in a duel

But he could not allow those words...
Anyways about your siblings
Honey for the last time

You don't have any.
But grandma siad
I told you not to mention her

After all she had brain cancer
I did try to take care of her
But she took my life instead.

All right, all right
I will tell you
She threw them down the toilet

See, you really did not want to know
But you are old enough now
To take care of yourself

And make the right friends
And chose the correct job
I do, you know.....

My mother stoled something
From me that I have never gotten back
She took some pearls from my silk purse.

When I was a young girl
Still getting ready to go off to college
I had kidney failure

Went through dialysis 
And had to have a transplant
While I was out 

She snuck in and had them removed
I was told she only got two of them
But I heard there might be a few more

In the freezer.
Never eat anything from the freezer
You just don't know what is in there

You were a prototype
She wanted to help someone
With their doctorate

One of the first 
To be developed 
Well without my having to have

You know....
My precious ovary 
Was robbed just so 

She could become a grandmother
After all I was expected to die
Before my 18th birthday.

No Jimmy is not your father
Nor my husband
I did sort of have a signed agreement

With someone who was going to make
Me a woman once I was old enough
Those are old days

And stories you don't want to hear
My mother was crazy
She did something without my permission

And you were the result
I never blamed you for being born
Nor wanted it any other way

It is just that I cant have kids
And you don't have any sisters
Nor aunts.

I am not even sure about those
Uncles, as I am suspicious 
Of my mother and her boys...

So don't ask me again
Those frozen things
Went out the freezer

One day and straight
Down the larger fish bowl
I was upset about it at the time

But now I am so far over
Fifty that even old friends
Walk by frowning 

Just because I am annoyed
And want to speak my piece
Before I have an actual confrontation

Don't worry about me
I have no intention 
Of showing up on your doorstep

Not that you did not show up
When i was least expecting it
My mother usually hid you from me

Or made me think 
Well you don't need to hear this now
There has been another death in the family

And I have no one to speak to
Certainly not the President of the United States
Who has gone to far with his own dialogue

It is a shame
I had hopes for him and his family
But then a crying woman

Will bring down the best of them.
Flying all the way from Russia
When her mother in law

Is being shown her sons body
I guess she already has a  new man
Picked out for herself

Don't let it bother you honey
The man in front of you is only going
To loose his job for those words

But hey is old anyways
And you are still younger...
Alabama son has no idea

What my mother and I went through
Already decades ago
I don't blame her for her brain cancer

Just everything else.
Run along and maybe
You will be lucky enough

To get away from Jimmy
And his fist
While you real father 

That is another story 
Be quiet with me as I mourn
A man I once knew named Joe....

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Who is this Zipporah!

Tharbis was not a happy woman.
She had married a Prince of Egypt!
Where the hell was he?

What had he done to be banished?
And who the hell was Zipporah?
What was Midian?

Enough to make a woman cry!
Just imagine being brought
To the Capital of Egypt

Her father was most impressed
She had would bring honor to the family
She was not going back!

Not without at least a prince child of her own.
Being left behind to fend for herself
In a royal court with snakes for friends!

Her family would not be able
To support her in the fashion 
She had become accustomed!

Wonder what it meant to reside in the desert?
And a Priests for a father
Did that make her a priestess?

She could have traveled down the  Red Sea
To find out these questions
But then she would still have another sea

Much better to wait for him.
Then she was going to explain 
To Moses holy hell of an Egyptian Princess

And what her life has become.
Without him, she is lift to mingle 
With the concubines 

Without a husband
She had few choices
One was to remarry

She would have to be certain
Of his death
Those tombs out there on the Nile

Should have her husbands body
Who was this Joseph?
He came from the desert

But they say his father Abraham
Was a very big man
With very much money

His wife Sarah was sought 
By the Pharoah himself.
Then his grandsons came for grain

And they brought gold with them.
The land of Goshen was very green
Fine place for sheep

If one wants to be a sheepdress!
They say originally the land of Ur
Was their homeplace 

Formerly Babylon
The former great empire
That Egypt conquered.

