Monday, June 3, 2024

Oh Claudio, Claudia


New President
Of the United States of Mexico
Former Mayor of Mexico city

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo
Is a woman
A Jewish woman

Born in Mexico
Her fathers family
Are Lithuanian

More Russians!
Jewish Russians
Have found thier way 

Into politics.
Her mother is a 
Noble Prize winner

The daughter of 
The Stepmother of one son

A divorce 
And twice married woman
Does Mexico know

What it is doing?
Hate to tell you 
Joe but your 

Catholic neighbors
Are lining the streets
In Little Italy

To vote for their first
You might have to step

Aside for yours 
And they have decided
It is okay to be non Catholic

Your neighbors
To the south
Are no longer your religion

What about the ones
To the north?
Trudeau was once 

A married man
And now a divorced one
Seems as if you might

Be out of style
Out of date
Old fashioned

Don't need you anymore
It happens to a lot of us
Not needed anymore

No longer in fashion
Go just go!
And don't pop up

Anywhere at all
Disappear into the mist
How the hell are we supposed

To do that!
Imagine a woman
Being told to go to school

Get an education
And a career
Don't worry about 

Children nor marriage
My generation
Is over and gone

These young girls
Have marriages 
And children

Without even getting 
Corrected by it
A different generation

And I am not sure
It is a better generation
Too many 

Prima Donnas 
And little Queens
Sitting there enjoying

Other peoples misery
By the way 
I have been exercising 

My brain
Attempting to remember
My first languages

My family lived in
France and Italy
When I was little

And my father had a job
It is sad to say that
He was a good man

And he worked hard
And yet had it all 
Taken away from  him

And now I have also
Had it all taken it away
And the children

Are not even attempting
To show anything
But insolence

Completely unaware 
Of their own demise
Which will come soon

By the way
Do you want me
To add Spanish 

Or Russian
To my language skill builder?
I offer you my diplomatic skills

I actually did get trained
For that as well as journalism
All those communication degrees....

For your information
I do recall this young woman
I might have meet her 

In the past 
Not Jimmy 
Nor any of his unqualified girls

But then you know that
I do hope you son
Will get through this trail

He should not have
Listened to Jimmy...
Enchantee or Hola?

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