Monday, June 24, 2024

Where are you going?


My mother as her cancer

Spread through her brain

Began to fall back

On all those expressions

One learns in language class

We both grew up speaking

The local languages 

Only to have to prove

Our ability once were

No longer living amongst

In other words 

Those sentences 

She used all came

From the foreign language


Are you sure?

How are you?

Where are you going?


I had another siting

Today at the cupboard

Is there anyone

Still looking for those

Girls of Charles Mansion

Found another one of them

They always work 

At places such as libraries

Or other social things

Used to follow us around

We were one of those families

On the list to annoy

For no reason

At all but that we did

Not fit in and yet

Kept getting to places

They thought were 

For them alone.

They wanted to take

Over the upper white class

By destroying anyone

Who walks into their field

Which happens a lot

When they are careless

About the people

They associate 

Such as nurses

Who always have another

Objective than the ones

Already discusses

Marlene Mimmo

Was great at getting

The doctors orders wrong

And then there are those

Other specials

The private security guards

Have you ever checked

Them out?

Most of them are living

On minimum wage

With others and not alone

Or in other words

They cant afford 

To go without kickbacks

Never trust them

Not ever without knowing

You will regret it!

Anyways because

My cat needed his shots

And other things

I am short this month

And have to rely upon

What is expected at my income

Which does not include

Any of those places

I actually worked 

And was known for it

Food pantries

And free cupboards

No questions asked

One just shows up

First come first served

Unless the word

Has gone out

While taking public transport

They came all the way

From the tip of 

South America

They speak Spanish

And French

But I heard something else

African Latino's!

I am the Non Hispanic

Brown skinned polite woman

They came from southern Chile!

That is Patagonia

For those who don't know

Thier geology

They walked and swam

To get here 

In Southern California

And it only took 

Them 13 days

But cost them 

7000 dollars

To get to the United states

And then from 

Texas to California

Another 2800!

Wow don't they have

Bucks to spend

Don't speak English

But want to work

For anyone who is 

Willing to have an illegal

Or are they not considered


Only been in the country

8 days

Have a place to stay

But sadly have no food

They are wearing expensive

Clothes and have a fancy

Baby buggy

Four adults 

And one small baby

Who looked in good health

Considering their ordeal

And they didn't even have to wait

At the border 

Come right over

Like everyone else

I enjoy a good story

And what do I have

Against people

Willing to stand 

In the hot sun

In order to get some bags

Of food?

Except all I got

After calling ahead

To make sure this time

I would not be given

Rotten vegetables

Or just tuna 

And left over 

Starbucks sandwiches

Which i have to toss

The bread leaving

A small pile of processed

Things I am not sure

Were protein

Oh yes, don't worry

They have diary and meat


Needs hot water,

Needs boiling water

For the birds....

Oatmeal is not gluten free

Has to have boiling water

The peas and beans

The same thing

And I only have a microwave

I saw beef in their bags

Which by the way

They were escorted 

In front of me

And the Vietnamese people

Hasn't it been fifty years

Since they came over?

They are still following 

Me around

It was one of my sisters

Things in 1972

To promise without knowing

Whom she was speaking

Freedoms and the ability

To earn a living

If they would only put

Down their arms

Or whatever it was she 

Was told to tell them

I was in a hosiptal

In Auroara Colorado

Having another back operation

After the eye operation

And before the kidney failure

She died in December

I still have no clue

As to what she told them

But they show up

Everywhere I go...

It is a say story

The sadder story

Is that my people

Are Cherokee

Which means stranger

We are from the Altai mountains

In southern Siberia

We walked across

Siberira and upper Mongolia

To get to that little piece

Of ice called the 

Alaskan straights

And then continued

Onwards to the east coast

Which is where were found

And every wave

Of homeless europeans

Told us to get the move on

Until a good majority

Of us who did not stop

In Oklahoma 

Now reside on the West coast

What do they want us to do?

Jump in the ocean

And swim back to where 

We came from?

Why dont they start

By getting rid of all those

Germans who are now

Getting old age

Social security from us

Leaving the next generation

Without even health insurance

Let them go back

And rebuild their country

Which they purposely

Pulled down in order 

To have no where to live

Then tell Michelle

That her babies

Are now full grown

Those people of hers

Who had to take baby steps

During her husbands 


Are now full grown

Adults and it is time

To get the move on

Instead of killing each other

And expecting larger than

Normal handouts for doing nothing

Get them off drugs

And into real jobs

Oh it is not time yet

Well, I am going to tell you

That Michelle is one type

Of person 

And Kamala a different type

If she should get to stand

And up and swear an oath

It will not be the same pleasant

Stroll through the park

Not that I don't feel sorry

But I am still waiting

For my unemployment

For working for the US 

Federal government

And as for any pension

From ABC or CBS

It has already been gotten at

By Candy and her daughter Lisa

Jimmy has gone to far

This time governor

Time for him to learn

To keep his mouth shut

And as for those other males

Decent woman

Gets tired of waiting

And starts taking things 

Into her own hands....

They walked and swam

All the way from Chile?

Do I look as if 

I was born yesterday.

Where are you from....

Does anyone remember

Their history?

Those Italian city states

Defending themselves

And governing themselves

Until a bad group came along

And up ended the stratosphere?

Florentines were not Italians

But one day they became Holy Romans.....

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