Forty years she has waited
For him to return
Only to find he was coming

With her and her two sons.
More than she could handle
She was found floating face down 

Meanwhile, Moses 
The Prince of Egypt
Had gone to the other side

Of Arabia to find a new life
His journey had taken him through
The Promised land of his forefather

To the very same area 
They were from 
Now called Midian

He went there to know what to do
The idea of getting himself an army
And returning to revisit his rival

His own adopted brother
Considered the son of the Pharoah's sister
Who was herself a coruler

Since the sister was often also the wife
While she sat for him
He would have his own mistress

Hence the marsh baby
Was a welcome gift from the gods.
Now she would be a mother

Instead of just a statue
Sitting there waiting for the officials
To leave and the Pharoah 

Would take his concubines to his chambers
A son was provided for her
And he accepted it 

And then found one of his own
To raise side by side
Two adopted boys

For them to watch over
Who was the true heir?
The Jewish Jospeh

Had saved them all
Second only to the Pharoah himself
He could easily have taken over

His first son was not his
The Priest had given over his daughter
A Priestess life including things

Manasseh was probably the son
Of the Pharoah himself
Hence the reason she was given

To his second in command.
Raised right in front of him
And the natural heir to the throne

Instead she sat there watching
The other boy and wondered 
Who his father was or grandfather

Certainly her brother 
Would have chosen wisely
Perhaps he was going to give them

A test as to whom would rule
Then Tharbis had been given 
To her son and she knew

She would at least get a grandchild
To sit on the throne when she was gone
It all depended now upon who was fertile

The two men had to produce
Sons of their own
What a wise decision 

On her death bed
She was satisfied of her worth
Her death brought about the oppurtunity

Moses was said to have raised his hand
Against her own brother
Said to have buried in the desert

All that buildings
An entire city of tombs
Pyramids is what they are called.

The life of a mother
Who would not know she her reward
Instead Moses was forced to flee

Without his wife 
In order not to be charged 
With attempting to take over the thrown

A sad and weary Pharoah 
Laid down to his gods
While his son took the throne 

By force instead of by design
He had not found the appropriate wife
And panicked in providing evidence

Moses could not return to the land
Until after his rival brother was dead
He was the only one who knew the truth

He had gone back to the land of Ur
To find it gone 
Sunken into the Euphrates

Threw storms and floods
The city was abandoned 
And lost to the wilds

Meanwhile Midean
Was a culture around the area
Also a descendant of Abraham

Midian was provided his own 
Land for which he built 
A nation of wealth

The Priests who called out to the heavens
Were on par with the King or ruler
He was almost more important

His name was Reuel 
Was altered to Jethro
His excellency of prosperity

The people had prospered
Under his duties and the Kings
Now he had many daughters

Worth their weight in gold
They would bring him sons
Who would then become a priestly class

Zipporah was one of his more beautiful
And she could marry the Kings son
Instead she preferred not to be a priestess

But to keep the flocks safe
Just as a Master of the Horses
Was necessary his flocks of sheep

Were very valuable 
For their wool and weaving
As well as for their sacrifice

Much better to have a flock
Then a herd of camels
What would she bring to him?

The son of the Pharaohs daughter
He was a Prince of Egypt
How wonderful 

He had ideas of a rebellion
He would not be a good idea
Better to stay hidden

His brother was determined
To make sure he was not going to rule
Probably a descendant of both Abraham

And the Pharoah himself.
Everyone knew who Joseph 
The Dreamer was to the world

He himself was a diviner
Of the truth of dreams
He was told to keep this one safe

He was going to rid the earth
Of the tyrant now sitting on the throne
Of Egypt

He was happy to marry his daughter
To him and to provide him
With a source of income

His weavings become famous
He would tend to the flocks himself
Then spin the wool

And create great image's
His rugs were good enough
For the Pharoah

But they were sent East
He was not going to have his works
For that man to put his feet uon

His father in law became rich
His wife more beautiful
And two sons were given to him

He had been to China and further
In order to hear their wisdom
Everyone told him he needed to free

His people and after many decades
When his boys were about to reach manhood
He asked his own father in law

If he could approach 
This Jehovah whom he knew little
Instead Jethro told him to go out to the desert

And pray himself to this foreign god
Where his own people would not hear of it
And get angry enough to kill him.

A great ball of fire fell from the sky
During a meteorite passage
Lighting one of the desert bushes

Larger than life
And allowing the whole area 
To be seen from the light

He could even see the other side
Of the Arabian peninsula
On his knees to see if he could 

Approach this god of his own people
An angel saw him 
Getting excited that he had shown

Favor to Jehovah or Yahweh
He called himself
Receiving an answer

He stepped forward from the fire
Speaking in a grand voice
To impress that the message

Was in fact from god above
Whom are you seeking?
Why have you set this on fire?

It came from heaven the fire
Please whom are you?
Well, it all ended good in the end.

