Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Why me?

 My dad

He is my father

Why me?

How many times

I fought for him

Since I was small

I recall him taking

Care of me

When men did not

Do child care

But my mother

Was unwell

It turns out

She had brain cancer

But she also developed

Severe mental issues

Caused by outsiders

Who kept after her

About things that dont matter

In order to control 

The environment

They wanted to belong

War heroes 

And their wives

Are not unknown

To be targeted by others

Those people who follow

People around in order

To make them feel the pain

Of having won a war

Over them

Some people never do get it

Hitler committed suicide

After he lost his own men's

Support and the war

Mussolini was strung up

By his own people

By the neck

Not good examples

But their followers

Both German and Italian

Just don't get it 

They were wrong

And lost to democracy

Instead of anarchy

Even a flag

Purposely flown 

Upside down

In order to alert

That they was a hostage

Situation was made to 

Appear as if the residents

Were crazy or traitors

My fathers mother

Died when he was 

Only three weeks old

He was raised by his 

Uncle and wife

Who were Navy people

But he had nothing

But problems

From naysayers

And then his father

Was part of that

Project that he could

Not speak about 

And was seen

As a slacker


These bad people

Keep showing up

Having pick pocketed

Someone's wallet

Or did a hold up

And made other believe

They were the ones

The heroes relatives

How many more times

Are we going to have

To put up 

With the Gillette's

And Johnstons?

Then there was 


Demi Moore

Who was from the 

New Mexico test site

Why was that not

Good enough for her?

She just had to keep

After my family

Until my own parents

Forgot who I was to them

The only one

Who knew them

As thier first born

When the family

Still visited

Before they started 

Dying or being detained

Even John fell by the way side

Why was my father


He deserved a life

He suffered through

His childhood

Always being torn

Between his father

And his mothers family

He ended up living with both

Wanted his father to love him

But could not be told

Why he was not available

During the war years

Wanted his mother 

Not to have died

Even had dreams 

Of her taking care of him

When he was small

But what?

He went to college

And made friends

But always had problems

They were not poor

But did not have

The showy display 

Of life as some do

Such as the Galioto's

Who always have 

The best clothes

The most expensive bags

Or brief cases

The newest furniture

And vehicles

As well as a kitchen

Full of other peoples

Hard worked for items

Even the food has been stolen

Poor white trash

Trailor Park trash

Homeless people

Who squat on your land

Or take over the management

Of properties or business

So much display

As if they come form

Wealth or royalty

While the rest of us

Make do with what

Is available

Knowing who are ancestors

Are without having to share

Them with worthless illegals

Who just imagine

They have found


Living off of others

While Dantes Paradiso

Answered the question

Of Hell and heaven

Having traveled from

The depths of hell

And showed the way

Towards god himself

At a time when 

The city states

Of Italy were separate

Ethnicities as well as


Dangerous to even travel

Without suspicion

Of evil ones....

