Sunday, June 16, 2024

Gloomy fairy tale story


He waited for them

To come for him

After his car

Had become 


They had clapped

Thier hands

And stomped

Thier feet

The day the verdict

Came in 


A woman had

Been murdered

In the community

And the cruel

Villian was going

To pay for his crime...

Twenty years later

The word had come down

It was his execution day

What did he want

For his last meal?

They were getting

Everything ready

Had not had one

Of these in a long time

What the hell

Are they asking him

About his last meal

He isnt going to 

Remember it after

He is gone

Why does he have 

To eat anything at all?

You decide!

The kitchen cook

Looked at all of 

Those lobsters

Already donated

For a good cause

They were going

To have a swell

Feast once this 

Was done

Him and the boys

Now what to cook 

For that young man

Who had committed

No crime but was

About to be seen

As providing evidence

Of the community

Doing the right thing

Everyone in the town

Knew he wasn't the one

Who had done the killing

But if they had told

On that night

What they had seen.....

Steak and eggs!

He wants his prime steak

And fresh eggs

Not powdered!

Oh hell, had to go

To the store 

And get those things

Who was going

To be open this time

Of night?

He was now 

The warden of the prison

He had imagined himself

The governor of the state

Maybe there was still time

For that after this was done

He was the adopted son

Of a well-known attorney

And his adoption 

Was not a matter 

Of public record

His mother had been

A nice girl who had

Been led to believe....

She was forced to give

Up the baby at birth

There were many in town

Who had noticed his 

Similarity of features

And then that other 

Pretty thing had come along

The mother had skipped town

Once it was revealed to her

That she was not one

Of them

Although from good stock

Herself she was still

Not one of the new ones

Who had shown up

After that great civil war

To lay claim to a dead mans

Inheritance while his widow

Went off to the mad house

So clever had been that 

Group of veterans

Picking the pockets 

Of the fallen men

To discover they were

From the same town

All they had to do

Was arrive together

And lay claim to a life

They were not going 

To have if they went back

All those years later

The little librarian

Had found the evidence

That would put the town

Leaders already in their graves

Back to where they had come

She had to die

After working so hard

To get through college

And then be assigned

To the same town

Her mother had fled

One of the last of

The real inhabitants

She had only meant

To inform her school

Friends about the situation

But they were now

Married to promising


They ratted her out

And there she was 

Related to half of the town

But he had got to her first

Realizing from the papers

In the safe of his mothers

True identity

What was this bit of fluff?

Just a half sibling

Unwanted to him

Not knowing that she

Was driving towards enemies

And not friends

He swerved in front of her

Along the highway

The same place he was 

Now up to his neck

In deep waters

He had to go to that store

The only one in town

That would even sale him

The necessary ingredients

For a mans last supper

They had known of course

Who he was to them

The first time his picture

Was in the papers

The little librarian

Was popular on her own

But then doing all that 

Research was not going

To do her any better

Than her mother 

Whom she happened 

To look just like

They had thought 

That one dead

But no she had reproduced

A look alike child

And the town was going

To take care of her

And then he had gotten

Wind of the information

Kept from him about

His own identity

The dented bumper

Was taken across

State lines to be repaired

But it was still known

As he had sat there

Condemning another cousin

For his crime

Some men take to drink

When thier life is stolen

And some men are born

Rich to a poor town

He was neither a drunk

Nor a coward

He had spoken the truth

To the first ones 

Who had come to arrest him

And they had not forgotten 

His statements

They just could not prove

A thing in hid defense

He was picked up

Even though he was 

A returning veterean

Who often collapsed 

From exhaustion

A bad heart condition

Is all that was the matter

Having shelter and a bed

Had probably extended 

His life these last

Twenty years......

They never did come

For the promising young

Attorney who had convicted

An innocent man

The steak on the seat

Was stolen as were 

The eggs now seeping 

Into the dirty waters

He had not the courage

To actually pay for the items

But swiped them from

The back of the place

In the morning

They strapped the hungry man

Into the chair

He was dead before

They hit the switch

His heart had given out

He would have choked

On the steak anyways

What he wanted

Was to hold his hands

Out to his family 

Once more but his wife

Had long ago

Given up on him

They sat there stunned

They were not going

To get to use their chair!

He was already dead!

Through the switch anyways!

The stay order came in

A bit too late

The man from the governors

Office had stopped

At a creek to make

A gesture

Towards a victim 

Of a hit and run

But the man was

Dead when they pulled

The car out of the water

The steak sliding 

Into the mouths of the dogs

Who had come to inspect

The goings on

Too bad for him

He was being promised

A chair in the governor's office

Not the governorship itself

This news will upset

The governor when he hears

About this other matter

Here are the stay orders

No execution today!

But they had already

Got a dead man

On their hands

And the Warden was dead

What to do about 

Those lobsters in the freezer?

They were his idea

Not to allow this guy

Even one taste....

What to do with the guy

Who turns out to be

A war hero

And was giving a 

Speach at the local hall

After all

How had the DA 

Missed that information?

What a thing to happen

Turns out the guy

Was innocent and died

Out of fright 

While the man

Who had convicted him

Had died in the same

Waters as the original victim

He must have swerved

To miss a dog or something

He had seen her standing

There on the road

His own mother

Whom he had meet

Which is why he recognized

His sister as the librarian

Just standing there

He had swerved automatically

Into the creek

Before he could tell him

Not to respond

To her image 

There floating in the mist

She had not died

His mother but waited

Until she could do 

Nothing else 

But stand there

Waiting and watching

For her own son to pay the cost....

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