Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 I did not have a mother but a monster.

She had early Dementia when I was a teenager.

She had lost her brain to cancer by the time she was fifty.

She died at 69 with 80 percent of her capacity metacisized.

She was no more than a four-year-old at any given time.

My mother was born to a couple of newlyweds who had married at 18.

They had known family strife and knew they were in love.

They had not expected a baby the first year.

Nor the one they received who was a holy terror to deal with.

She never did get better just larger.

Pure hatred is all I knew from this person whose brain had never developed.

They dont know what went wrong but she was not seen as normal.

She was pretty and could do things for appearance's sake.

She would never do them for long nor get the message.

She hated her parents and never got over having to have them tell her what to do.

She did not want to raise her own children.

She had at least six of us that I know.

She probably ate the rest of them.

She was always pregnant and never knew how it had happened.

My father was beside himself to explain that his childhood sweetheart

Had turned into a monster from hell.

She preferred to raise other people's kids.

She spoiled them and made them behave in horrible ways.

They could not tell that she was lying to them.

Just for the sake of lying to them.

She hated them as well they simply were just too stupid to understand.

There must have been 200-500 of them.

Some of them would tell me they were her real daughters.

She only had the two identical ones and one of us died.

There was no replacement, but they kept showing up anyways.

And then there were the babies who arrived as soon as I was born.

They were her grandbabies, and they could not be told no.

How does one believe that a 6-month-old baby has given birth?

Or a three-year-old or a six or nine?

Not until one is twelve is one capable of having a period 

And ovulating causing a pregnancy

These little bitches are more than stupid

They are evil and won't give up the cause

 Of being meaner and crueler than herself

They gloried in teaching her new things.

And yet want to sit there saying I just want my mama.

They should have known better when they grew up

But they did not want to go back to not being allowed 

To play with the bad grandma

Instead, they kept after her even though by then it was obvious

She was out of her mind

Her own family died one by one of shock

While her children were sent to different areas of the world

She was never to have her boys back 

But other children were brought to her instead

They are terrible things in the world

But a massive amount of parents 

Willing to have their children taken from their beds

To have them exposed to nudity and aggressive behavior

To allow them to be lied to by a crazy woman

Who just hates her own flesh so much.....

There are no words for those people

But the babies' bitches are bastards

And will never be forgiven by God no matter what religion

Nor will they ever get away from the law

They just want to treat people badly because they don't know any better

Her mind was gone the woman who gave birth to me

If the other women had left her alone

And allowed her parents and family to deal with her

She might not have gotten so bad

But that was the joy of watching my mother be made to be their animal

She did not even know when she was being made fun of

Nor shamed by others

She had no sense of proportion nor knowledge of the world

She gave away hers and other goods

Believing she would be loved for it

They just wanted more and kept coming back

Until her heart gave out and there was no more to give

So, they came and took what they wanted anyways.

Her mind was gone long before she was an adult

And no one cared enough to take a look at her eyes 

No one thought of her own inner turmoil 

Nor the anguish of everyday having to give in to her own relatives

A mad woman is all we knew and nothing else

Her parents marriage was gone by the time she was twelve

They never recovered nor wanted another child after given this one

Her life would have been worse if we had not tried

Her relatives

Others did what they could to destroy her


No one knows except it was easy just too easy

And she suffered everyday

And could do nothing but think of what else she do wrong

For her parents and her own children

She has no grandbabies and none of them care

Except to one more time cause tribulation and without cause and for no reason at all

Except it is easy just to easy to control someone else for no reason at all ....

Sunday, June 26, 2022

L'Oiseau Blanc- has anyone seen me? Anywhere?

 Before there was a Maverick and a movie named Top Gun there were other guys.

World war one flying aces.

It was called the Great war, the war to end all wars. 

It encompassed the world but mainly took part in Europe.

With the Bolshevik's coming to power.

They first threw out the Jews before they rose.

Then they raped the finest girls just to bred them out.

Who did not hate the Soviets who threw away Russian culture and brought in german aetheism?

The Germans were out to conquer the world 

They even attempted to  make Africa their own

All they got was a bunch of bastards who occasionally show the root stock

But they were crude and they were vulgar

It was deemed wise not to let them back into polite society

And then there was this little air race

The Great Transatlantic crossing

A guy in New York City even offered twenty-five thousand dollars if they could do it!

The list of men who attempted it is long

Lindberg is the name everyone remembers

But some have not forgotten

Nungessey et Coli 

Just two weeks before Charles set off 

These two experienced war pilots 

Got lost over the sea

And never turned up on the other side

Many have spent millions of dollars 

Looking for them

But no one has ever found the hangar 

Where their plane was once parked

An alternate theory

To their getting lost

And going down at sea 

Drowning with their aircraft

Is that they were taken hostage

Somewhere between Ireland 

And Nova Scotia

Their aircraft was taken from them

Now Ireland has long been an enemy of London

And anything nice

After all that Saint Patrick

Came in and burnt their old ways and kings

It is said the Blackshirts 

Rose before the Great War

And the Irish were interested in joining the cause

Against the British, Nazism, Fascism, Aesthesiam anything goes

It is a theory also that others were interested 

In keeping the airways free

Nobody was supposed to cross by air

Or how would the governments track illegal aliens?

They had them in those days as well

It is a possibility that there were those 

Who knew another war was coming

And did not want the Germans to be given a passage

Anyways, it is thought by some that they were not ditched 

Into the Atlantic Ocean

Nor scuttled in Nova Scotia

But brought down, and killed in order to keep them from crossing

All in order to keep the Germans from finding a way to Canada

They already knew how to get to Britain

Ireland might have had a hand in it

Or they might have been released into South America

Their bodies were never found

And they might have been forced to keep their mouths quiet 

But their plane must have been in a hanger somewhere north

If this theory is the correct one.

There is another interesting twist to the story

Ortieg offered the reward for the first aviator to cross the ocean

He was a Hotel owner in New York from France

He was a child immigrant who worked his way up to owner

How often have we heard that story?

Out of nowhere comes a rich guy.

A nice rich guy!

He wanted more tourist for his Hotel just as he was retiring from the business

Hotel Lafayette

Had become home to Aviators

Along with anything else is the hustler

Sometimes called Mafia or ganglord

Where did he get that kind of dough?

It is equivalent to 390,000 dollars today

That is a third of a million dollars!

Was he connected somehow himself?

Mr Innocent?

Lindberg was already a well known aviator.

If he had done the job someone else would have completed the task

What though of our war heroes? 

Something smells fishy....

Friday, June 24, 2022

Bonfires- Have we returned to the times of Hitler and his art thieves and robbers of culture?

For centuries bonfires have been lit in times of trouble.

Sometimes these are for others to see our fear or desire to be rescued.

And other times it is out of fear they are lit with things people don't want.

Such as now why don't we all just throw away our Russian things.

Ukraine this Ukraine that

A decade ago people could not pronounce it.

They did not care to pronounce it.

They wanted Russia.

Now they have given up on humanity.

We are seeing a civil war of brothers fighting each other.

All the sad first lady can do is show her wealth

While her husband dresses like the old Cuban communist rebel.

Where is it going to end?

Do the Biden's want us to strip the museums of the Russian icons

The libraries of the Russian  literature

And bring them to their front lawn for a bon fire?


They did throw the first stone

They declared war

Why so much hatred?

They want the Crimea back

They don't want to give up Donbas

They want the world to feel their pain

What next? Moscow itself?

Meanwhile their people are being housed

And accommodated for in the millions

But the few Russian who escaped

Have no place to go to rest

It is all one sided

And even Movistar's are making the  mistake of getting involved

This is not like the end of WWII 

When Jewish people wanted their homeland of Israel

It is a time of need and a time of demand

These people have a right to homes as well

They have a right not to be spit on 

And not to be bumped off of busses

Where did it all go wrong?

Don't tell me again about Putin.

Putin this Putin that

It is all hogwash, you men are just wanting to fight.

And the rest of the world watches 

In horror and mourns 

What we lost in a conflict 

Where at least the enemy was civilized


Lets start bonfires of books and art

Maybe this well make the Zelensky's happy

What about Biden's, are you going to put a stop to hatred?

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Summer soltice and little girl dreams

 My family are from various parts of the world.

They all acknowledge the change of seasons.

I have trekked to the north just as Anna to see the Scandinavian sun rise and sunset.

I have sat in the desert waiting for the wind to circulate around my colored sand picture.

