Friday, March 1, 2024

And on it goes


And it is on again

The horse race

For the oval office

When and where

They will show up

Is just a matter

Of no ones business

The Bidens have been

Ever increasingly careful

Unlike the Obamas

Who went and got his

Ass on the cover

Of every West coast magazine

But they did not tell them

They kept if off the East coast

So they would not have to emotionally

Handle the situation

It was business as usual

How satisfying

To humiliate someone

But not allow them 

To sue you for it.

Anyways Lavaughns

Old hunting grounds

Is just a stone throw away

Meadowlark and starling

Are the crossroads

Or road signs

Of a juvenile detention

Facility here in San Diego

She spent her formulative

Years learning from her mistakes

Before being allowed 

To step on to 

Good Moring America

Without the very person

She attempted to murder

Being allowed to sit in front of her

In fact she and her husband

Ran away when she did show up

In Washington DC

One of the places 

She was known for living.

They even erased 

My work history

Just so I could not even

Question her about her time

Meanwhile they keep showing

The white man every time

He misteps in front of a camera

And the Trumps

Who should have found

A better hiding place

Then Florida

Were willing to show

Thier faces

As well in Texas

The only less guarded

Border in the world

There are actually people

With guns who cross over

People who are willing to shot them

Are also on the other side.

Meanwhile I am being

Illegally detained in this hell

With the very same ones

Who were already convicted

Of attempting to kill me

And stalk and harrass

My family members

There is no reason for this

And now I am being punched

In the stomach

By emergency room residents

And screamed at like 

Little sissy girls

By the attending doctor

About the perception

Of what it means to be

Homeless when in fact

I am a victim

Of house raiding

Everywhere I have resided

I have been forced out

By Mexicans such as

Teresa Rios

Juan Barron

Janet Clark

And Betty Adelman's

Niece Kelly

Kept from having a place

Publicly mocked 

By so called staff 

Who in fact the same ones

Who were told I am not 

Thier mother

But don't understand

As they themselves

Give me insulin

By body cant handle

Want to know why

Thier cash cow

Has dried up

All because it is just a dream

Like in Shakespeare

Or Dallas

Who shot JR?

I did!


When Mr. Zelensky sleeps

At night

He dreams that he is in 

The big house

In Moscow

And the Kremlin

Is his office

Instead of stupid 


And when Mrs. Zelensky

Sleeps at night

She also dreams

Of being in the big house

In Moscow

With Mr. Putin 

In her arms and thighs.

While Mr. Putin

Dreams of a world

Without bitches

And bastards

Made a good showing

In his State of the Union

On Leap year

He was not proposing

To anyone 

But his nation

For which he has worked

Since he was a young man.

While Mr. Bidens

State of the Union

Is not until after

Next Tuesdays primary

When he sleeps 

At night 

Mrs. Biden

He dreams of being

In the White House

And sitting in the Oval Office

When he wakes up

There he is with one eye

On Kamala

Who does not dream at all

She knows exactly

Where she is

Way out front!

Sweet dreams


Mine is to wake up

Without Jimmy or Candy

In the world!

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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...