Saturday, June 15, 2024

And the sun cometh...

After a long period

Of darkness

The sun cometh

Out of the gloom

The new generation

Have arrived

And they are not

The couple standing

Upon their own balcony

This couple were

The generation

That the WWII

Was fought for

For the survival

Of the Western world

For Democracy

Should reign supreme

That those who foolishly

Followed Hitler 

And the Fascist 

Black Shirts

Who wanted a pure

Perfect bred of humans

The Aryan race

Not to recall

That the Aryans

Had disappeared

A millennium earlier

These two exemplified

The new people

Who were going to rule

The world in peace

And prosperity

Instead they had nothing

But problems

They were not even

Allowed to get married

Until after the times


Now they are old

And new at their job


The witch is standing

There so frustrated

And not even a pure race

She is an adopted child

Forgotten at Heathrow

And taken home by 

An airline stewardess

It is believed that 

It was discovered

That her true nature

Is Jewish 

That hateful ethnicity

That the Nazis

Attempted to bred out

By extermination

But modern times

Anyways there she is

With no breeding 

Nor background

Who are the

Middletons or 

The Goldsmiths


Poor thing

Is starving herself

To remain virgin like

Incredible to make

Oneself look like 

A young male

You know

Young Greek god

Such as Alexander?

Just to appear 

Not to notice

That the King

Has earned his crown

And he was born to it

But she just has to have

Cancer the same time

As the King

Too bad, too bad

I am so young

Actually she is forty

About the age

Charles was forced

To marry in order

To have children

What does she  think

She is doing up there?

Is she really sick?

Or is she going to make

A miraculous recovery?

By the way

Most people in 


Loose their hair

Which yours seems 

To be just fine

But you are beginning 

To go grey....

Why dont you check

On your people

The Welsh

Princess of Wales

And see if you

Can do a nose count

Of all of them

Even the ones

Who no  longer reside

In the British isles....

I bet she has even

Shaken hands 

With that man


Who is killing off

His own people

As part of his 

Soviet parents designs

Get rid of all 

The trash ...


If William should die

He will probably

Be willing to become

Her lover...

Did you notice

That this little 

War over a territory

Which was once Welsh

James Hughes

Took fifty thousand

People from Wales

And built up an entire

Nation which was later

Renamed after Stalin

Dont worry 

Just smile

And wave 

They are for the most

Part already dead...


There is a coven

Being arranged

In the old west indies

The Canadiens 

Have arrived to support

Thier neighbors

Against the tired old man

The Russians have an agreement

To be able to lodge

Without bloodshed

At Cuba

But Democracy

Feels threatened

Where would Europe

Be today if not

For Russia?

I bet she even

Secretly suggests

She is a Romanov....

As for that other thing

She has not stopped

Causing trouble

And she is not my 


No matter what 

Miss Markle says

She is not mine

Nor is she a native 

American princess

Nor our her children

Welcomed in my life

Sorry Harry

Really I am sorry

Did you know 

My mother was 

Originally named


Thats right

Her grandmother

Was named Harriet

And somehow

The original paperwork

Got her gender wrong

It was changed

To Carole instead

But she did name

My dog Harry

After herself

Just to get even

He is the one by 

The way who won

The Westminster

Dog show

Best of show

I was just 10 or 12

Got accidently left 

Behind by my family

But remembered learning

How to train a dog

For the military 

Went from show to show

Looking for my family

Who were always lost

Got my picture in the paper

And they found me!

The person handing 

Me the ribbon 

By the way

Was the Honorable

Diana Spencer

Such a long time ago

And no one knew

Who she was either

She made it sadly

Through her life

Working every day

In order to prove

Herself only to be

Taken down

Life is unfair

A little sunshine

Is needed though

In order to make

Another day 

I apologize

To those who

Find me offensive

After all I just don't

Know any better

I am Indian!

My mother had 


For several decades

I kept paying for her


Only to find 

Someone else just 

Needed to lay there

Instead of her

Having chemotherapy

Not that it might

Not have helped

Hers was in her brain

I knew something

Was wrong with her

When I was young

I remember the Mayo

Clinic that told

Her grandparents

That half of her life

Was over already

She was only thirty

And I was still 

A toddler

It was unfair

If I had not been 


She could have had

A Princess life

It is too bad

My real father 

Had to suffer

The consequences

Of his wife not getting

Her treatment

His life was over

By the time 

He was forty

Dead before sixty

And not given

His way at any time

I am not forgiving

To those who had

The opportunity

And chose not to 

Provide the necessary


I have no daughters

If I find one of those

Celebrity girls

Claiming me as theirs

I will have them

Convicted of treason

And watch them 


My parents lost

Thier lives 

Just for this 

New generation

To sit on top 

Of someone

Else with the

Thing they shit out of

One sits on chairs

Not on humans

Best to Charles

For what is left

Of his life

And Democracy

For I believe 

It is dead


Look at Paris

They are getting ready

For a hundred year anniversary

Of the Olympics

And they are spilling

Blood again

The Myth

Of the Sun King

Louis the 16th

Is that he was

The only survivor

Of his parents 

Attempts to have 

A child

All the others 


He was the only one

And his kingship

Was seen as the blessing

Of god himself

His grandson the 


Was executed by guillotine

By the very people

Who benefitted from his 

Families authority

They are still reveling

In the streets

And setting things on fire

Where is the gratefulness

For having a reasonable

Ruler who is not

Attempting to steal

Thier ancestors

For himself!


The sun has come out


After the gloom 

Of the Pandemic

Return to normal

Everyone gets to run

Around again

Causing mayhem

Wrecking others plans

For a life without

Being enslaved 

To an individual

Such as Jimmy

Who says he is the one

Who gets to decide

Who will be the ruler

Or is elected

So perhaps

She should introduce

Herself to him

Instead of me 

Or mine

My name by the way

Harry is not mentionable

In polite society

My mother decided

To get even with her 

First born

The heiress

Who has been robbed

By everyone

Including my identicial

Sister who got my face

And the  name intended

For me

I was awarded it after

She died 

Because the Judge

Could not pronounce mine

I pronounce it 


The aurora borealis

Comes before the 

First early rays of


Out of darkness

Into light...

My mother spelled it


Do you know

What that means?

She was an atheist

My mother

It was my real father

Who believed in god

He just could not find him

With all of the tricksters

Running around after 

The war 

To wreck the idea

Of Democracy...

Let there be light!

Oh that is from the Bible

Got to find another credible source....


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Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...