I am both Native American which they say came originally from Siberia.

The last of the true shamans were found in the Altai mountians.

I am also Scandinaviana, Copenhagen and St Petersburg.

Russ and Viking and French with a little bit of everything else.

We were nice little girls my sister and I.

Most of the time  one grandparent had one of us.

So mother could handle the day without a meltdown.

But sometimes we got to be together my mirror image and  myself.

We were identical and named for the morning.

I came first, Aurora Borealis just after midnight.

And then came the early rays of Dawne.

Two early risers, and two too  many for one mother.

My mother used to tell my sister that I was her imaginary friend.

I used to explain to her that she was borrowing everything of mine,

My shoes, my dresses, my name and she even had my face.

And then she died, and I was given the one thing I did not want, her kidney.

Little girl dreams.

We all have them.

Some day we are going to grow up 

And we are going to live somewhere and someplace.

Some want to be princesses

Others want to be athletes

And a few even astronauts

Most end up being mothers or wives

Not my sister

Her life ended too early

She was taken away before she was allowed to go to school.

We had a sex stalker after us because of our uniqueness

Stalkers come in many forms.

Admirers, rejected suitors, obsessed fans or just die hard swindler scam artists.

They say they are sick and cant help themselves.

They do more harm than any GI Joe out on patrol

My sister and I did commercials for our familys income.

My mother went crazy before we were born.

She threw away everything she could and then did not want us.

But she was outnumbered or so the men thought.

At some point a blond boy was brought to her to enjoy

He was a horrible pig

Envy knew nothing of his greed

But she took him to her heart because he was white.

She had begun to hate her own family and allowed it seep into her soul

Her hatred developed to the point of no return.

And then one of us did die.

After that it was over for her and her family

We never did know any rest at any time.

The first milk carton missing child.

I came home but other girls keep showing up sayin they are her, such as Martha

The first time a child had to go before congress to explain abduction

And yet the original abductees still ones around claiming to be the real mother.

I have had people such as Stephanie Powers tell me she is my  mother 

Even Peter Falk said I was his daughter.

He was honest about it she was not.

The kinds of people who show up looking for an easy buck

We were robbed and raped

My mother was never the same and her boys left her a long time ago.

While my grandparents and others appeared to be murdered.

One by one they died suddenly

Without cause, a car over a cliff he drove every day

Locked out of the house in a wheelchair in freezing weather

Falling down the stairs she used everyday

The list goes on of the accidents 

And then there was the bullet to the head

And my father was chained down and set on fire.

While my  mothers cancer to a slow toll on her spirit

When did it start?

On summer solstice day when a little prince

Found he could have his way only by killing them all off

And forcing himself on the girl child

My mother had been foolish and others knew it would not be pleasant

Jim was special he came from an affair of the heart

He had a white daddy who was on tv and could do almost anything for him

Except make him into a real prince or a smart president

He made it his business to do what he wanted 

His real mother kept cleaning him up

Now dont do that anymore.

My little spoiled one.

He was a stalker


He got away with it all

There was no one who could stop him.

Many tried such as psychologist who had nervous breakdowns

Or presidents who had to be impeached.

Any woman who got in his way 

He went after her panties and did things.

Most of the women become large

Or loose their husbands in some way

None of them realize it is Jimmy

They know it is him

He is listed as my stalker

I was the youngest to be given a restraining order

It was against someone else

Who is also still allowed to come inside and sit or stand next to me

He has tried to rape me and in front of witnesses

He is viral and has a few children he wont acknowledge

Jimmy is impotent and chemically sterilized

He just wouldn't leave the little girl alone

He still does want he wants

He controls my environment

He makes sure I spend my money his way or no way

He also uses my habitat against me

I have to lock my doors by sunset and cant leave before sunrise

He still finds a way to punish me

I have had my wallet stolen and then drugged so I don't whom I am 

And then branded homeless so no one will help me

I have survived almost everything a woman 

Has thrown at her including multiple attempts at marrying to the wrong type of man

Black African children demanding I am their mommy

Or Violent Redheads who want to know why they thrown away

Sins sins

To sin in the south is to produce a dark colored child

All redhead are from the devil

The list goes on of the types of things I have endured

My boyfriends learn will quick to disappear

Or else

My one  husband never does come home

But show up with another girl on his arm, and another one

As for my medical issues

It is where it gets really good

A stalker who can get inside a individual 

Without the ability to insert himself

All those injections when I was little

Repeated battles with Chicken pox 

Or other childhood diseases.

And then not being allowed to have a  normal female menstration

I was fifteen before they realized someone was giving drugs 

To keep me younger than dating age

He did not want me to have any one but him

And he was going to get his way

Meanwhile a number of girls got pregnant

Not my vagina

But they all were told I was their mom

And they have used extortion on all the men in my life.

Menopause comes to every woman

We all end up regardless if we have had a child or not

At that stage when our ovaries began to have difficulty

Most simply stop flowing

My family are bleeders.

My mother was till flowing at 69

I have had a decade of gynecology attempting to tell me I am weird

I am not going to be gutted out

Instead I have had every type of pelvic exam possible

One does not wonder if it is Jimmy

Every woman in his life knows it is him

Doing his best to make us know how he feels

He has multiple wives and aunties

He treats them good until he wants something

He gets want he wants or else

Now he wants me to never have been pregnant


It is on my medical records

It means never pregnant

I have never lactaided nor been in labor

I cant convince the two hundred applicants

Who show up threatening me because they have it on good authority

They have no birth certificate or evidence

I have evidence not of virginity but of not have given birth

It is not pleasant subject out in the open

But some women need to know how far a man will go

To get inside

He only has to tell the doctor what he wants and he gets it

One more examination

One more opportunity to get her unconscious

And go things to her 

While she is unwilling to comply

I have four tumors in my uterus

I look as if I am expecting

I have had radiology

But I cant get it resolved 

Every time I go anywhere now

I know the California State was right

Jimmy is a sex stalker 

And he is not going to stop

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Princess Pampers-Moose-Pickels-Money

There was once a little girl named Sonja, now known as Ludmilla.

She wanted it all and got very good at getting the guys to give it to her.

She was a runaway daughter of a New Yorker who became a well-known actress.

Her face alone would cause you to wonder of this story.

It all started way before the picture was taken in 1977 at Jonestown.

Jones had come to Santa Rosa, a sleepy little town once a booming administration for California.

It became nothing more than a bunch of hothead and drug addicts to dump their own lives.

This is because this religious nut devised a plan to rob the social security of all its valuables.

He got people to come to his religious temple and gather around in singalongs.

He then got them to enlist on the social services they and all that they knew.

Then he got them to hand it over to him and his group.

While Rosa ran around the world depositing his embezzlement he had moved on to South America.

Rosa became pivotal in being caught outside the day they drank Kool aid.

The entire compound including Jones drank and went to sleep forever.

He poisoned their minds, after he poisoned their town, then he poisoned them.

His rewards were a bunch of French Guinanians both African and white laying around.

A Senator had heard about the run away daughter and her daughter.

Another child had escaped from being permently removed from her own relatives.

They showed up for a confrontation and only meant to bring home the Americans.

Instead a shoot out occurred and everyone went down, the Senator and the Jonestown people.

The picture had  made headlines, good man there moved all those starving people into his compound.

He had found a place in South America to live with his people in peace and harmony.

He sat surrounded by his white followers while the Africans stood in the background.

But she marched forward and sat down on top of his leg, the little black African orphan.

She was Princess Pampers-moose-pickels-money

She was a real princess.

She had meet the queen of England and the President of the united states.

She was now going to own his thigh and his group as a dominate personality

She was black and at a time he could have had his leg cut off for allowing her to sit on it.

But he was not in the US and got away with it.

So he thought.

It made the news and comments began to circulate.

They began to remember her and the pampers.

He parents had been young, 12 they said when they got married, really 15.

They had no idea what to do and then this baby came along.

It means Money, was Jimmy Walkers favorite expression. 

Well she had no intention of changing diapers, nor cleaning house.

They got pampers by the yard.

They also were given special rides and special things.

They were special with a black child and a white mama and dad.

He had enough of the little thing.

His wife would not take care of it.

Just sit it there because she had been told she could have his inheritance.

Really it was the girls inheritance who was not his sisters.

He reached out and hung the girl on the moose's antlers.

He could not stand her cries, she could now cry to the moon.

She was taught not to cry but then it was too late.

He hated her and he could not get an inheritance with her anyways.

All over those pickles.

