Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer sad


Summer style

Summer solstice

Summer wear

Jacques has been

Waiting to wear

His French Baret

Just like Grandpa


Same growl

I'm going to get 

Even when I get home

With whom ever has...

Then he would 

Run around buying

Things for his woman

Chocolates for his

Mother in law

Always eaten by 

By his wife

Special alcohol

For his father in law

Also undrunk

Sat on the shelf

Until an unsuspecting

Fool came along

Here drink 

And tell me how

It taste!


He was Mormon

They don't intake

Anything stimulating

No alcohol

No caffeine

No sugar...

Of course his wife

And daughters 

Were no participating

Christians of a different flock

But then Jack 

Was an atheist

Having survived

The war on the grace

Of Allah for the most part

His comrades

Were not willing 

To help him

Due to his faith

While the others 

Were glad to help out

Trust no one!


There would be 

A fancy doll

For his daughters

Collection of boxes

She kept them inside

Unless her grandma

Wanted to play 

Fashion designer

Then they would get

Carefully measured

For cloth dresses

And crocket coats....

And for his loving wife

She would get her present

Afterwards in the bedroom

A box of special things

Some call them jewelry

Most were not the real thing

But expensive enough

For him to impress her

That before the war

They were going to be rich

When he came back

And treat her like 

A Queen

But then things happened

Including their own child

Falling on her head

With her feet up

In the air

Many said she did

It on purpose

Just to get even 

Because she wanted

To be carried and not walk

But she managed 

To do the one thing

That is not reversable

She smooshed

Her amiglia

That little nut

Right in the middle

Of the brain


Unless you land

Exactly on your

Which she did

And was never the same

Most of the money

Went to her upkeep

Getting her into treatments

Having brain surgeries

Learning to do things

But never for herself

She would not hear of it

She wanted others to enjoy

Her little joys

As she got to be 

Thier little girl

The rest of thier lives

Which she did and then

Went out and got even 

With them for dying 
On her.....

A beautiful day

At the beach

Takes four different

Vehicles to get 

Ten miles away from

My doorstep

Or is it five?

Would not stop

Yelling and yowling

And then when 

He was released

Just kept to my leg

Not going to go

Anywhere else

Purred and hung on

So we ate our sandwiches

Gave him some salmon

And cried for our back

Thanking god

That Tara had not shown up

I want John G


For refusing to comply

With letterhead instructions

And then allowing my mother

To hang out with the girls

As if she was still

A teenager

Which she was sadly

Still not grown up

And was easy to manipulate

By those horrible creatures

Who hate their parents

Despise their religion

And want to get rid

Of the old fool

Who just stood there

Smiling sweetly

Into the camera

Not even realizing

That the girls

Had removed her clothes

Thought she was wearing

The Emperors or something...

Don't know why any of their parents

Bother showing up on Sunday

After their kids

Performance on Saturday

But then they were themselves

The Friday night

Wrecking crew

They just enjoy it actually

Look at the way 

Vivien carries on

As if she is a Christian woman

Or something

I am not their friend

Nor their sister

Not even their 

Adopted daughter

Much less their birth mother

If I wanted a child

Since I cant have one

On my own

I would have to hire

Someone to do it for me

And none of the media girls

Who all have the same mother

Are able to understand

That I am going to send

Them to hell

Just for suggesting

That they are someone's


Just because they are nothing

But drug smugglers themselves

Even Tersa smuggles 

Drugs in from Mexico

As for human trafficking

Are you aware 

John G

That your wife is 

In the habit 

Of staying out late

At night 

In the company 

Of young men?

While her sister

Suzie slept with Gary

The now husband

Of her niece Lisa

Candy prefers 

The company of that 

Sexual pervert

Brent Brentwood? 

Wei and Jones

I can verify 

That Brent has on

Occasion shown up

Distracted me

To call the cops

Or something

Then pretend shock

As he joyfully

Watches your wife

Inject me with her 

Potions that she uses

In order to restrain

A perfectly normal human

In order to deny them

The right to any enjoyment

At all

Then Brent picks 

Me up like a sack

And throws me into 

His car

No wonder I have

So much back pain

Did you know I cant

Even feel my fingertips

Due to the carelessness

Of someone?

Then they drive me

Back to where they want me

Which is never with 

My friends nor family

In fact I have lost

All of my family 

And friends due 

To this fowl play

Meanwhile I am 

Unable to verify

What else they do

In the dark

John as I have been 

Knocked unconscious

Date rape drug

Is what the professionals

Call it 

Your wifes is just 

A witch practicing

Her witchcraft

But also getting 

Her kicks via

Your own son

He is yours 

Isn't he?

Judie's nobody knows

Who he belongs to

Certainly not that 


That shows up

Sometimes for Tara

The redhead daughter sister....

Hmm, interesting

Family life you have

By the way

Is it Iraq

Or Iran

Your father is from?

Just checking

So many Italians

With no paperwork

In Italy

Thier parent stupidly

Got into the wrong line

Instead of being

Muslim they have 

To become Catholic


There it is 

Missing Stonehenge

Used to travel

Until you christians

Got into smuggling

And trafficking

What if we should

Cancel your license?

Your publishing license

You are not the only

Bible publisher in town

You know

And by the way moving

To farms is not useful

Why don't you guys

Give up eating

Cow and pigs

Then there would be 

More time for bible studies

Instead of standing out

In a field of cowshit

Or pig slop

Why don't you guys

There in upper state

New York

Eat just fish and fowl

Chickens don't take 

Up much room

Chicken every night!

Instead of boring

Hamburgers and steaks

As for pork sausage

And ham sandwiches

Your waistline

Wont miss them

Maybe some of 

Those young ones

Who dont want to get

Up when the cock crows

Can learn to fish

And not waist time

Imagine what a clean

Environment your people

Would have if you just tried

Oh i see

It is pasta every night

But Sunday

Hmm, how much

Taxes due you pay

Anyways for those 

Fancy digs

With bomb shelters?

It is not fair

To have men

Such as Kim D

And Micheal H

Insists on taking

Your donations meant

For you upkeep

And turn it into 

Income for themselves

They steal my money

Use it for themselves

To eat and sleep 

And dress better than  

I can

So they can go out

And use their bible

That is how thier

Donations work

Instead of making

A modest one

At the proper time

And living off

What is available

Not even Gary does that....

No donations

No license

What would you people


Actually read that bible

Do you know

I have read the bible

From cover to cover

Until just recently

When someone had to slam

My head so hard

I am not going to

Believe a six year old

Gave birth to them

Nor that men can change

Oh never mind

Lets celebrate 

The Solstice

Something that god designed

For us to know

Our seasons

Are reliable

After today the light

Will be getting shorter

Just on schedule....

As Jehovah intended

Hey mother 

Did you hear?

They are going into

The brewing business

Since they dont need

All that stuff 

For cows and pigs

They have decided

To go vegetarian

Really !

All that wheat 

Just laying around

Doing nothing at all

They are going to turn

Into beer!

How about that one

Stick to the weeds 

My dear 

Departed mother

Without a hope...

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