Sunday, June 16, 2024

Someone wake me up!


What was he thinking?

Dan  fuckella

Does not think

Nor reason at all

It is no surprise

He attempted to kill me


I wonder how many times

He has tried to murder me?

I remember him

As a small boy

Running around

San Francisco

A horrible hoodlum

But he is also supposed

To be that guys kid

The one from 

Macmillan wife

Known to everyone

As Chuck?

John Shuck

Was and is a well known

Actor who got playing

With this guy at the park

I am not sure if is his

But he does look like him

His thick black hair

Is now gone

His handsomeness

Was never there

But he made a pest

Of himself everywhere

Got in the wrong car

One day and disappeared

Only to show up 

Wherever I am

Including the day 

I had to deliver important

Papers to the Law Professor

I was a Columbia law school student

For some reason every other girl

Thought she should have the job

But I was over qualified

Having already worked 

At the United Nations

But I was a local and worked

At whatever until I got another 

Call to work elsewhere

Even those stopped coming

But anyways

This day he showed up

As I got into my car

Of which he had stolen

Years ago and then sold

It to me

We had recently gone

To the police station

Where I had been standing

Waiting for my grandfather

With a bicycle the local

Means of getting around

Only to see the guy

Show up in a car

His mother was so well known

And there it was the

Martin Luther King jr school of law

Now why they always

Asked her I don't know

But her son was there

It must be important

And he put his long legs out

And began to switch from 

His driving shoes

He was famous for running

In Central park

And people would steal

His clothes if he dropped

Them at a bench

I remember him riding his bike

Around when my family

Still had respectability

And resided in New York

But here we were

All those years later

And Dan swooped in

And stooled his good shoes

Dan is six foot six inches

And proud of his height

I have men taller than that

But never mentioned it


The chase began 

With a yell at me

Watch my stuff!

I was stuck between

Two masters

The civility of doing

As asked by a stranger

And waiting for a relative

My grandfather waved at me

I went over and told him

What had occurred

Scurrying back in time

To catch the next thief

His sister Tamsen

His mother came out

To speak to me

And took charge

She locked up the car

And I was sent inside

To change into a better dress


I had not noticed my own bag

Was now gone

My weekend with grandpa

Was off to a bad start

But there they were 

After an hour

A well dressed young man

Standing next to his rich mother

Wearing trainers or sneakers

With his outfit

Those shoes never did get found

He made a police report

Which I had to back up

And then dan slumped 

Down next to me

He insisted on going 

To my place of worship

And told me how he had

Gotten a new pair of shoes

But they were too small

His father was the town 

Cemetary gardener

Who appears to pick up

Slips of paper

Because he acquired 

A dozen different houses

Living on an income of?

Like a good girl

I went to the shoe repair stores

Until I found the right one

Dan had introduced me enough tmes

As his girlfriend

I simply smiled

And asked how much did I owe?

He was also in the habit of showing up

And getting me to pay for his food

Not that I wanted to and after awhile

I had to become uncivilized

I took my prize and drove over

To Sacramento where I sent

Them back to the well known address

I was now out over fifty dollars

And Dan was never going to pay

For anything at all

In fact he began to steal my wallet

And when I complained to a minister

He poured milk over my face

This day he got in my car

And would not get out

When we got close to his parents place

I drove into the garage spot

And stomped on my brakes

He got out to speak to his mother

And I glided back down

The street

Only to have jump  over

The fence on the highway

Where I had to curve around

In order to go to the Capital

He gave chase on the highway

The local police were already 

On their way

I had to pull over

While it was explained to me

It happened to be the ones

Who knew about my wallets

I just looked at them

And asked could they get 

Rid of him for me?

Instead I was outside

The car and standing 

While they spoke to him

He looked at their watch

And decided he had enough

I knew I had already missed

The time  I was supposed to be

There to deliver the papers on time

I shook my head as I watched

Him jump the high fence

With my car keys in his hand

Do you have many robberies 

Around here were fences

Are no problems?

They looked at me

And yelled at him 

To bring me back my car keys

He did not even bother stopping

I waited for a moment

Then reached under my bumper

And got my spares

I was in the car

And swinging back on to

The highway when I felt

A thump

He had looked back

Over his shoulder

And sprinted back

The cops got him for me

As I drove off

I arrived at the governors entrance

To the state capital

Late and was told the whole

Building was closed

There was an important lunch

Going on somewhere

I would have to go to the private club

And wait til they were done

In order to deliver my brown envelope

He walked in and then so did it

His name by the way

Was John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.

Watching him bike or run

Was not the same as having him

Sit down next to me

He wanted to know

About the shoes

So I explained that Dan

Had been bragging about 

Having them stretched

So I went looking for them

And did not take them to the police

Where they would be locked up

For at least six months?

Okay I had not thought of that

Your mother called 

And wanted to know

Sorry she was once normal

She now has dementia 

It is difficult to deal with her

Hmm, she mentioned

Oh she has also been to

Vasseur but never graduated

No it was something else

I was just well trained

By my father and grandfather

Dont worry about it

Dan showed up and put his feet

On my lap under the table

Where I was getting a free lunch

Which he ate while I was trying

To get the waiter

Don't worry about it

Sir! I realized he had 

The shoes on his feet

The ones he stooled

And I had returned

I was getting hot

And it was not going

To go well with either of them

When I got the  silver tray

With a note on it

They were waiting for me

Had to run!