His wife had to get pregnant and demand pickles.

He wanted the family who were related to the Pickles.

A South Carolina tobacco plantation is what he was told.

Instead his stupid wife kept asking for pickels.

Pickles were rich and old money.

He could trade a lot of things for that kind of class.

He had heard from his spying.

His father found out what he was up to and put an end.

He also did the blood work and no the little girl was not his.

She was no princess on any continent.

What was poor Sonja to do!

She had already married an airline guy who was working his way up the ladder.

He made it all the way to top, CEO of the Russian airlines.

She made airline stewardess.

But he wanted her to perform for him and he ended up strangled in bed.

She ran off with this fool because her stepdad said it was easy money.

She went on to a cowboy goof-off who knew how to through those all important rodeos.

Shawn Keshan had put her in a mental institution for thinking the girl was his.

He was off and running to another girl and another one until one day he had so many,

She married Calvi as he called himself and produced a black haired white skin girl.

This proved she was normal and that something fishy had occurred with the other one.

She was free to go if she put the girl up for adoption.

No problem, who wanted the stinky thing anyways.

Off she went with guy named Christian , a German computer

Only to have Silicon valley erupt and no way was he going to get a job.

Back she ran to her Shawn 

He was now in DC.

Her mother and stepfather found out that the wrong family he was with 

were hooked into the old coast.

They were not politicians but could provide

A few scams and scandals.

Watergate was a park were they played

It was on the water front with a park, a library, a post office and a huge building.

It was the parking lot  he enjoyed the most.

But first he needed her to play some games for him with the other little girl.

See his mother was named Camille and so was this little girl.

He was going to switch them at some point.

What he had not told her, was he was a mutant with no skin color.

His white dad did all the work up front and kept him out of trouble.

She did all the work in the back.

Her husband got elected Mayor of DC 

After the stunts they pulled in this building.

No one knows for sure what he was up to, but after the break in he was yanked.

She ended up falling back on one more guy and one more until she landed the big one.

But her daughter got left behind,  in Jonestown.

The one was removed after awhile.

Only the little Princess was left demanding her way.

On the day in question when things went wrong one more time.

She was stirring the Kool-Aid 

One  minute

And the next she was gone.

How she did it 

No one knows

But she vanished

Into thin air.

Little Princess with the black face 

That matched grandmas white one

But made her way to the wrong family 

And stayed stalking them

Instead of taking her rightful place

Among the New Yorkers 

Who would have loved who scamming grandparents

And swindling parents.

Now she is demanding she is Barack's daughter

She does what she wants

And has her own personal slave

The same girl who escaped Jonestown to warn the world.

Wonder where all that money went?

Follow the Money!


 A tumble from a bicycle is not the way to go Pr. President.

It is a sad day when the President himself cant even stay on his own bike.

Really what is the world coming to, after all.

You are only 79.

Come on, Biden.

You have had a long career in Washington.

You had just been elected when Watergate broke out.

One of the lucky ones, outside the situation.

Never had to deal with the Post or any of those other annoying issues.

Of course, your wife was killed a week before Christmas.

Did they ever catch the other driver?

A small infant daughter lost.

You had your own problems to handle.

Who cared about a break in and some journalist.

Life included two small boys and learning a new job.

A job you did well.

Here you are all these years later as the President himself.

Fifty year anniversary of the Watergate scandal.

You made it through with a second wife and daughter.

You lost a son and a daughter in law as causalities.

You made history as the first Vice President of an African President.

And again as the first President with an African female Vice President.

You have no place to go after this, unless of course you dont make it out of this last one.

Who upset Mr. Putin?

All because Hillary getting her nose out of joint.

She wanted the popularity vote to swing the Congress.

Everyone ran around Trump yelling at him and the other guy.

And now the other guy has pulled the nice guy out of the ring.

Are you aware that last Easter when most of us could still  not attend services.

That the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kuleba

Announced that they had intentions of robbing Russia of its Naval port 

Sevastopol, Crimea was theirs for the taking, and taking they were going to do.

Who threw the first stone?


Either in bluff or jest

They called out the big bad wolf.

We want our property back.

Ukraine left Russia 

And without a fight.

Kiev is the oldest of the Russ

But Crimea and Donbas never belonged to them.

Donbas was industrialized by a Welsh man

Hughes brought fifty thousand people from wales

He built English speaking schools and churches and hospitals

And then Lenin came and took it all away from him

The people remained and their descendants

Donbas are more welsh than Russian

Crimea are the old Scythians.

In March of 2021 Mr. Putin began amassing large military

on the borders of Ukraine and Russia

In regards to the threat made by the Ukrainian minister 

about laying siege to Sevastopol.

Sevastopol was famous for the siege and for Florence Nightingale

It even has namesakes in other places such as California.

What it wasn't was the Ukraine's to demand.

Was that not a declaration of war?

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Cuban crisis all over again!

How now Boris!

How any little toys did you leave behind?

Did you tell him he has to return them when his done?

You Boris are beginning to resemble a man named Winston.


As anyone knows, anything that goes up must come down.

And anything that turns counter clockwise can also be reversed.

Are you aware of the circumference of those digital things in your own direction?

The Pope has already declared world war three.

And no end in sight of all those free handouts.

This is not the  middle of a desert but the very apex of the Europe.

Just as Cuba sits at the foot of East coast range with DC so does Kiev sit with most of the Monarchs.

It is so easy to switch the tide towards those old enemies once more.

And here we are all done with war.

No more Afghanistan nor Iran not even a word about Israel.

We want no more war is the chant of the post ww ii generation.

Why now do we want to start up another generation in europe.

Has Europe not seen enough?

All those wars sent the Puritans scurrying to our shores across the Atlantic.

Americans were not willing to engage previously with this type of destruction.

Here we are with all that friendliness.

No one liked the Soviets.

But they played with  them, they ate with them, they even went to bed with them.

Whose to know who anyone is anymore.

What we want to know is the little Jewish boy with the very foolish wife a good guy?

Or is a smart one!

His wife should have left town a long time ago instead of staging another Hollywood scene.

I am sorry dear, I do feel the pain of the poor and improvised but you are not one of them.

Your children should have been sent to grandmas.

And grandma and grandpa should have had a retreat to stay instead of a beach hotel.

All those millions of your people who got up and walked out on you.

They did not stay to see what was going to happen.

They either do not know nor do not care.

You are on your own.

You helped stage this war of yours and all for the sake of a few extra votes?

Those Donbass people wanted their freedom, why did you not give it to them!

Your children might not know how unkind and cruel you are to sit in an air-conditioning building

With a friendly African woman and camera crew

Whom you did not invite on your little air raid.

The others dears, are hot and tired, and dirty and hungary, walking and walking with no where to hide.

Maybe the women should not be put at risk.

Maybe spoiled daughters such as Ivanka should not be given a chance to show her spite.

After all she married the wrong Jewish guy.

This one came with all the accomadations of a first lady even in times of trouble.

Imagine Ivanka back in her mothers country quietly sitting through a siren.

Do you think she would have invited Robin in for lemonade?

It is hard to know what to do when young when everything is obvious.

The world does not work on right and correct nor obvious.

Many have bought into wars and then found out they were just children's playgrounds.

Here we are once again with an angry villain.

And a harmless family who have the wrong religion and ethnicity.

But who is kidding whom?

My Grandparents were told to take teh kids to the beach on teh west coast during Cuba.

Others built bunkers or tree houses or planned trips araound the world.

None of us knew how close we are were to going to the moon together.

It is a consideration that at least America will not have to worry this time.

We can sit back and sip our ice tea or coffee and watch you fools.

We have had our fill of close neighbors with nukes.

We finally made friends with Fidel Castro and his olive outfits.

His university mind and his intellectual buddies who just wanted world domination.

We will still be here when the dust clears, unless you gave him a really nasty one.

And we can go and see if any of your children survived.

Unlike the London blitzes where they were sent across and none of them wanted to go home.

Oh, and we still have your German refugees, maybe you could ask them to come back to make room for our new ones from Russia.

Your wife and kids should do fine by the way, no one blames them for anything.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Lets great this straight

 You wanted to have all three executive members on the same spot at the same time with  men's with guns!

And then what, to have the military move in and take over with causalities in order to free the hostages?

Protecting America is a different story when told from a different angle.

We have a threefold back up plan instituted by the founding fathers.

Three branches of government to ensure the populace does not take over.

That is why the popular vote is not the winning vote for President.

