Sunday, June 2, 2024

Christmas, Christmas, Christ!


Should I tell you
A Secret!
I know something

About you
And maybe
You dont know it

Now, now
Queen Candace

Did you know
Your mother
Was much more

Than yourself
Guess what?

Your favorite
Day of the whole
Year is?

I know that
And so does your

Every year 
They have to hide

It from the neighbors
As you celebrate
Your very special day

Your Birthday!
Do you know why
It is always that day

That Norma gets paid?
What is a woman to do?
Her husband got caught

Stealing from the Navy
Those Gillette razors
Were more important

Than he knew 
And his name not 
Even the same

But stuck with it
Those long razors
Were good for more

Than keeping the Navy
Clean shaven
Good for cutting throats

He was adopted
By a couple 
Who ran a school

One of which 
He ran away from
As soon as he could

They kept taking him back
Until he got stealing 
From them

The old lady in the chair
Hated him for what 
He took from her

Her husbands belief
In human beings
Some people are never

The same afterwards....
Poor Norma
Grew up poor

As an immigrant family
From Germany
In a new religion

That required tithing
Which meant every single
Penny they earned

Had to be reported
They did not have
Room for a stray daughter

Who got hooked up
With a criminal
And one with another wife

They told her at the prison
San Quentin
Is not Rykers 

But it is still fierece
Anyways he could not 
Provide for her and 

Her two children
So she went to work
As a charwoman

Just a little clean up
At the theater
And no one would know

Her hours were after
The kids went to school
And before they came home

Of course
Ken decided to be his dad
And not go to school

Which is how she got caught
Having kids to feed
She had to do as she was told

But it was not too bad
Her husband was going to die
They told her not matter

What he or she did
She had to find 
Something else to do

Which is why 
When the baby arrived
She was certain her life

Was about to change
All she had to do was 
Raise it as her own

See now I bet you 
Did not know 
You were adopted!

Caught you 
Never ever trust
A woman with a secret

She told me one night
When I was not even
Paying attention

And she had no idea
That I knew who you were
How I came to know 

Her is another story
It was more being
In the same place

When she was having
A moment
Of regret or something

Candy your name 
Is not candy or candace

But Christmas
That is what she was telling me
Why do I have these coversations

It is not like I am
Jewish or anything
Not that I am antisemitic

It is just awkward
Anyways she told me
The whole story

Not knowing I knew you
Let me see if I cant
It straight

You were an unwanted
Bastard born out of wedlock
To an innocent woman

She did not even know
She was pregnant
A married woman

Whose husband 
Never you know...
Some women in theater

Do that, marry one of those
Who dont get women 

Anyways she was not sure
How it happened
But it had happened

And she had to go 
All the way to....
Where did you say

You were born?
I recall it was on the 
River somewhere

You just did not know
Which one of them
In California.....

I hate to tell you
But you may as well
Call yourself

It was not a river
But ....

Rio de Janeiro
Thats Brazil
By the way

You are not 
A dirty little 
Brown Mexican

Nor an ugly American
But a cute little
Brazilian Nut!

Do you know 
How many times
I have been given

Brazil nuts?
And wondered 
Why me?

I know where I was not born
And you on the other hand
Are an illegal alien

Without the right paperwork
What does John say
Anyways about that marriage license

You do know 
That if you don't have
The right name on it

It is not legal
Nor legitimate!
Too bad, and hope

They will not find out
Down at the ICE
Hmm, how many times

Have you claimed
Your special 
Christmas gift

From me or mine
The one day of the year
You cant get caught 

Any other day
But that one
After all you might

Get kicked out
Or something.
Oh John

I have to tell
You something
That little license of yours

They is a mistake
The spot where it says
The name of her mother

It is not Taylor
But Stucker
And I hate to tell

You but you wont find
That name anywhere
On your wife's paperwork

You see her family
Changed her name
One of the grandmas

Was African American
And they just could not
Get caught with that name

So they changed it
Good luck in finding it
But your wifes 

Should have known that
Before her adopted mother
Had a complete meltdown

Really, how do I get
Into these things
My mother was having

A heart attack
In a location outside 
The normal

And there she was 
Having a complete
Breakdown about something

Anyways you never
Did tell you husband
About your miscarriage

The one Norma took away
From you and got rid of
Before you came out of your

Had to put you under 
In order to have 

Something you did not
Know you were having.
Merry Christmas

Keep on looking
And you might find
That you are seeking

I will give you
One hint
The middle name

Is Elaine...
Anyways many people
Dont know who 

Their ancestors
Were before they were born
Amora for instance

Is one of the better
Known Pirates
Of the time

He was actually 
A Corsairs
Which means he had 

A legal license to 
Rob other ships
During war

He was Spanish 
Operated out of the 
Canary islands

And Cuba 
Had a Cuban wife 
And son

But his family were 
And he robbed

The English
The British 
Were his enemies

Funny thing about that
His family line
Are Spanish

With just a hint
Of cough 
Jewish lineage

Not a good thing
In those days
Conversos were sentenced

To life in the New Spain
Many, many Mexicans
Are not Catholic 

But just don't know it
As for him 
His real ancestor

Was of course
From that other island
Known as Ireland

The last name on his
Birth certificate
Should have been

Peck instead of Perez
This guy named 
William had a Puritan family

While the rest of them
Went to the colonies
Over religion 

Producing a guy
Named Gregory,

This guy changed his name
To Guillaume Perez
Fleeing to Spanish 

Hence those islands
Off of Africa

One never does know
What is hiding in our
Closet does one?

I do know who 
My parents are or were
We went to court

Enough times
I did not like 
Carol but then she

Was the one I was born 
To and not any of those
Other frauds

Even know where I was born
Can you guess?
In heaven!

I bet even your
Betty does not have 
The real location

It was on a plane
In the sky
Should have been 

Named Sky
Instead of Aurora

After the aurora borealis
Those northern lights
Were dancing around

As those cries
Came out of my mother
Why or why

Did she do that
I have spent my entire life
With the idea that my mother

Just wanted to have her way
And could not understand
Why I would not just 

Crawl back inside 
Her womb as she did not
Want me to be born

In the first place
And you better not be
One of those crazies

Thinking you are going
To get away with calling
Me you daughter

I am not going to tolerate
Being your daughter
How would you like

A nice long trip
To a place with
Padded walls?

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