Sorry but this was  not fun

Still young enough for it too stick

Ran down the street

To the capital and to my

Surprise was lead to the 

Governors office

Mr Angelo was sitting

There frustrated 

When I arrived with 

My envelope

I hope these are the

Right papers?

Yes and why was i being

Followed by the police

Oh a guy I don't know

Was attempting to steal

My car....

Do you mean Dan F

Yes, and he is not my boyfriend

Not what he tells people...

Not my day!

I got a honored guest tour

I was once a tour guide myself

And was introduced

To the Senator from

San Diego whom i did know

How is your family?

Bad question

They split up and

Were living seperate lives

Right in front of the entire


I had also worked as 

Tour guide at the 

DC capital 

Not pleasant to be questioned

And before anything else

Happened there he was asking

For me in front of everyone

Even sat down and shook hands

It was nice meeting you again

But I have to run

Or I will have this guy

Arrested for harrasment

Dan did not get the hint

He was handcuffed as 

I was exiting the room

Too many stories 

On this guy

Did I mention that 

I had run off and gotten 

Married when I was a


Never got to spend

My wedding night

With my husband

I was sitting in jail

Because someone had

Made a false complaint

Monday morning

They released me


My husband 

Became my business partner

But it was difficult...

He kept loosing his job

Locally, these strange things

Kept occurring and now he was

Working for his brother

At a pizza place

I took to spending time

There and eating salad

While he waited his turn

To play his guitar and sing

Not bad, has at least one record

Could not get away with it

Got caught hanging around

They showed up

And he moved out

And then it was also

Dans new favorite place

I moved out of town

A number of times

But it always ended badly

Finally he was forced to marry

A girl who had deposited

A baby on my doorstep

She is now a CNN reporter

A very large girl

Taller than most

And looks like Dawn Renee

Hmm, thought I was free

Not really 

I got work elsewhere

But could not stop 

Finding myself one more

Time in California

And not in San Diego....

So life continues

My mother it turns out

Had brain cancer

Cant undue those years

Of bad behavior

And get the family back together

Besides she did not want to get well...

I went to bed early because

The tv was unplugged

Only to awaken to the sound

Of an emergency report

We had had a lot of flooding

I got up to see what

Was going on only to find out

That it was his plane

That had one down

In New York

After his mother had died

The Bachelor had gotten married

My mother might have cried

But I was sadly happy for him

Maybe if my mother subcombed

To her cancer I might have a chance

At a life of my own...

There I sat listening to the report

Of the Kennedy jr plane

Having gone down

To find my mother had 

Called the cops on me

I was sitting on the porch 

With only a flashlight

And the radio in the dark

Not making any noise

She did not want me to

Listen to the news

She wanted me to be arrested!

Instead they were speaking 

To her in a calm voice

That did not bode well

What was she doing

While I was gone working?

Anyways they were unaware

Of the report on the radio

One went to find out

What was happening

He came back to say

Yes his plane was down

And they were going to do

Recovery in the morning

My mother had already

Gotten John F K jr 

On the phone

And he was speaking to the other

Police officer

I told you they are doing

Recovery operations

That means he is considered dead

All I was doing was finding

Out why there was an emergency

On the radio!

Oh please she needs to go to bed


Here listen to him 

He is speaking on the phone

He is not dead

Great she is one of those

Women who hold onto

Smallest things

I was now going to have

To hear about him and I...

Mother why do you do this to me....

Then i hear it speaking

I am blah bla bl

That is not what he said

He did not say 

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

He said his name is

Daniel Vincent For.....

This creep keeps

Following me around

And now he has my mother

Convinced he is that guy!

What has he been doing?

What is my mother involved?

Sighing deeply

The police officer

Asked whom he was speaking

I got an old phone book

And gave it too them

They took it as he had hung up

Good luck in finding him

At any of those addresses

He had made a false phone call

Or at least identified himself

In a fashion leading the polcie

To believe ...

I knew I was in bad with

Those guys as well

This was not going to end well

Which is why i sat

In a car over a ditch

And the neighbors

Were telling me it was Dan

There he was fleeing across

A field with his tall frame

Casting a longer shadow


The police there missed him

And the accident report

Went missing

A head on crash

I keep telling people

And they don't believe me

I bet he has never stopped

Telling people

We are a couple

His wife even left him

If I had a son

He would even tell the poor

Kid that he was his daddy

I know there are girls

Who dont understand

But I hear things

He attempted to rape

Me as well...

There are a number

Of growls towards me

Apparently he got other

Girls who slept in my bedroom

Even Allona's son is too tall

For her husband Robert

My, my  some guys

Never stop

I made sure he never got me

But then I keep finding

Needle marks on me

I wonder what he is up to?

Father's day is upon us

My real father has passed

As has his father

But no kid of mine

Would consider

Blessing anyone at all

I made it clear 

He is not your 

Daddy nor is that one

Nor even   that one

Just don't bother

I made sure i was never

Going to provide an heir

To a jackass!

Unhappy fathers day

And Dan F...Run!

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