We have a situation that out of control.

A man in the hot seat for taking his rightful place.

A country which then led him into a battle and right or wrong demanded an accurate account.

There was no way a show down would not have occurred.

What we did not know would happen with all of the Hillary protestors is another group would come to town.

This group came with different intentions.

They had motives and means of entrance.

They had already staked out the situation and held the keys to what?

They also had guns, this they did not tell the man at the podium when he urged them to get off his front lawn since they had shown at his door step.

First they went to the Presidents house.

Then they went to the Country's house or the State Capital.

Then they forced their way in and took hostages.

They approached the President without telling him thier intentions.

They threatened the Vice President with a hanging.

They probably had a few words for the lady sitting as the Chair of Congress.

All while the lone Indian chief sits on top looking the opposite direction of the pool.

What were their intentions?

To have their way!

How far were they willing to go?

What would have happened next, if he had!

The three layers of the Exucutive branch are:

The President in the Oval office.

The Vice President in the West Wing.

The Speaker of the House in the Capital.

If the President had shown up at the capital after both of the other two parties had been taken hostage,

it would have been seen as criminal.

If he had been shot while standing outside, the Military would have swooped in to the situation.

They would have taken over and the would have taken the building with causalities.

Even if it meant the lives of one of the other participants, they only needed to keep one of them alive.

The Speaker was in hiding and the Vice President was with his family just on the other side of the wall.

Whom do you think would have won that day?

The men wanted thier way.

If Pence had gone for the vote, we might have seen Trump put in a mental hospital.

We might have seen a sitting duck have to accept the Presidency himself after swinging the vote.

We might have seen Mrs. Polisi become the first Speaker of the House to become President.

We might have seen all three taken down and then what?

Biden had already been elected and it was only being contested the count.

So it would have been done anyways, him becoming President.

Unless they also had him under guard.

Where was Kamala that day?

Was she there as well, no one mentions it but she would have had a vested interest.

Was this about Hillary?

Was this about Kamala?

Or about Putin!

Or about Obama!

Really, you guys in the media whom I was once member expected the last man standing without a gun to walk into a showdown.

You really believe the Secret Service were going to allow him to leave the White house?

With the Capital under siege?

Or that the military would have wiped all of the siege takers out just for the sake of having had a chance to live out a Hollywood dream?


Get real guys!

There was no way that guy was going to be allowed to go near those men with guns.

Not even if his daughter was being held hostage.

Once it began it was over.

What led up to the situation is another story.

Lets decide now who gets to be on the steps of the gallows as we watch him swing for real.

Because you guys are asking for blood and the end result of this criminal investigation is a hanging.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

A trip to Paradise just as a reminder

Paradiso by Dante is considered one of the worlds wonders.

Here find the two most noble familes of the old Roman world put into exile and almost extinguished.

While most people talk about the Inferno because they are consumed with death and destruction, as hell is the road most take in their lives, the pathway towards heaven is lesser known.

It has however as much to be remembered as anything else and even more so to those who might actually be on their own road through heaven not hell.

Paradise was talked about or seen in many different insistences, such as the New World.

It would bring peace from the religious wars and harmony of souls for those seeking solace.

Hawaii and the other Pacific places are often seen as an ideal setting as if drifting on clouds.

But most discuss California or the way west as their own particular destination.

There was a day back in the day in what is now called San Diego.

It had had many names, but this was the one it was going to be stuck.

Many prospectors had come to see if gold was in their veins.

Most just came for a new way of life and anything new was better than old.

One of the true western pioneers was an Agoston Harazthy,  he hailed from Pest.

Hungary is what they called the country and Budapest is the name of the city nowadays.

He was a nobleman who came and struck out in so many different ways, learning every trade imaginable, and becoming the father of the Napa wine industry. 

But first he made to the Old West, Wisconsin and then to through the Desert to San Diego area.

He was the first Sherriff of San Deigo building the first jail and the first escape was a Judge who used his penknife to dig himself free.

He served as city Marshall and later as state assemblyman before he moved to Napa County.

He planted vineyards in a section of the area called Harazthyville now known as Middleton. 

Another newcomer was a man named Wyat Earp.

He was known as a law man and had already made a name for himself.

He set himself up down in Newtown with one more wife.

And enjoyed running the town as a peacekeeper but he also owned the only gambling casino.

There were many law men who came and went but there was a story about the days of the land grabbers.

Most people arrived without a title to the land, now some had already acquired a Spanish, French or Mexican land grant from Mexico City. 

Some arrived by boat and later by train but known them could make the land grabbers go away.

They arrived not by stagecoach but by other cunning methods.

The San Diego River which had a different name when it was the area of the Russian company before they had to move north.

The boat people controlled the waterways in the old west.

Just like Tom Sawyer, they would drift the river which was wide.

They kept people from crossing and often staged robberies.

One of the things that Paradise in California brought was highway robberies in Multilanguage's.

Zorro is another legend of California of land grabbing dishonesty and the ruthless ways of the old.

Pirates at sea, robbers on the highway, so called Indian attacks on the road, made travel dangerous.

The answer seemed to be the railroad and many attempted to create one.

One eventful day there was a special visitor coming to what is known as Old town.

The land rights were at stack of those who had already made their claims in Sacramento.

It seemed as if there was nothing they could do wrong and yet a strong wind suggested a new crowd wanted their way in recreating another San Francisco.

It was nothing new but all they had to do was show up and get a special piece of paper, handed to them by the official himself from Sacramento.

A community of old timers and ranchers or merchants had become aware they needed to be careful.

They hired a man to build a small rail towards the train station newly built.

This way they could around the mountain and away from the harbor area where so many of the robbers hung out and ganged up on innocents.

The man was careful to skirt the natural design of the valley but staying away from the river banks.

They were almost there the group that had comely quietly from their various homesteads.

Most by horse to parked them while they boarded the train in what is now known as Mission valley but was referred to as the gorge.

High spirits and hushed whispers along with some legal tender and their best dress.

They were going to meet an important man, to go to town where they would be seen as the original owners and be greeted by those who knew how to show respect.

They were also expecting violence, they brought along a law man.

He sat up front in the small engine while the engineer quietly let them through the valley.

He made sure not to let off any unnecessary steam nor whistle sound.

And then it came to his ears, the Metalic sound, the whip of the wind and the hisssss.

The church sat just south of the opening of the gorge and around the corner of the old town.

It was a careful location as the early ships had made it here and then stopped to unload.

It was also in view of the valley and the river men now robbers.

It was just a mile short of their objective.

The metal rails he had put in were whipping back and forth behind him.

He suddenly realized and his foot got stuck in the one below him as he brought the engine to a stop.

He had agreed not to stop nor pick up passengers. 

He had spent his own money and time, to no avail.

They had him and he could not go forward nor backwards.

They had pulled up the stacks along the way.

Careful to hide what they were doing.

It was too late; they could not make their objective.

And they were under attack.

Out of nowhere they came the robbers, they had switched places in the barn where the horses and buggies were left with the husbands.

He was caught off guard and the law man walked just far enough away to see what he had sitting behind him.

The children ran for cover knowing how to pull up an underground hiding location.

The women had been made to sit next to the men and where sure to die, a few  made it but would never get thier lives back from these types of villians.

They had the land rights, it was not the women's purses but the men's legal rights they wanted.

They killed them all they could before they could get to town with thier documents.

It would not have mattered much, the offical could only hand out his cards but the locals always have their ways of doing things.

Everything is always available to the hirest bidder or the dirtiest gun.

This is what most left behind in Europe the constant conflux of who owns the land and who the baron robbers are even in Odessa, where the exiled Jewish community turned to piracy and mafia type warfare for their own survival.

Where will the displaced go if they are always followed by the unmerciless?

When will the locals agree to deal fairly with the originals instead of the frauds?


Paradis lost.

Those who were already here lost their rights to the greedy.

The law takes to long to bring back righteous.

Only the souls of the wicked remained to raise hell.

The valley church no longer stands, although a few metal rails are still found on one side.

Under foot are those who never got thier lives.

One feels a dread around here and one still sees ones at deaths doors.

But the sound of a train whistle is never heard on this side ever calling for passengers to Paradise.

But Ma! "I'm free"!

 What is the world coming to now adays?

The first time an American President is up for charges leading to a possible execution.

Imagine George Washington being executed for crimes as General and then oops, being needed for the first President.

Washington is always full of wonder, such as naming itself after a man no one really knows except at the time he was the right man for the job and did it very well.

