Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Little Pussy feet


We are a marching,

We are marching,


Little tiny pussy feet

Are coming to you


Yup, even you get

A protest march

Of farm tractors

They have been heading

Your way for awhile

At a slow steady pace

They are coming

And they will be arriving

Any day now.

Be prepared for them.

They mean business

They brought their work

Implements with them.

Not calculators

Nor wrenches

But the very things

They work with in the field

They mean business

And want you to understand

They are tired of the pay wages.

They want a change

And they intend 

To block your traffic

Including your bicyclists

Beware they are not 

Fluffy little kittens.

What say you


Not even one thing

Have you not had 

Thrown at you

Once you committed

To allowing the Olympics

In your fine city.

Protests, fires, bedbugs....

Anyways you say 

You now want to limit

The crowd numbers.

I once lived there 

In Paris

We had an entire 

Apartment building

Which was reduced 

To one single room

With no room 

To lay down

Because someone 

Named Brent W

Had to have his way

He went around 

Altering all of the places

Of my mother 

In order to satisfy himself

All the time 

Holding a woman

Whom he called his wife

Named Dawn

But I am not married to him

And now that he has divorced

This woman I had nothing left

Between Brent and Juan

I have had a hell of a time.

I bet I don't even have 

A boat left in Paris

Nor a registered bicycle!

Here even the old metal red barn

Was first taken from me

And then set on fire.

Jimmy says he is married

To Teresa

Who only has a "religious"

Incident recorded 

In Reno and not 

At the civil registry

But a drive through chapel

Then Jimmy says he wanted

To adopt her boys

John and Alex

Instead they were going

To be drafted

And Jimmy is anti military

He could not adopt them

But when Teresa got caught

Without her green card

They went through the process

Of her sons were so young

And had never been allowed

All those things American

They needed a chance to stay

Instead they have been running

Around using my name 

And claiming me as their mother

Destroying all the things 

My father and I 

Did for San Diego

As elected government officials

Our thanks was to be treated

As if we are illegals.

Three strikes law

Jimmy still applies

All you need is one more

Conviction to go away

For life.

You have a stolen

Drivers license

My fathers actually

A stolen birth certificate

My mothers had a still born

In 1960

Convicted of an abortion 

As the time required

But not sent to prison

Had a funeral for him

Which was in the newspaper.

And a false marriage license

Not even registered 

At the civil authorities

And I know you were

Deported a number of times

As an illegal born

In Germany 

Prior to my fathers

Untimely death.

The first time I met you

You tried to kill me

And the next time

And the next time.

As for the last time

I still have a concussion

From your banging my head.

I recall being trapped under

The glass elevator

At Fashion Valley

And being in a black bag

At Golden hall.

You even had 

Juan push me into 

A trolley

As its ramp deployed

Trapping me feet 

I understand you are 

After my feet now

I almost lost them that day

And now that you 

Are having your multiple wives

Who work at various 

Medical places

Claim I have diabetes

You are having them

Threaten me about them.

I cant feel them 

Because of the auto accident

But you want them cut off.

I see the many different

People around me

Who have had their limbs


Including their feet.

That kind of cruelty

Just to annoy me

Just to let me know

Taking other peoples


Comely are the feet

Of the messengers.

You always wanted

To be the one

To give people the word

No matter what it was

It had to come from you.

But even righteous 

King David 

Killed the wrong messengers

Who arrived before 

His assigned ones.

Little pussy feet

Are coming to you


But they are not mine

They will arrive

Without a sound

But be carrying 

An implement of their job

Guns not in their holsters

The authorities have become aware

Of you and your family.

There is no way to hide

On Del Sol court

They are coming to you

Police on pussy feet

Quietly arriving

Just because 

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