Monday, June 10, 2024


 What the hell!

Who are they?

Why were they invited?

The anniversary of a war

Long forgotten

And almost no one is left

Who fought for freedom

And there stands

Mr. Dictator

And wife!

A standing ovation

For a guy who is

No longer 

The President

Those right folks!

Mr. Zelensky's 

Term is over

He was elected 

For five years

Five years final.

He is 21 days

And counting past

His due date

Everyone else has to go

To the polls

Even the British

And French guys

Are holding elections

In the next few weeks

But not this guy!

He does not have

To do anything at all.

His wife looks like

A celebrity wearing

An expensive black pant suit

Do you know what type

Of woman wears 

Black pants suits?

And to an official event?

And there he is dressed

As Fidel Castro

Who took over Cuba

And for the next 

40 years ran the country

First as the Prime Minister

And then as the President

Without ever being elected

This penis piano player

Is still refusing 

To give up his ridiculous 

Out fit and wear

Proper attire

Maybe that is because

He is not really 

The elected leader!

And he had his hand 

Out for more American money

We are at war

On our own home front

With refugees

From his country

Migrants from everywhere else

And  domestic violence


The baby killer

Is standing there

Hugging guys

Who fought for

And with Russia

Against the oppressions

Of Germany

His own mother 

Was one of those

Soviet engineers

Working to destroy

America and its lifestyle

Yet there he is not even

An elected individual

Anymore basking 

In what glory?

Israel reelected

A trusted soul

Who has been besieged

With everything 

Including have his own

Military women

Raped in front of cameras

And is facing rejection

From the Europe

With an official 

Arrest warrant 

Being issued for him

Meanwhile this guy

Has done much worse

Things to his own people

Where by the way

Is all of this money 

Going to anyways?

We supported the Philippines

For awhile as well

And most of the money

Ended up in the wife's

Closet of shoes

And clothes

Who is supplying

His wife those expensive

Outfits while his people

Are complaining of having

No food nor utilities?

The Soviets might have

Not been nice guys

But they are long gone

Ronald Reagan

Shooed them away

With his political 


Even the current guy

Has at least been elected

The American Press 

Might not be happy

But he did go to the polls

Unlike this guy

Who wont be bothered

With such things

I will tell you something

Western Press

Of whom I was once

A card carrying member

I am not friend

Of someone who 

Refuses to at least

Stage a phony election

He is not my son

Not in spirit 

Nor in the flesh!

Excuse me 

For getting up

And going to the bathroom

Every time 

This guy comes forward

Mr. Zelensky

Not President Zelensky

And spouse

With spiked heels

How many pairs 

Does she have


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