Although I still say someone stole a painting off the White house walls, even if they lied and said they had permission and then auctioned it off.

Well, one of the more serious crimes of the United States of America, not Mexico. It is the same title, are you aware, Estados Unidos de Mexico? 

While Mexico is well known for executions of the heads of states and mass shootings and assinations of just about anybody.

America gets a little bit hot when one of their own gets attacked.

Only a few Presidents are known to have been shot at including Lincoln and Reagan.

Both boys claim low heritage and stubbornness in getting the job of President.

How did Aaron Burr get away with challenging someone to a duel?

And in downtown Washington DC?

He died of his wounds I am told, or we might have had a President Burr at some point.

Ronald Reagan made his fame on the Radio during the war years.

He was also an athlete, a beach lifeguard, a model and an actor.

He went into politics in a big way.

Had two wives at a time this was not normal and a handful of kids.

He made it from non-material wealth to become one of the richer families of America.

His wife Nancy refused to live in the old original Governors house in downtown Sacramento.

Nothing wrong with it but a few dozen mice running around and a few too many children about ready to trip down one of those old banisters.

And those silly life-threatening events.

Many people get threats against their lives but it does not make them quit their job or life.

Instead they went on to a landslide election against a Peanut farmer named Jimmy.

Jimmys family were old money but they were a modest family and he had the worst luck.

A smart beautiful wife and a bunch of pirates took over the embassy in Tehran.

The Shah had to be rescued at some point and then allowed medical treatment for cancer.

One of the oldest and richest countries was Persia now Iran.

Iranian hostage situation was horrible and went on for his entire administration.

Only on the day of the shift from one President to the other were they released.

Reagan began his day on a bright day and the release of hostages  alive and fit.

While Jimmy went home to build homes and habitats for the poor.

The Reagans took Washington by storm and altered its makeup.

No more small quaint village neighborhoods.

Everything is now big high-rises and tall apartment buildings.

While the hundred year plus places are pushed aside and the true descendants robbed of them.

This brings us to Jimmy one more time.

Not only did he arrive without welcome.

He entered every fine place he could without letup, even the White house called to complain.

But Mr., President he is not ours!

Our family homes were old and inherited and could not be sold.

We were the proud owners of nothing at all but huge bills and too many false friends.

No rent at all is what everyone wanted.

What they were not offered they took for themselves.

They even left small children and babies at our doorsteps claiming they were ours.

Now all grown up these same little bastards insist they are the true owners and want us to get lost.

Both my parents were evicted from family homes.

They both arrested and then released as there was no evidence.

County clerks don't keep records they discard them, trust me.

Well, here come John Hinckley Jr.

His great great granddaddy established the University of Chicago.

And his other great great fought in the American Revolution.

And the family had money to spend.

He was spoiled and educated.

He had a lust for a certain young lady.

Drop dead!

This one was gay and still is despite having produced babies.


Any ways, he develops an acute psychosis.

He can't stand himself and he just has to shoot someone.

He is said to  have been the one on a fateful day who pulled out a gun.

Reagan was shoot and a number of others in the crowd.

It stopped the country.

Really, the soap operas stars stood around stunned and could not go on with their live performances.

That is why everything is taped nowadays.

Poor Reagan, he jokes he should not have tucked his head.

He had died the boy would have gone to prison.

Instead, Ronald developed Alzheimer's and Hinkley went to an insane asylum.

For Forty-one years, two months and fifteen days, he has spent under observation.

He won his case not to be shot himself along time ago.

And since he did not actually kill the President nor the cop nor the special agent nor the secretary, he did not get executed.

He also wanted to go home to see mummy.

His release was just before the Pandemic hit and he got to live with his mother.

This is something that always drove me mad.

Jimmy wanted to show up to live with mom.

My mothere, not his and he would not leave her alone until one day she just went completely batty.

She even started calling him her son instead of that killer or stalker as he was listed.

See we had a stalker, a sweet innocent young kid who kep showing up every where we went.

But he was not harmless.

Lots of carnage followed him.

Did kittens, schools,  full size dogs.

Swimmers and canoers beware.

He  had a habit of circling underneath them and then they would vanish.

No one could pin anything on him, so he got away.

He was under doctors orders though and spent his time inside many institutions.

At some point the angry young man with all the signs of a serial killer became happy grandpa.

His father Captain Kangaroo was beside himself. 

He did everything a father could do to keep his kid out of trouble including causing trouble for others.

He took care of the boy and the real mother made sure her son was never going to be incarcerated.

He was often convicted, escaped, switched places, and even once executed, but they forgot to plug in the machine.

He got away with everything and has been stalking me forever.

Now I am not allowed to be seen at all much less heard.

He still goes through my garbage and hands stupid little girls lollipops if they will just stick me with a needle.

They will learn that there is no rainbow at the end of the road.

But until then they live an angry life of hate and deceit.

While I have lived mine in fear of him, rape is what he claims, killing him is all I wanted.

He has systematically caused the death of both of my great-grandmothers who were still alive, my grandparents on both sides and my parents.

As well, as my younger sister and the boys he got rid of and then would not leave them alone.

He even threatened to cut off their you know whats if they thought they would reach maturity.

That is why his own father had him made impotent so he would not rape and then be held accountable.

Some parents just don't know where to stop with thier kids.

One family is dealing with the death of a young girl.

She came home from a party and went to sleep never to awaken.

This was not uncommon in the days of the old Jimmy, suicides and overdoses are still held suspicious.

Another Judge has had his life threatened by a man arrested.

I remember the days when  my father was an important man.

He was a learned man with military expertise.

He was threatened often by many and then tied down like an animal and set on fire by this little celebrity bastard who has still not hung for the crime.

Meanwhile, over in Brooklyn, there is a not so young man enjoying his freedom.

He has a cat and a guitar.

He no longer has a wife but might not need one at his age.

He has his freedom from being spied on by the government, his neighbors or doctors.

He gets to do what ever he wants to in the middle of the night.

He can go anywhere he wants to without it being reported.

He can even think out loud of he wants to, it is his right.

He is free from all the abuse that society could throw at him and seems a better person.

Jimmy is still crazy and the world is a worse place for it.

If any of those adopted babies believe for a moment that they are really mine or that they are going to disinherit me or go after anything left standing without a fight, they are wrong.

I have learned a thing or two from Jimmy and Hinckley.

And is not to drop and tuck.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Let me tell you a little story 🌃

Once upon a time there was this place called New Amsterdam. 

It was a quiet village on the bay🏞️ with no one else except the geese and the Indians. They were no big deal a few beads and they were happy. 

It was the Swedes who caused the problem. They had to pick a fight and with their defeat word got out!

About the little place where the Brits decided to call home and they made a royal mess. 

Now it is called Manhattan and non-one knows what race you are or where you came from. 

Just plain New Yorkers!

Well, they became known for first.

First everything.

Including electricity.

They have a Radio city 🏙️ hall.

Huge success along soda fountains inside pharmacies.

They have this thing called the Tony's where the best Broadway plays, and musicals get rewarded with a trophy and the best the town had to offer until the next failure.

Last night's fiasco was a bit of a farce. It has been two years of pandemic non nos and a few too many deaths to handle.

They were trying to get it right. But it wasn't right.

Too much time under the bridge. 

Not enough time to prepare for the confusion of yet one more war.

And here we are again setting things straight.

The best talent was sidelined for newcomers to feel welcomed. 

Not a bad idea but some won't be seen again.

Who knew Billy Crystal would be a success as a young kid competing against people such Yul Brynner and Leonard Nemoy who were both Broadway stars?

He actually made it and came back to receive his severance package.

Good job.

Now if that young Comedian ever comes through his last stand-up job the world will breathe again.

Volodymyr Zelensky?

I remember him at some event where I saw him perform while sitting near a young blushing blond who is now the first lady of Ukraine.

I'm not against Vladimir the former Moscow city taxi driver, chauffer, Kremlin lawyer, Olympic athlete and head of security for Gorbachev before the coup and the collapse of the Soviet system.

He has had a number of bad days in his life and yet came out smiling, now he is growling. 

He has his rights to port cities and to defend his people as does the separatist who want independence.

How many Civil wars have Americans lived through?

Good luck to both and perhaps they might commit suicide by hitting the wrong buttons

those little bombs hidden under all those innocent schools and hospitals.

We use cow barns and amusement parks to hide ours.

Look who's talking!

Well maybe we won't have to see Paulsen embarrassed with another catastrophic outfit. 

