Monday, June 17, 2024

So, so sad


San Diegans react ahead of local Roman Catholic Diocese's planned bankruptcy filing (

June 13


Chapter 11

The San Diego

Catholic Diocese's

Is filing for bankruptcy!

Imagine that

It is a sad day

And it was all


There are multiple claims

Of sexual impropriety

Towards the young

Choir boys

What did they do?

While the LGBT

Community is throwing

A party this month

And the Catholic 

Community has encouraged

This group to grow

They are now also

Known for child

Sexual assault

How far most of

These claims go

Is disputed

A male can be


And other things

Imagine being

A small boy

Whose mother 

Just wants him

To make him proud

Only to find out

He had to endure

Not only nudity

But also other things

Apparently many 

Full grown men

Could no longer 

Handle the shame

Of keeping quiet

The females are

Still told to keep

Your mouth shut

But the men are being

Allowed to have 

Thier way 

No longer being kept

From having a life

In the same community

Before they would have

To go elsewhere

Or kill themselves

If they confessed

To being improperly handled

Jimmy is a masturbator

And child pornographer

He is well known

For refusing to leave

Women alone when

They need to have

Thier female exams

But he is also suspected

Of badgering boys

And old men

To the point of

Extreme discomfort

How many of the ones

He grew up with

Suddenly had too 

Much attention

Upon them at a tender age

All because Jimmy

Was impotent

And never going

To be able to have


Not that he really 

Wants to engage in sex

According to more than

One of his psychiatrist

But jimmy wants

Jimmy gets

He has been running

This community for

So long it is incredible

And he does not eat pork!

Jimmy has a Baptist

Reverand Grandfather

Whom he hates

In fact he hates god

Does not  really believe

In history either

Anything before his 

Birth blows his mind

When people talk about it

And then there are 

All those Kennedys

Who came to town

They always stop by

And offer donations

The Catholic Charities

Claim they are unaffected

By this catastrophe

Of the Diocese

Having to file for


Due to many unsettled


They dont admit

No wrong doing

Just that they cant pay

Up the amount of claims

Meanwhile the Catholic

Charities continues

To take advantage

Of people 

The money is always

Misdirected by Antionette

And her daughter Gemina

Who have made themselves

Available to everyone

Who comes through

Just like Carol Lindheimer

And her daughter Nicole

Always on hand 

When money went missing

But were never accused of


These two have been

Operating for decades

But the main building

Still provides food

And shelter

But those little kids

Are still required 

To go to church

Are they not?

Oh mother I do recall

My little brother

Sneaking off on Sundays

So he could sing like

An angel

He had better not

Have suffered any harm

For your insistence

On my not knowing things

When my father

Was an honest man

But your preferred

The lying blond man

Who was going to kill 

You one day

And he did

Dont count on me

Remembering where 

I buried you

I have amnesia 

You know!

Poor kid

I threatened him

Every day of his young life

For his own good

Believe in god

But don't get caught

Up in their doings

Don't associate

And stay clear of 

After school things

And there he is sitting

With aunt Suzie

Who kept abducting him

As a child

And aunt Betty 

Who never would stop

Attempting to sale 

The kids to child traffikers

How many times 

We had to up and leave

Or travel back 


Just because someone

Was after on of us

That is why after

My sister died

We were split up

In order to protect

All and without 

Two girls to control

The situation

The boys were sent 

Elsewhere to grow up

In safety from those

Who want to do them harm.

There bad wicked people

Betty told us the first time

She was forced to get up

And explain a bible verse

That her and her mother

Were Catholic

As is Bridget Murphy

Some never do leave

Not even the Gordons

Want to acknowledge

That they are just

Taking up space

In our old places

Just so they can make

Sure we don't get away

With anything

The old German adage

The took the religion

About the year 1000 AD

A barbarian race

Not even given to god

Cannabalism and incest

Are well known throughout

German history

While the neighbors

Shudder when ever 

They get it into their head

To hire a killer

From a different religion

Oh look the Ukrainians

Have one of those

Another Adolf Hitler

Denying his Jewish roots

In order to serve his masters

Nato has gained 

The Swedes and lost

The Russians

Brings one back

To those days

Of the Nazi takeovers

Were they or were they not

Willing comrade's

The Swedes with the Fascist?

A killer is all Zelensky

Is going to be known

As by historians

And there will be those

To survive this silly situation

Done in Cuba

But will the Swedes

Still shine so bright

In the near future

They do know

The Swedish Royals

That jimmy is an albino

Don't they?

He is not our family

His daddy was 

Captain Kangaroo

Bob Keshan

Who had a romantic relationship

With a child expert

Who was the first black American 

High school principle

In Washington DC

Her husband was the first

Black American Mayor

Jimmy has two sisters

One is blond and blue eyed

And not named Camille

And the other one 

Is a brunette

Named Bennitta

The pretty one

Who is a college professeur

They are not our relatives

Jimmy was born to a 

Mix race couple

One white and one black

Just as Meghan Markles

Children came out white

With one white male

As their father

Harry Windsor

Meghan's black mother

Is in all the pictures

To prove she is black

I am not black

No offense intended

My roots are 

Scandinavian and Native American

Brown skin

And light hair and eyes

Mixed but not Mexican

Which brings us back

To the Catholics of 

San Diego

The Spanish were not

The first to arrive

But the Russians

And the Japanese

There was evidence

Of both communities

But it was wiped out

By those outlaw men

The Friars whom 

The local sports team

Is named after

Were in fact 

Expelled from Mexico city

And Excommunicated

From Spain

They could not go back

To Europe nor stay

So they went to the 

West coast and but

Missions for the little

Brown skinned children

The late arrivals

Were not concerned

With the condition

Of those children either

There are cemetaries

Of dead children

Down here as well

How they fared

At the hands of men

Who don't believe

In god such as Jimmy

Is not fully known

But the community

Has been punished 

For this lack of authority

They are no not going

To pay their bills

How long will thier doors

Stay open

While the charities

Still rack in money

Intended for others

One cant even leave

A bag of groceries

For one person

Without them being stolen

I have too many children

In this community

All because that other

Catholic man

Al Johnston 

Brought all the unwanted

Babies born in his area

Down here to be put

Up for adoption

And used my name 

On all the records

Which by the way

Were destroyed just before

The Pandemic hit

So I cant go in

And show them they 

Are adopted

They just keep

Calling my dead mother

To confirm I gave birth

When in fact there are no

Pregnancies on any of my records

These Catholics who go into

Some one else house of worship

In order to cause chaos

Have made their own 

Religion suffer the consequences

Such as the Cardinales

Who still show up

By the way any signature

Attained from me is under

False pretenses

I have already gone to court

No one is supposed to force me

To sign away properties

I am not living a lie

But amongst those

Who know I was already granted

My families little estates

Only to be robbed and drugged

To keep me from them

Doing it one more time

I remember all those years

When we had visitors

And there would be scarry

Occurrences by these people

Pretending to be ghost

And goblins

In order to isolate us

Because Indians are easy


I respect those who have

A belief in god

And act upon it

No matter what church

They go to

There are bad people

Even inside the Catholic churches

As for my little brother

He had better know

How to run faster

Than me if I find out

He did not take my advice

But you know he did

Didn't he?

Hmm, please don't leave

Out anything you 

Don't want stolen

Even your kids

I remember one summer day....

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