Moses was going to go back home
His wife was hasty in her packing
She had many golden items

Whom he father and husband
Had provided her for her to be presented
As the daughter of the Priest Jethro

And the wife of Prince Moses of Egypt
Now she was trying to get them
To do her another honor

While they were journeying
She crept out from their tent
In order to call out herself

To Jehovah her husbands god.
She wanted to exchange her diadem
In exchange for her sons to become 

Princes on earth
She found herself in a windstorm
Whereupon she almost lost her life

She was told her sons would have to be circumcised
Before their journey was to continue
Anger and frustration

She had to care for her sons
As her father should have done for her
They were not happy sons

Adolescence was not a good time
To be told they might not be able
To have children if she made a mistake

Now they could not marry anyone 
Of her people
They would be rejected

It was done!
She began to explain to them
What life in Egypt was going to be like

She did not know of Tharbis
Moses began to get worried
He did not care whom they married

But he was not sure they would survive
Her wrath!
He had assumed she would remarry

Or go back to her people
What if she had not?
She would kill his sons!

He could not have this.
He walked into the night
And prayed for help

He was told if he wanted
Them to not be killed
To not take them with him.

With a heavy heart
They reached the sea of which
He would have to part ways

With his wife
He had secured a boat
For himself to transverse 

Across towards Ethiopia
Where he could find out
If his first wife was still alive.

He told Zipporah 
She would have to stay behind
Until he found out what his quest

Would bring to them.
Enraged for what she had sacrificed
She refused him for once in her life.

As it was the boys needed to heal
Her father was sent for in order 
For her to remain safe while he traveled.

His father in law was a wise man.
He told him simply
To make sure the woman 

Whom he was afraid was dead
Before sending for his daughter
Moses thanked him for understanding

They would stay in the area of sea
Until they heard of his safety
He also sent with him a guard

Stupid of him not to have guessed
That the Prince would already have a wife
But he had remained without sending for her.

They would see what was to happen.
The news was terrible
That came back from Egypt

There was no sign of Tharbis
But the Pharoah was a foul individual
Plagues were sent from Jethro

And others in order to help
Jehovah had found friends
Breaking the Pharoah's hand 

Would bring them the peace they sought
As it was his son in law
Had learned more than astronomy

His sister Mirian frightened
Zipporah who begged her father
To send her to her husband.

She had determined there would be
An eclipse from her own studies of the heavens
She was a naturalist

Sending word to Moses
He found out about Aaron
His brother who was being trained

To become a priest after himself.
Moses had been struck 
With paralysis after he had heard

Of his former wife's death.
His siblings had encouraged him
That he had been not rejected

Now he extended his arms outwards
The parting of the red sea had occured
His people were free

As well as a great crowd
Of whom had not been able to leave
There were going to be forgiveness

On the part of those on the far side
With the information they would have to fight
For thier promised inheritance

Jethro brought his family to him
Wondering what to do for him
They needed to get home soon.

Instead Moses was overwhelmed
By what he realized his life would have been
He was glad of his choice

But he was immediately informed
Of the envy of sister Miriam
She had assumed she would be the great lady

Zipporah was very good 
At her own divination
For which Mirian was an expert

Judges to hear cases 
Were set up for Moses
The priesthood was established

With his brothers Aaron and his sons
Gershom was so handsome
He had caught the eye of a visiting Princess

He wanted nothing to do with this desert
His grandfather was sad
He had gained much wealth

From his son in law
Moses was welcome to his continued support
But his family were not happy

Another line of Abrahams
This would make them equal
To a king 

They could not have this
The boys had to go
Or promise not to become their kings

Zipporah thought long and hard
She had found out about Tharbis
Meet Miriam

The decision was made after the nation
Failed to support Moses
They were going to spend 

A good deal of time
Wandering the desert without question
Zipporah was to return to Midian 

And wait for the end of this journey
Out of the sight of Miriam
Her sons went with her to marry

Asian women not African
Her death came before Moses
Jethro was a  very old man

Some say he had lived 
From Babylon and could have been
A descendant of Adam himself.

He mounted a burial for his daughter
A queen had died waiting for her husbands return
Her sons would go on to the Silk route

Thier inheritance was of wealth
Never seeing their father again.
Moses and Aaron

Were not able to keep
Miriam who had secretly learned 
The black arts through her husband

Moses was completely dependent upon
His new god of Jehovah
His death was required to cover

Over his lack of keeping his own
Sister from bringing ruin upon the people
Aaron handed over his priestly duties

To his own sons
One of whom was the younger son
Of Moses who had decided to become adopted

By his uncle in order to be with his father
His brother Gershom
Became a great man is Asia

The end of Zipporah
Who reigned as a Queen
Without a throne

But was able to bring about
The freedom of those in Egpt
Through her own husband

While her son was a king
History does not speak of them
One a worshipper of Jehovah

And the other a protector
On the east side of the Jordan
Job was probably one of his.

Queen Zipporah
Outwitted Tharbis and Miriam
Her beauty seen still in the woman of the deserts.


Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...