What were they thinking?

Worst dressed and with that hair.


Hugh delighted as usual but is too big for the job.

Maybe some Shakespeare will bring him down to size?


Really still stuck in the Eighties!

His kids sure don't match but then most people kids don't look like them anymore.

I still don't have any birth children and my one adopted daughter ran away decades ago. 

I still see her and she picks her kids up and walks out.

I was not a bad parent just never at home when she wanted me and she was always in grandmas house somewhere else when I wanted. 

I brought her home from one of those wars over there, she was a Kievien and know she calls herself a Tijuanian and speaks Spanish instead of Russian.

Thanks Mother!

I worked as a journalist in those years but never got W 2 forms and no severance package. 

Now we all have fun watching others make fools of themselves as media with the professional touch.

Another good job gone to the dogs.

Hey who let in the cats!?

Bless you all and another try to get it right this time.

We will miss those lost but nothing is for sure in this world?

Not even the next sunrise.

Did I tell you about two little mirror images called Aurora and Dawne?

Only one rose the week before Christmas and the other one is still waiting to awaken.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

You know in Europe they execute their heads of state, not ridicule them into submission because they are not allowed to imprison

 In Europe most of the Monarchs have been executed. 

Such as Bonnie Prince Charlie whom everyone rallied around, but he was executed.

As was King Louis xvi also known as the sun king.  

Throughout history they head of state are usually executed, or exiled.

In America, they are not allowed to imprison a President.

Those who have face impeachment charges have been pardon or acquitted.

Except Andrew Johnson, who was not jailed.

Only our other war hero Ulysses Grant who led the troops to success in the terrible Civil war, and then became President was ever arrested that we know.

He had a habit of racing his horse and buggy through George Town adjacent to the District of Columbia.

The Metropolitan Police of DC decided after the third warning to set an example.

They arrested him, impounded his horse and buggy but did not insist on the jail house but instead had him hoof it home himself. 

They felt satisfied for having done their duty in keeping the streets safe.

Not unlike Scotland Yard who were confused what to do when someone took advantage of Prince Philip driving on his estate.

As for the Queen herself, after driving ambulances through a blitzed London, she is only allowed to drive on her own estates and not on the streets.

I bet she does not even have a driver's license.

Well, this inquisition against Trump as the one against Clinton is all about shaming.

In Clintons case he was shamed about his wife who was so brillant that she was traveling around the world for him as did Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Whose husband is said to have had a mistress despite being in a wheelchair from Polio. 

Eisenhower is also said to have had a mistress driver during his European General days away from his wife.

As for Trump he was just too old, wasn't he to run for President and be taken seriously.

It is hard to have the joy of a win stolen from one.

Hillary is a good person, she stood by her man and then went forward herself with his career over.

It is sad, a verdict was not reached sooner.

I still don't believe they were battling for Trump but against Biden.

Biden had the habit of being first the VP for Barack and then had his VP be Kamala.

Who are both not on the white supremist lists of "I want a selfie".

They did enjoy taking selfies and they did enjoy boasting.

What ignited the flame?

No one knows.

But are we willing to be the first generation to put a President inside a Prison cell?

We have been putting celebrities, movie stars, national sports hero's and even mayors or Governors.

But never the President of the United States.

By the time they get to the point of the convention before they have been vetted and groomed.

No single thing about thier past is not known and their future is supposed to not get out of hand.

Would we have put General Washington in Prison after discovering he had chopped down his fathers Cherry tree?

Fruit trees in the New World were worth more than their weight in gold and a single death could corrupt the rest of the crop or orchards.

Many heads of state count on their own worth when they go forward to argue in our defense or demand in the case of others that they will not be expected to give up their life if things go wrong.

We might not negotiate with the abductors or terrorists if a head of state is taken but they cannot do what they do diplomatically and dogmatically if the answer is prison when things go wrong.

And things go wrong all the time.

With all the cry and hue, it is doubtful he Trump intended someone to be killed in the stand off even though that would be a logical answer in the case of an insurrection.

Just as a coup is not pretty on either side of the border or a civil war we don't understand. 

Oh, George where did the little Cherry tree go?

Ulysses get off and walk your horse!

Stop stuffing the ballot boxes or beware- handcuffs.

There it is said and done or is it.

Lets wait and see, what the public wants and what the Justices are willing to carry out. 

Friday, June 10, 2022

I was there that day on the Capital

 I had been there that day when I had seen a bunch of people suddenly arrive and merge towards the capitol steps yelling.

I was there when they brandished things in their hands and looked as if they were going to storm inside.

I was there as I ran in down towards the booth where the old phone to the emergency services was located.

I was there as I told a passing black car that someone was already up on the third floor breaking a window and gaining access to the floors above security.

Tell them to take cover I said as they went by to those inside and look you need to call whom ever responds they are breaking inside.

I was there as I sat tazered having spasms with  my spinal cord injury as the group that had materialized dispersed and disappeared.

I had witnessed just a few years earlier when Hillary had not been given into by Trump her group gather around the capital and allow themselves entrance into the capital through side doors and upper windows.

I had gone on a walkthrough afterwards to see the destruction of papers on the floor and several of the paintings were being rehung but no harm done it was just a friendly female group who were disgruntled.

They had been meet inside and then treated to tea and told to go home, it had been handled.

I had also been on the Capital as a child when eruptions took place, I remember the garbage trucks lining the White House street and refusing to move.

I recall as a young reporter covering a number of events when things had gone wrong and had even been inside a few bank robberies.

And as a National parks summer hir-ee had been instructed on group gathering and whatnot.

But hey, these guys had things in their hand and were on the attack and then they were not.

It happens when some one blows the whistle to fast, another day.

Next time.

I was trying not to shout as I sat there frustrated, a former criminologist who had a bad auto accident and now had seizures.

A former elected government official who had been frog marched out of the Capital because the staff did not know who was with me was not nice.

I had several people around me and they were in the habit of kicking and biting me, stealing my wallet, hitting  me on the head and jabbing me with needles.

My fear of HIV grew more each day as death lingered from their abuse.

Most of them were already convcited and court ordered to stay away.

I was there that day as the news vans arrived to find out what has happening and just a few were left around the bike cycle racks.

I was there the day the tall blond stood over me and asked me who I was to her?

Who was I to Caroline?

She looks the same, did she give up her job to becoe a defender of the Capital because of what she had seen that day? 

She got injured in the attack and almost lost her life.

She got to get in front of congress and give her report.

Who was I to her?

I had already lost my life and was only trying to reclaim my identity.

Some were assuming I could just walk back in and sit down where I had left off.

I knew the same people who had gone after my parents and grandparents were now third generation were in town, three generations of criminals from the old Germnay  pre soviets and associating with wild motercycle groups and white supremists.

I was worried and responded to a threat percieved from experience.

I was there the day they staged a prequel, a what if, lets see what they can do scenario.

My first response to the January 6 was "so they did come back".

My second was "please President, dont walk in to thier crowd" because I dont think they came for you but themselves.

(Themselves and the Pittzembargers, Bartmettlers, Gillettes, and Galliotos who continue to harrass policitians and media and celebrities for no real reason but are also present on these occasions. )

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Wicked Crazy Empress Kate

What dies Kate Middleton think she is doing?

First, she got the kids jumping around on the balcony disturbing the Queen.

Then she tries to say Hi and gets snubbed.

Then she just goes on smiling and smiling.

As if she did not have a spoiled childhood.

A by product of an airline stewardess and an airline controller.

Or so they say.

She acts as if she is the Queen of Sheba.

Is she some movie stars daughter left behind in baggage?

Really the airs this little one has are quite quite extraordinary.

And then there is all those slumming trips she has to take abroad.

Really the couple became rich overnight with a book of the month club in their garage.

Or was it one of those home decor kits, crafts by the month, something.

All she wants is to rock all night in a glass tower of death and live it to the extreme.

She has all the signs of drug abuse including her weight and those shoes.

Poor little toes, where all the needle marks go, have to have extra large shoes to cover them.

Little Louis was just blowing his horn.

He stuck his tongue out at his mother.

He gave her the turkey hand, only learned by proper toddlers in a real nursery school.

Not taught by nanny's.

And then he covered her mouth with his hand.

The young prince wants none of what she has to offer.

Not one word.

He is the boss and he has the strength to show her his stuff in another little dance jig he has learned.

And not at fancy Eton.

He knows hes the boss because he has been trained by her to be naughty.