My father did his best

As at being an adult

Smaller than others

From the things that 

Went wrong during 

Those years when 

The military did not tell

People they were playing

With god 

Experimenting with potions

And witchcraft

All those drugs

And electrical things

Caused many to die

Instead of having a better life

My mother went insane

From drinking the milk

From the cows 

Who feed off the fallout

Of those experiments

In New Mexico

The Utah grass was contaminated

The only one to get cancer

My father had a bad heat 

And was brillant

But led a life dependent

On his only friend

My mother whom he married

I tried so many times

To take care of him

Even taking him on a trip

Where his youngest son

Who had gone missing

Was actually alive

They enjoyed the hunt

Through France

Looking for an owl

He had been trained

In Code breaking

The puzzles were easy

For him to translate

There he sat

Holding the wooden owl

As he realized that 

There was no going back

His life was not going 

To get any better

As long as his wife

Was too ill to understand

And his sons had been 

Stolen from him 

By a family named


Bad wicked people

The Rosenbergs

Were executed for treason

But perhaps

They were set up

By these people

Who still communicate

With the enemy

Giving up all those 


We are not to provide

While obsessing with the 


Everyone needs to eat

I had kidney failure

From my treatment

By these people

Had to have a transplant

Before I was an adult

Always a skinny child

Now a hard working individual

Who keeps getting sick

With no means of getting

Better if the Gordons

Continue to insist

On having my medicine

And my money

My father had made

A good husband 

And father

He was more of a Christian

Than those other ones

The Barmettler's and Weinstocks

My father wanted me 

To find happiness

And a man to take care of me

I had found such a one

But he was taken away from me

And I was furious about it

Later my father

Said he could not take

The coldness

He was blind by this time

And I sometimes forgot

To speak out loud

A mute child

Who was going to find out

What it means to suddenly

Become vocal

Without wanting to

What an ordeal

I have had but my dad

Deserved to be happy

But instead his hope

Slipped out of his fingers

My mother picked up

His prize and threw it 

Into the ocean

As usual she always

Through away every oppurtunity

That god gave to her

She did not understand

That god works in mysterious ways

Meant that he was not going

To stand in front of her

Instead he provided

And she rejected

Hence her death not even

Being acknowledged 

By Jimmy who lied to her

Every day of his life

While my fathers gave up

Hope for a future

Although his faith

Seemed to still be intact

Until those Robinsons 

Got hold of him

I was on trail by the way

For his death

In Florida

I went missing during 

A storm from the gulf

And could not prove it

Or I could but was not

Being listened to by the authorities

I was caring for my younger brother

Whom my mother had left behind

On purpose

As usual each time

She found out she was


She gave up the rest of us

A complaint came from

The so called step sister

I don't know how my father

Ended up with the wrong woman

But he spent more time

With me than he did with her

Because her adult daughter

Wanted to be an indian


Would leave a blind man

In the middle of the road

Just because she is demented....

Anyways I was not arrested

Just detained while they

Had a quick trail

Where my younger brother

Was forced to testify

Against me 

But released at night

To take care of him

Strange ways of America

Justice system

Trusted to show up

For court but accused

Of killing my own father

Then they complained

From Nevada

What was he doing in that place

That is where all the trouble


Oh Judge 

Could I speak to you

For a moment

Apparently you are 

Not taking care of your

Father properly

And these people 

Have had to pay

For his hospital bills

What do you have

To say about that?

Two things

He has Medicare

From his disability

Of becoming blind

Under that families

Lack of care

And he is not dead


Judge had to think about it

I simply wasn't there

When he fell into a coma state

They must have stolen him

Who do we have in the morgue?

Not this guy 

He has now died

In Nevada

A strangled cry

From my younger brother

And myself

That is why were in Florida

Instead of California

Because those Troths

Had stolen him from

Another morgue 

Bringing him here

To get the insurance claim

Woke up after they ran

Off with the loot

They are all still 

Taking advantage of 

The atmosphere

Of easy pickings


And squatters

By the way 

What are these

Commercials for diabetes?

Do you know how much

I have to spend on my 

Asthma meds?

Does anyone care?

Not really

Bless you dad

And I hope are in 

Paradise heaven

While my mother 

Sold herself into hell

And don't go after her....

I bet he has gone on that

Journey as well

Some men will not give up

On their woman once she crosses

While others simply forget

Does anyone know

What a treasury chest looks like?

Does anyone care?

Someone has been going

After my families safes

As well as bank vaults

There is one bank

That shut its doors 

Overnight during the 

Pandemic without informing

Me of my family's little drawer

Jimmy showed up with-it

And then just threw away

The contents

His whole life he has spent

Making sure

I just dont get to have

Anything at all

Not even my own father

Life is not supposed to be

Controlled by someone else...

Does anyone even care

What happened to the Titanic?

Do you know that they have

Never found any bodies

After the initial rescue?

What happened to those dead bodies?

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Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...