Thursday, June 6, 2024

Fight for freedom

What is freedom?
Whom is the enemy?
Why fight at all?

When one is given
The ideas in school
That there is such

An idea as freedom
Freedom of spirit
Of conscience

Of personal rights
And then one is reminded
That every single thing

One does inside
Thier own rooms
Is known to the neighbors

And others 
No personal freedoms
Are allowed 

In a society 
That continues to accept

They say they are American
Or do they
They simply slide their ass

Down next to you
Excuse me
Are you aware this individual

On it goes
For over fifty years...
Candy, Bridget, Jimmy, Lisa, Wendy

Mykel, Ernst, Justin, Kim
They are all immigrants
No illegals

My grandfather
Was once one of those

I recall being taken
By him to my first
D-day in France

I know I was there
Not so long ago
As a representative

Of some company
But now I am not
Wanted all because

These Germans continue
To demand to have their way
They are anti government

Really, they just believe
They are better suited

To rule the world
I do hope that 

Does not blind the 
Eyes of these modern rulers
Who have the right to be there

And not because 
They use needles
To force others into

I remember a story
About Eisenhower

He became the leading 
General after it was over
And would become President

One day
But on those last days
He got the message

That one of those dead
Had all his letters returned
When about to write

That letter to his
Parents he was stopped
The guys parents

Are religious 
They don't want anything
From him nor you

Not to be stopped
He put that letter aside
And then when he got back

To America
He found that the parents
Had been told

But were refusing
To accept anything
From the government

He found out where
They lived and went
To visit them

With his own mother
Who was in fact
The same religion

As the mother of the 
Dead soldier
It went not well

She again said
She wanted nothing to do
With the war 

And when she found out
That the woman sitting there
Was her religion

Holding a Bible
In order to comfort her
Told her to put it away

She wanted nothing
From her either
Because she should be

Ashamed of her son
For having gone to fight
Please would both of them

Leave her alone
Eisenhower's mother
Got up and walked out

And then shook the dust
From her shoes
Why did you do that?

Eisenhower asked his mother
Having been humbled 
By the experience

For refusing to accept
A Christian into her house
You do what you need to do

But dont forget 
Your creator
When you die....

His mother was divided
Between her faith and beliefs
And they knowledge

That her freedoms
Came from others willing
To fight for them.

I know that 
Most have forgotten
That war was lead

By a man who
Had turned his back
On his own religion

Jewish parents
Who did not speak 
Of thier son

Lenin was also 
A former Jew
Demanding his politics

Were more important
Than personal freedoms
Donbas will never see 

Thier rights to freedom
All because everyone
Has been hypnotized

By this guy
Who has no ties
To his Jewish roots

Whose parents
Fought for the old 

Refusing one guy
Over anther
Just because it is 

Bad, bad
It will end 

For all who have
Sided against

And their right 
To be free of its neighbor...


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