And on purpose.

No nanny did that performance.

It was mommy all the way.

She wants to be the center of attention.

And all the time.

She made him into the little monster he put on the show for just show she could be seen.

As pathetic?

As needing another nanny?

She does most of the mothering herself, doesnt she?

William is a charm and a bit of getting used to but he still knows which side of the aisle to sit.

Kate is still trying to get her way in a place bigger than her own backyard.

And it is getting obvious that the Empress is a little bit impatient.

After the Pandemic what else can go wrong with her plan.

Oh, another Jubilee! 

How many more of these do we have to have anyways, just get it over with, Mum!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The day that shook San Francisco down to its roots

 The Great Quake of San Francisco occured in 1907 and altered life forever in the city.

Many who were rich or owners became non owners and poor due to the banks and other nicities.

Many went to either Carmel to reside or to the Bohemia grove known as Howards end according to the last train stop being the name of the local tavern owner but is now called Occidental.

Most just went on with their lives.

As many have done since that day in 1978, when the very ground shook under the San Francisco city hall.

There had already been a number of violence or acts of terrorism at City hall just a block away from the old United Nations building where some world leaders still arrived including the former Queen Elizabeth, Queen mum to this monarch.

There had even been a stand off with a man threatening a gun, only to allow the women and children to leave, he disappeared in the crowd. Or did he?

The moment or State Senator made a name for herself Diane Feinstein was the day she came out of City Hall and announced that the Mayor had been shot dead. 

Mayor George Mosconi was a married man with children, who came from at least three generations of San Franciscans arriving before the quake. 

He was apparently loved and respected by many of the city. He represented the new life of immigrants especially on the West coast to make a home for themselves and sometimes a name.

His name was applied to the Mosconi center while his children finished growing up and going their own way.

While his wife lived on without ever remarrying until yesterday when it was announced she had died of cancer at 91.

What led to his death?

It is still debated among some but most have come to accept the verdict of the "twinkie theory".

A man who also ran for city commission but was gay became so aggravated over an issue that he picked up a gun and walked down the hall and shot both the Mayor and a few others.

His last name was Milke and he has been in prison this whole time.

Wonder if there were any death bed confessions?

Did she do it?

The Mayors wife?

Maybe he got caught having an affair?

Or maybe as a strict Catholic she could not abide by the new freedoms of the gay revolution that swept through San Francisco.

It was one of the early issues as the young Diane stood there making the announcement if it was really the gay man who had done the deed or if he took the blame or if he only shot some of the others in a wild idea of defense having found the Mayor already dead.

We the people, will probably never know the truth. 

The Mayors wife has died and her four children are mourning her and probably she is innocent.

It is just a reflection of the times.

A good Agatha Christie mystery we would find out it was really her after all.

Life went on for Diane, she became Mayor of the city herself, the first female to do so, and as Jewish ethnic minority. She divorced her husband, raised her daughter and remarried. 

And then she ran for Congress.

She is now our oldest Senator and still going strong despite her husbands recent illness with cancer. 

Those old days used to include the Italians from the Fishing village that everyone loves to go to but no one really knows why with the smell and cost.

Alcatraz still summons many from across the world.

Is it for the prison that held Al Capone, the Civil war fort that kept peace in the Wild West during those years, or the Native American occupation?

Well, everyone comes to view it and it never amazes people, this little lighthouse that was built to keep the ships from running aground.

Mosconi says his father was a guard at San Quentin prison the replacement of Alcatraz.

My own Great-great grandfather is listed during the civil war as the mail postmaster of Alcatraz and later the Presidio until his retirement in 1900.

San Francisco society was based on first arrivals and the gold rush. 

Some of them were leftovers of the Spanish and Russian occupation of California under different flags.

Some of them were upper crust society from New York such as the Grants but others gained their prominence and respectability.

This kid whose parents were just Italian immigrants who worked the fishing boats and then went into politics was rubbing shoulders with those whose lives could change the world.

He changed the world in many ways.

For instance he ended closing the very bath houses that had also made San Francisco famous.

The up coming aids epidemic was being talked about and it was seen as a necessity.

Many of the homosexuals this meant an end to their way of life, they could only congregate safely at these types of places.

As it was the AIDs swept the world and is still not curable, a deadly disease that is contagious through sex and contact. 

He probably saved half the world by closing the bath houses since the whole world seems to come through the San Francisco area.

The Peloscis were also known to him, another family that suffered trails, the one sister lost two daughters to an electrical fire while Nancy has also gone on to become a California Senator.

Meanwhile her nephew is now the Governor of California running for his second term, while aunt Nancy has made it as Speaker of the House, as the first woman.

Not a bad group of immigrants to form a community of strong leaders.

It was probably Jimmy who walked in and shot the Mayor.

H was known for such threats, and many of his threats have come true such as the collapse of the Florida condo which killed all of the occupants.

My mother had the habit of doing things for this bastard who is not her son but the son of a Camille Bullocks.

My mother grew a hatred of her radio announcer mother and then set about to destroy her daughter who had already started a journey towards a career as a journalist.

My father was elected Mayor of San Diego the same time as Pete Wilson, who later became the Governor of California.

For awhile, there were two mayor of the city, my father was primarily towards the south were the Indians nations were still located. 

He went crazy for awhile and insisted on helping out at churches as if his soul was on fire, while his children were being picked up and abducted and given up for adoption by a woman who had lead him to believe she could tell the truth.

She could not ever be trusted to tell the truth.

If only the Mac Millan's had been on the case.

The favorite television series based in San Francisco of the commissioner and his social elite wife who solved crimes.

Jimmy just wanted it to be Camille who was the daughter of the Mayor.

He started whining to my mother one more time.

He just wanted.

He just needed.

He just demanded.

She went about destroying herself one more time for the sake of the poor kid she did not give birth.

In fact, he had already had Linda Evans confess to being his mother on television.

But there it was some little story circulating that I was causing problems for the mayors family.

It seems my mother had gone to one of those parties and in a drunken state confessed to having had a bastard of the mayors.

She just could not stop herself and her little harmless stories.

I remember being kicked out f the Catholic church and school system.

I ended up at the Russian Orthodox school and church.

Her lady of her sorrows, the second largest Russian church outside Russia in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, his daddy Captain Kangaroo was suing us one more time for taking his kid out of his institution.

His kid had mental issues and needed to be inside either a mental institution or a juvenile home setting were he could learn to be an adult.

He never did learn to be an adult.

He still shows up stealing little girl panties to show to ice cream parlor places that she does not need to eat.

He has a fetish about ice cream. 

No one is allowed to eat it except him on his daddy's show.

Except we are no longer on his daddy's show the longest running children theater.

His real mother was a childhood education expert in DC.

Another place we had a home from pre-civil war days.

She could not divorce her husband and marry Mr. Keshan, Jimmys dad.

She was married to Mr. Washington who became the first black Mayor of DC in 1975 when Jimmy turned 18 years old.

He could not stand it, he was not going to stand it, he jumped into her lap and demanded she fix it for him.

She gave  up her parents and her boys for him and then he put a pillow over her head because he was done with her. 

He wanted it to be the little Camille who was  the Mayors bastard instead of the Big Camille having had an affair of the heart and produced him.

How sad, he can't abide by his parents love nor except that he was white mutant and could have done anything accept be a big baby his whole life. 

Caused a great big fuss, got everyone kicked out of their homes, killed as many people as he could with his hatred and probably was the real reason for the Mayors death and not a bunch of twinkies unless he was the one eating them inside the City Hall, hiding as he had inside the White house walls when the California President Ford complained.

Lets blame it all on Jimmy instead of Camille after all he is still running around stealing from women and threatening politicians such as Putin if he could get his hand son him.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Mr. Jennings, the answer is

 Bread and Butter.

The Queens expensive black handbag holds a Bread-and-Butter sandwich for later just in case her car breaks down and she misses supper.

Or perhaps a nice piece of British cheese might have left out on the sideboard. 

I'm sure it started in her days of changes ambulance tires, having to get up early and before staff was ready to serve the King much less a lowly princess.

She would have to make do with what was available in the kitchen, no marmalade that was for tea and locked in the butlers pantry. It would have been just bread and butter. 

I wonder do you think she boiled herself a pot of tea before she left? Or waited with a headache until she arrived at her destination for the Ambulance company of which she worked?

Anyways she reveals her secret to your favorite childhood friend Mr. Paddington Bear. They are having tea while the party outside is beginning with the young ones enjoying the music.

