Friday, June 21, 2024

Its hot out there!

Its hot out there!

Water and air



Every Muslim

Needs to experience

A trip to Mecca

The Holy Rock

Of the Koran faith

 I've made the trip

Myself with others

It is a mans only 


No girls allowed

I sat in the car

Very hot and exhausting

At least the Hagia Sophia

Used to allow tourist

And I was also a tour guide

There as well

In my travels

It is odd

One does and 

Does not know

Things from the past

Some people recall

Everything important

To them and others

Only what is spoken

I have a tendency to 

Recall as needed

Not all at once

Those years are a blur

Now when my mother

Would not allow me

To be at home

I got a life of my own

And then got oppressed

Insisted I had to live with her

Misting areas are needed

In Paris for the summer games

As well as small splash pads

For the tiny ones to enjoy

And perhaps a few

Pop up clear tents

With air conditioning

Would help with crowd 

Control not that they

Have not taken to the 

Streets again....

I do hope Le Pen

Knows what she has done

To my city 

And my apartment

Has probably been

Invaded by Brent

Have him arrested

Please he is nothing

But trouble 

And has threatened 

My more than once

With a knife

His sister Tara

Is also not to be


On camera took 

A loaded gun

And put it to my 

Mothers head

And pulled the trigger

Found blood on the pillow

My mother is a quick one

Moved her head at the last

Moment but still Tara

Comes along and grins

As for Gary and Lisa

Gary is the fomer

Husband of Ludmilla

I went to almost all

Of her weddings

Six that  I recall

This is the father of 

Her daughter Eve

Known as by the

Grandmas name

Of Green

By the way


There is this little

Piece of property

I have my eye upon

Since Gary and Lisa

Have been raiding my places

I see fit to claim 

His inheritance

Out there by Bodega Bay

Overlooking the sea

Where Drake is supposed

To have sunk one

Of his ships

They have been 

Exploring under water


It is mine 

And not yours

Or Lisas

Got it?

It is hot outside

Keep to the shade

Or find a cool spot

Those pilgrims

Should sue thier

Tourist agent

Who sent them 

Unprepared into

A wasteland

Not pleasant

To have no place

To stay or lay down

I have done that as well

I miss my father

Whom I always got 

Things wrong

No matter how hard

I tried I just could

Not get past my mother

My younger brother

Showed me his family photobook

They were all the wrong people

In them and they had court orders

But then they dont have to comply

They are Germans not Americans

Poor kid

Grew to hating me

No matter how many

Times I save him

He does not care

Those ladies from the hall

Were always there

Making sure he did not

Know they wanted

Me to have nothing at all

And they have already

Called dibbs on a piece

Of  property

That had nothing but 

Running water

When I was little

I intend to take that place

Back as well

So Ludmilla

You better keep 

Your eyes off of that one

As well

And Jimmy is not my relative

What ever he told you

When he married you

In front of others

Besides myself

It is not true

Try Vermont

His daddy was from there

Where was his mother from?

Oh there is nothing down there....

Gary is a rapist

So beware all of Paris

And as for that fourth

Daughter if I don't kill her

She is an exact look alike

For her grandma Doris

You know her as Roberts

But this one call

Herself Dixon for some reason

Four daughter she has

They all call me mama

None of them are mine

Two of them are adopted

And two of them are natural

She wont acknowledge

Anything before that

There is also a son

With a cleft chin

He was half raised by me

But be careful

Those women only want

To kill everything

Wish they would go

On a pilgrimage

To their own place

Moved out of Brooklyhn

Got too violent 

And too hot for them

There are all those 

Cushy hotels for them

To stay in 

And lots of cows

To stare at

Creatures of leisure


Cars, houses

And trailors

They never do anything

Modest or worthy

Of being mentioned

A humbling experience!

Where are they 

Going to go?

Those who dont

Have the same

Equality as these

People who want

Everything for themselves

They should be sending

Tablets and hotspots

To Africa instead

Of shelf serving Lesbians

And all those married men

Who just want to have

Thier way with another womans

Bank account

Most of them dont even

Attempt to rape

They simply lay in wait

To see if there is another guy

And then if there is the slightest

They go in for the kill

Right Brent?

And Gary?

By the way Gary

I think Dan beat you to 

Your former fiancé

Demi M did give birth

To a boy named Adam

But he looks more like

Dan as does the other Adam

Anyways Brent

Why dont you go hug

John G

After all he is your daddy

Isnt that right?

Taught you how 

To climb in windows

And steal from

Little old ladies

And then hawk everything

You could at a pawnshop

Considering having them


The Aztec bit the dust 

By the way

Got in over his head

Way to hot out there

Maybe you would like

To go sit in jail?

Did you know there 

Is now an interactive

Online Monopoly game?

The dice roll themselves

And the guy runs 

Around on his own

Hmm, sounds like

Never mind

Jimmy always steals everything

Just as Candy always take

Credit for everything

Cant even think about

Something without her

Claiming it came out of her

Ass instead of my head.

Consider renaming yourself

Satan? Not Santa?

Did you know I got 

Some wise sage information

From one of your nephews

Allona's husband Robert

Once told me in a not to 

Timid voice 

That did I know that 

The Demons watch 

Everything you do?

I actually think he was

Threatening me

But is good advice

For all of you

Who dont think god knows

Your sins because

You all have it covered

With each other bringing

False witness

And finger pointing

In the wrong direction

But perhaps you

Should look up and down

Next time.....

Almost too hot

To go outside

But some people have to ....


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