Friday, June 14, 2024

It rains a lot...


$2.77 per pound
6 dollars for a jar
Of Peanut Butter

More if organic
It rains a lot

In Florida
$4.77 per gallon
Of Orange juice

22 dollars
For the small sixpack
Of the morning essential

The basics of 
An American 
School kids

Breakfast and lunch
Orange juice
For both 

And Peanut butter
As well depending
Cereal with PeanutButter

Granola with peanuts
They even produce
Coffee and cigarettes

With a citrus taste.
What is everyone
Going to do?

They expect the prices
To escalate
To double in just

This next year
Twice as much
For the essentials

We sold the tobacco
Farm a century ago
But the coffee 

We kept on paying
Growers for our
Little businesses

Importers and exporters
We once had a nut farm
Where we dried fruit

And packaged nuts
Of all kinds
We even had our own

Wine label
We were not the Gallos
Nor the Carters

Fresh fruits 
And nut spreads
The Nineteenth century

Is long gone
And so are our coffers
There are still those

Who believe they can
Bleed a turnip dry
And still have the handout

For more and more.
There were even oils
Olive oils 

And avocados
Alot of work it was
Then along came

Those university kids
Who thought the future
Was elsewhere....

It rains a lot
In Florida
The trees have taken a hit

Importing from Brazil
Is not going to well
For those citrus growers

Fresh Florida oranges!
Hey this came from 
Some place called

Rio de Janeiro
What do they know
About growing fruit?

All they have is
Cows and cowboys

California has been
Hit by the heat as well
As the rain

It is too dry in most
Areas where it is not
Too wet 

Unhappy conditions
For that perfect

As for Cuba...
There is a joke
Somewhere in there

The last time 
We had a Catholic President
He got in trouble

With those guys 
From Russia?
Hmm, bad and worse

We know Kennedy 
Was assassinated
But Biden seems

To have gotten
Too much bad news
His whole life

Was ahead of him
When his wife 
Was killed

And he was not 
Now over seventy

And he has finally
Gotten inside the 
White House

Not just that guy
Standing and waving
Next to the President

His two sons
Were all he had
And they have both

Been taken from him
When in death
After fighting a war

Over there in the Middle East
And the other to drugs
And violence

Got caught with a handgun
Now they want him to go
To prison for it

I can imagine
Someone wanting
Me to have protection

And getting one for me
But then it would be stolen
Even when I was working

And one would be assigned
To me as part of the job
It would disappear

From the safe next to my bed
Betty Adelman is good at getting 
Things out of private homes

If I did not know better
She was the one who made
The shot in Dallas

Even though a midget
And a retard
She hates things

She takes care of things
Now this man
Has nothing left

But his second wife
And those extra kids
What are they going to do

Sight see the rest of their lives?
Anyways in case 
You have not noticed

Russia is making a stop
A tiny vacation 
In Havanna

With four ships
One of which is a submarine
And Guantanamo

The other side of the island
Has acquired an American 
Nuclear Submarine

Anyone remember 
The Bay of Pigs?
How about the Maine?

1961 after
The take over 
By rebels 

There was this thing
That occurred
We were not officially

At war with Cuba
Nor Russia
But men did die

Defending democracy
We did go to war

The Spanish American war
Supported mainly by the 
Latter Day Saints

According to their histories
An easy exchange for statehood
We captured Mexico City

And then gave up much
Of the lower states
Some of us still

Argue about the Rio Grande
Being the marker
Instead of much lower

Where many families
Had been given the 
Impression they could 

Start lives anew 
With homesteads
And ranches or orchards

Why did we give up
The land already occupied?
And then they wont stay

Down where they come from
They say Mexico is too oppressive!
It is just all those drug dealers

No life left in the villages
They wont expensive phones
For anyways?

The Fruit farms
Are not doing well
The costs are too high

With this bad weather
They are not going to find
Work on those places

Unless they intend
To go elsewhere...
It is not the worthless jobs

Wasted on people
Who could be doing
Other things

It is they have become
The main component
Of doctors and hospitals

As well as private security
Where no one feels safe anymore
They are still tied to those

People with drugs
Even if it is just information
All those people 

With no place to go
And then you meet
People like Teresa

Who's whole family
Are involved with drugs
And smuggling

And anything illegal
She did not free
Juan and Alejandro

From anything at all
She continues to steal
From me and mine

Because she has the right
To do so....
There he is in Italy

Looking stunned and 
Not knowing how to 
Control his inner struggles

While he must show
No weakness to the world
Not even his faith

He is catholic
In a Catholic country
Being defiant to those

Other guys 
Who are Orthodox
What end is he attempting

To achieve?
Another assassination?
If he goes down

It is said she will not stand
The word on the street
They don't want a woman

In the first place
And in the second.....
They have already 

Had Michelle
The Queen take over
All things American

When one is approached
And told to get back
On your boat

And go back to England
As a Native American
With European roots

It is distrubing
And we walked by the way
While most of the immigrants

Have arrived by plane
Even those Africans
Who are not really 

Slave descendants
But take up the space
In lines and other places

What is America
Doing giving money 
To a guy who is not

Even the elected government
Official anymore?
His grandchildren

Better be able to bring
Him home 
Meanwhile another 

Contender is lying
There perhaps
Dreaming of his life

And wife 
Jimmy Carter
Is said to be sleeping away

His days with no more
Reason to stay with us all
The last of the old crowd

He served in the war
Did you know?
The last President

To do so
Reagan was a stay at home
Radio announcer 

And the others are too young
Eighty years ago 
D day put in end

To a war which altered
The structure of the modern world
Or did it ?

What price have we paid
For our own democracy?
May we not die in our sleep...

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Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...