At least the young ones of her family, the grandchildren and theirs appeared to incredibly bored. 

Really, Mic Jagar! and Who were those other old rock stars with guitars. Bring on some modern Punkies or is it a different style now that I don't have grandchildren?

Well, Mr. Paddington revealed he had a sandwich in his hat while she poured his tea, playing the part of mum, and then revealed that she keeps hers in her purse.

There are a few differences in having a bear over for tea after all. A hat really, all those nice expensive ones she has would get ruined. 

It was a delightful comedy sketch with butler appearing, for her grandchildren presumably. 

Meanwhile, The greatgrandchildren looked quite miserable sitting between mum and dad, Kate and William.

William got to get up and do his bit for the environment and it was a very nice speech. 

Harry did not get anything at all for marrying the wrong girl.

Imagine bringing home a mafia girlster.

Really, everyone in Hollywood knows she is Connie Sellecas missing newborn from the Manhattan hospital. 

Mafia mama, who could do no wrong and suddenly got hers stolen and then a divorced.

Only to return to sunny California where she watched the little bitch raised and do nothing at all except waltz into a million dollar contract.

Wonder who the real dada is? Epstein? Now long gone by hanging? Or some other mafia type figure.

It is certainly not the man who just had a stroke and she is refusing to go see in the hospital.

Instead, she came back to the country she had disowned to throw a one-year-old party for her Lilibet white skinned daughter on the Queens day. 

Well, I wouldn't let her near my children or grandchildren, the stories about her and that wicked little finger of hers rivals that of the young Demis, another thugster girl who arrived by night and took over everyone's Elses show.

There was a nice tribute by the not so young Prince Charles, addressing her as Mummy. It was quite charming the country throwing a bash for her and her allowing her family to enjoy it while she sat and mourned her not so long ago dead husband her was so much part of her life.

But the tribute went off wonderfully and todays pageantry is probably going to be the best ever, if the local news will just cover it on a Sunday morning.

I bet the Queen as a Princess could not only change a tire for her ambulance, but also make a spot of tea for her papa the King.

I assume that one of the reasons she got up early was to attend war planning meetings with him or to go to special courses taught by handsome young military types such as the one she married.

She was just up and about driving herself as usual not to long ago. But this long pandemic has gotten her in her legs and back, mobility issues of walking and stepping up are now an issue without her still handsome husband there to attend to her needs.

Imagine the life she would have had if she had not become Queen, a moviestar life such as her sister? She certainly attracted the mafia type on her trip to California and Hollywood, which my own grandmother sent home from London claimed was nothing more than a charlatan.

Everyone claiming to come from royalty or some foreign counrty when really they appeared to all be on the run from bank robberies or mental institutions. 

But she did her job introducing the Second war crowd as she had dodging the London blitzes just before that. 

And then they put her out to retire already to old and not even thirty.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

But, its four am no really its noon in London

 I can remember as far back that noon on the first of June fell at four in the morning.

Actually, I think the first year I was really in London at Noon.

But most years, we were dragged out of bed at four am.

And woe to the television if it was not smart enough to be on London time.

I can recall in 1972, my father ran around my mother and propped both of his girls up in front of the television.

That year, the Queen was having a sliver anniversary of marriage and twenty years on the throne. She was focused on her youngest son Edward and enjoying explaining to him about her parade the Trooping of the colors.

Of course, we two little girls were the same age or just about and there he was our prince whom we were to marry.

My sister and I were not always together, in fact most of the time separate households were required due to my mother's inability to do addition. 

We had just been in London and Paris, so we had met this little chap, whom today was quite tall and still handsome despite being almost bald.

My sister would have cried if she had lived. She was always going to marry the Prince and  I had to marry the Pirate.

I did actually marry a man who was not going to become prince but instead managed to acquire a dream life.

I am not with him nor am I likely to see him any time soon.

My dear little sister died that same year by Christmas time she was gone.

Anyways, I also remember being hurried back from a trip to Paris with our stop over in London being canceled only to find myself on the floor with a pillow in my face and watching the television.

I was moaning from jet lag and wanted a coffee but my mother did not believe in caffeine.

There she was, not my sister but Diana, getting married proper British style.

All the pomp and what not and that fairytale dress. Better her than me I thought as I dug my toes into the carpet.

Why am I here and not there? Why did we hurry back, just to get up the next day at the crack  of dawn to watch this?

I would have preferred to lounge around the airport an extra day and then run to town where we could have gotten a last minute glimpse or something.

Instead there she stood next to the charming Charles, lisping and making an incredibly big mistake.

Not that I dislike Diana, i had meet her before she got married and then she was so caught up in the role she was playing. It was sad really when she did get divorced that there was nothing left for her to do except her charity work.

I always thought Charles handsome in a rugged way not to pretty like harry who came across all feminine at times and is now playing a macho role for his family.

My sister would have adored the dress all those frills and what not, she was pretty in pink lace. I was perfect in blue velvet. 

I notice in today's splendor that young Charlotte was wearing one of those odd things that appeared to be a dress my grandmother might have made for us. She was gifted and did wonders with a needle.

She wore exquisite couture clothes and would render mini versions for us two identical with opposite personalities.

And today, I almost missed my four am call, as my neighbor is being a bore about me getting up in the middle of the night.

And there she was, in silver blue grey, as beautiful as ever, the Queen.

Her seventy years of reigning as the monarch of England.

The first time without her husband. and all those grandchildren.

Well, this time it was just her and her cousin and then her and her closest family.

Of course, crazy Kate spoiled it all as usual.

Already having way too much cover time, she could not let the Queen have her day alone standing with her son and grandson.

She had to interfere, first she blocked the rst of the party, Edward had to squeeze by with his wife and children. While the daughter Anne and husband and a few of the other cousins crept behind her ever so carefully, Kate took center stage.

It was very distracting. The Queen was to have her day, no other monarch has done it and she is very old now you see, in fact one wonders what she can see but anyways, poor Kate just could not move out of the way.

There was Prince William flung way over and out of cameras range. While Kate practically stood on top of the Queen and fidgeted.

Yes, fidgeted. While Charles was attempting not to push his mother out of the way, as he did when he was just four and she had just been made Queen and he stood firmly in front of her, he dotingly stood to her side.

Kate had barely a space and with three children between her and William, he was not even on camera most of the time. She would not stop playing with the two youngest ones, and then she said "Hi" to the Queen at one point. She is standing on the balcony right next to her and then goes and does that and no t at the beginning. 

Really, talk about upstaging someone. The Queen of course turned towards Charles as expected, and she had to turn her head with her hat strategically placed painfully away from her. It was so sad, and melodramatic, and obvious done on purpose to embarrass the Queen.

There she is in the lap of luxury who could have married anyone, waits till she is thirty to marry the balding handsome hunk and then blows it on being in everyone's face.

Now she has gone and made a big splash in front of cameras. Meanwhile, little Louis is never going to know why mum is so attentive today nor is Charlotte going to wonder why she is not the one standing next to dad instead of the shy boy George.

Well, everyone got through it eventually, with scrimping Kate and the little ones jumping over the banister. William standing tall and rigid with his son, while Edward coolly to the far side with his tall and miserable daughter Louisa waiting for that moment when it would be over. 

The Queen herself, showed enough was enough and made a beeline for the door as soon as it was polite.

She has had enough of all the fuss and just after Philips passing and in the middle of a pandemic. 

The brass band marched up the avenue and this after the royals arrived by car. One could see the others inside in the common room. Not allowed to come out but still visible. 

There used to be her on horseback and getting saluted, they did not do that this year but gave her a fly over spelling out one big 7 seven and one big 0 zero.

It was enough for her to remember in her final days while the kids were a little to tired of al the fuss. 

Prince Philip was missed even though not stated. The Handsome and tall geeky Greek Dane who could have lead any military into victory instead stood with his chosen wife.

He shall be missed as she will be too once that has occured.

My mother would have been furoius for not getting an inviation one more year, they never are sent to her, but she looks for them anyways.

And No Peter Jennings nor his father Charles Jennings before him to explain to Americans the does and donts of the British Royals to the both the commoners and Americans alike.

I still say, the British did not go to war for the young girl who was not expected to become Queen but for their grandchildren to stand there instead as some have managed or to sit in offices across the Thames with more authority real or imagined as the real people of the land, when in fact most of them are imports as well as the Corgi, and food fare.

Well, best to all and may we have peace once more across all of Europe. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...