Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ah, Paris in the spring


Paris, Paris

April in Paris

Spring time...

Amour in the air

It has been a busy

Week for the Bidens

Eightieth anniversary

Of D Day

And a chance to view

Paris post pandemic

And pre Olympics

No one knows 

Who or what 

Is going to happen

In July


Will bring tons

Of people

To the tiny isle

Of Paris

For those Olympics

A hundred year

Anniversary is upon them

And so are the terrorists....

Please keep Jimmy 

At home this time

And no more of those

Crazy nuts loose

Upon the streets

This needs to be 

A very controlled

And enjoyable event

For those actually

Involved in the sports

I have not been to one

Myself since the catastrophe

Of the Australian

2000 one where

I basically lost my identity

I am not sure

I want to repeat 

Anything at all

And for the last time

Repeat after me

I have no daughters

Do not shake hands

Mr. President

With anyone who claims

Me as a relative!

It is not so, 

And I can't have kids

I have been dealing

With these nasty tumors

That won't go away

Waiting and waiting

Instead of having 

A real doctor

In California

Especially from that

Place that calls itself

The University of California

What a joke

They don't even hire professionals

Just anyone claiming 

A sort of expertise of

Some kind

And then they cant 

Grade papers

They let children

Throw darts at them

Or leave them under seats

What they don't do

Is get anything correct.

As for those medical

Treatment centers 

They are just experiment

Centers for those who

Don't know to believe

In them curing anything

Especially the ones that

Were military during the war

Those are the really bad ones

Still have those experimental

Things hanging around

How to kill off the entire

Village somewhere in Europe

With chemical warfare

Or even introducing some

Sort of disease that will

Do the job for those men

Lost too many of them

To bombs and things

While they were working

Out Hitlers address

To send him a special

Package wrapped in metal

The West coast

Was still insulted

About their Hawaii episode

And this before 

Hawaii was a state!

International school of medicine

Can't cure the common cold

Can't diagnose someone

Who has broken bones

And obvious nerve damage

They just want to scream 

At you and tell you

To stop twitching

That reminds me

Not only did they drop

Me on top of the hospital

With my gurney 

Landing twenty stories

Below on the asphalt

While I was dangling

By the grace of god

From the outstretched hand

Of one very new and naive

Doctor who really thought

Of stopping someone 

From worse harm...

I awoke with a sheet

Over my head

And just because I was muttering

The nurse wrote

Something nasty across

My chart without the doctors


Just because she gets too much

Money to be carrying around

Urine samples 

Can you believe

They actually thought

I was dead!

Still breathing

But no longer kicking

Since then and the abusive

Behavior of nurses

Who don't study medicine

And don't know that

What a vital sign is

Made me wait 

A decade to just get

Told i have spinal


Arthritis in my back

My little back pain

Candy has been calling it

While her daughter and niece

Have been beating me up

Now I have no muscles

After having contracted


From one of their facilities

They keep sending me

In for more exams

But don't know what to do

And if they think

I am going to take

One of their blood bank

Things just because

They aren't really qualified

To hold a scalpel

Think again 

Jimmy is in more trouble

Than usual 

He tried to kill me

Just because those people

Stopped by when he had

Nothing else to do

Jimmy had big bad

Janet picks me up

Just so he could have a go 

At me.

How I would like to shut

Down Jimmys religion

After all they are only

A publishing company

If Candy does not know

Any better 

I have a suggestion

Bond style

Why don't you go 

Jump into the 

Baptism pool?

Huh Candy?

And all the others

Who did not bother

Why don't you do something

About these convicts?

Even Candys little one

Has been convicted

Isn't that right Gary?

By the way

It all has to be repaid

One is not allowed

To claim it was bequeathed

Understand Ernst

Why have they not announced

That you are no longer

A member?

Still lying about that 

Other group you belong

Communists are worth

Than Catholics

And sometimes they are both

Bad Christians 

Sometimes call themselves


When really they 

Are just thugs

The bad ones

Not welcomed home

For Christmas

After Jimmy got done

With his mouth off

And masturbation

Taught all the little boys

How to misbehave

And all the little girls

Not to be good enough

Please stay out of Paris

I would hate to see

The entire city set 

On fire by our 


Hey Betty

Stay at home this time

She kept those kids

Employed all those years ago

When it was just seasonal

Work firefighting

Setting small fires

That grew into larger ones

Look at the environment

Now with all that smoke

I do pray that 

America will not end up

Going to war with France

One of their oldest friends

After all they exchanged


Thier Eiffel tower

And our Statue of Liberty

Of course the ship

We borrowed for a war

Was never returned

The Poor man Richard

Named after

Benjamins Franklins

Little publication

The poor man Almanac

The first one, was set on fire

And so was the last one

In the same city

As Jimmys known residence

I sat and watched them

Take three days

To put out the fire

Parked a quarter of a mile

Away from where my city

Had decided to put me

After I had been forcibly 

Removed from my residences

Repeatedly by this monster

And then they sent me back

To our original inheritance

A little homestead

A covered wagon once sat upon

Curious how a city destroys

Itself, they just wanted

To modernize

Instead, they have altered

Everything about San Diego

Which was once called 


Before the spanish arrived

The Russians were already here

In fact one of the few remaining

Buildings that have not been

Torn down

Says Rosario Hall

Russian river

As is Roseland 

And Rosencrantz

All named after the original

Inhabitants of the area

Who mixed in with the locals

Instead of returning to thier


Unlike the Germans

Who are still attempting

To burn us out

Or simply tear down

Our houses while we are still inside

Bless Paris and its long history

Of putting up with invaders

And sending them packing

Peace is what the world needs

At least for one more summer

What will winter bring?

After all the elections are over....

They even gave the Bidens

A parade down the avenues

And a lovely state dinner

Those Macrons 

Are not bad people

Just keep out the little bomb makers....

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