Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Tyrant


Napoleon Bonaparte

Came from North Italy

Worked for France

The Great General

For the people of France

After the French Revolution

There was so much corruption

And disregard of the people

By the others who just

Wanted to eat bread

They stormed the Bastille

Freeing the convicts

Who had just petty crimes

The real ones were executed

And then took on Versailles

As well

It appears there was an issue 

With flour

They did not have enough to bake

Thier bread for their meals

Whereas the King 

Had a huge supply

For all of those guests

Who would just stop by

And stay and stay...

Anyways, the Queen

Hated cake

It is all they served

For those quests

Who had no other place

To go after they traveled

All the way to Paris

So tired of dieting

Those little babies 

Took a toll on her waistline

She had to actually stand around

And pretend she was not hungry

Cake! Where were the vegetables?

Let them eat the damn cake....

Wrong words to say 

To a crowd hungry for food

All that fish was hard to swallow

And the cheese 

Really they wanted to chew

White flour 

Is where it all started

To get the Kings flour

Meant for cakes and tarts

Whereas the bread

Was made with various flours

Unfornately they almost all

Now have some sort of allergy

To the products of wheat

Including beer and even vodka

Sad story 

So many lost their heads

And then the guys

Just wanted to cause trouble.

For everyone else.

Along came this hero.

Who worked for the people,

Leading great wars

Came back from Moscow.

A little bit quieter 

Decided to make himself.

Emperor of the nation

He no longer served them.

They served him.

He at least did not keep.

Them from eating

That is all they did.

And at extraordinary prices

They even wanted to be paid.

For carrying the food 

From the Kitchen to the table

It is not that far!

Tips for the waiters

Went to tips for the bar guy

And now if a person 

Even smiles at you

As you walk by a restaurant

They chase you down

And take the tip

Right out of your wallet

The tyrant is what he became,

They exiled him twice.

And he escaped as well

Finally, his nephew was shot.

In Mexico City for no reason 

Except a bunch of guys 

Wanted fire works.

All those guns and powder

The new guy had brought over.

With him was too much for them.

However, his second wife's child

Did marry into royalty.

So his seed is there 

In Europe even though

He is not anymore. 

Known as anything. 

Except a man who took 

On too much

Became known as a Tyrant

Instead of  a Hero.

Who will fill his shoes?

We hear of a tiny war

About a restaurant bombing

What were they doing outside?

Why were they not all hiding?

In their bunkers

Where does their money come from?

They cant afford their own arms

They have to send a Diva

To beg and pan handle for them

Then they jump on planes

And go to live in expensive places

Such as America 

Where there are lots of homeless

Living on the streets

But they can afford 

To go out to eat!

What is the complaint?

Now they have masterminded.

A plot to overthrow someone

This is what it is about 

Is it not

Not wanting to do anything.

Except sending their daughters

To America to be good prostitutes

So they can bring their younger daughters

Along to teach them as well

So many of those women could

Have put a stop to the soviets

But they wanted was sex

Not god.

It does not matter whether

Or not one believes in god

But what they do with their lives

Freedom is what they wanted.

What they got was more rulers

From the locals 

Who are no better than the last guy

Using convicts to do their dirty work

Not allowing their neighbors

To have their freedom

If they don't want a safe 

Government then let them go

And kill each other.

But no it is hired mercenaries.

Just so they can spend money

At a fancy restaurant

After standing in line

For all that free stuff 

Handed out by those aid workers

Who did not check their wallets

Where does the money come from


They can afford a lot of things

Except for new war missiles

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Founder


Prince Dolgoruky
Founder of Moscow
A Rurik of Kiev

Married Romanov
From Ottoman Empire
Including Suleyman

The Magnificent
The lineage is incredible
This one humble guy

To venture of the grid
Far above Kiev
The Capital of the Russ

Into the north a city 
Upon the hills
Far from everything

Or was it once a thriving 
Trade center?
So many old routes

Circumvented those 
Horrible Barbarians
Now called Germans

Most likely a route
Towards the Silk route
The Mongols took over

Everything south 
And then ventured
West into Germany

So many with those 
Features of square faces
And non round eyes

The Founder has a few
Descendants of note
One of them is of course

The Late Prince Philip
He was one of the last 
Real Romanovs 

King Charles III
Can trace his line to this man
Whose statue in Moscow

Is still standing 
Despite the current 
Uprising of a mercenary group

Who thought they would march
With armed nuclear devices
Towards a city that has survived

Being burnt down 
More times than 
Rome and or London

They have resist the Mongols
Bonaparte and Hitler
But not Jimmy

His wife Ludmilla
Did damage enough
To cause people

To think twice about it
With all the problems
But the residents were willing

To defend their city
If not their country
No comment 

Towards this situation
But civil war is never nice
As for the man in the hot seat

He is also a descendant
Of this man 
The Founder of Moscow

Through one of the girls
Who married outside
Perhaps a preacher man

Or a merchant
Thier line goes in contrast
With the Tsars who came into

Thier own here in Moscow
The city of Mosques
As the originals were

Muslim or Ottoman
Then they converted
To Christianity

As the rest of Europe 
But chose thier own 
Destiny through the Eastern

Orthodox of Constantinople
Founded by Constantine
Now they are all Russian orthodox

Except for a few protestants
Meanwhile, the guy who refused
A civil war in Moscow

Which Red Square 
Was so famous 
Of the former uprisings

Is himself directly
Descendant from the Dolgoruky dynasty
Vladimir Putin

Is of a family
Who survived the Soviet
System without getting caught

Having an ancestry
At all as so many
Rejected thier families past

But there it is to follow
Straight up the route of 
The female line of his fathers line

And on his mothers side
Are those brothers 
Who were Queen Catherines?

Favorites to be Generals.
She is well known for her
Unorthodox fashion of ruling

Living almost entirely
In Saint Petersburg
The city built on a marsh

Not owned by Russia
But no one has attempted
To take it back

Kiev seems to have been lost
To the Prima Donnas 
And Pirates who just 

Want to have their way
No mater the cost
Of others lives. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The day, time stopped in its tracks.


Time stands still

In times of crisis

When the unexpected occurs

Montana is known

For many things

Yellowstone for instance

Here we have a new series 

On the origins of a National park

And then a bridge collapses

Causing an environmental catastrophy

Alarming reports are all around us

We cant get over one thing

Before another one strikes

Just as Job sat there hearing

About the demise of all ten children

He had done nothing but 

Caught the eye of the Devil

He suffered until it was brought to an end.

Russia has a long history 

Of troubles throughout

Its long history

Everyone has an opinion

Of how to run the country

But the people are not Europeans

Even those who make it to

America stand out 

How they are different

Is an issue for others

To discuss 

But yesterday

There was that moment

When time stood still

The unthinkable 

Had occured!

Or had it?

It is inevitable

That someone wants to be boss

After all there is no real authroity

The Duma is an older institution

Than Congress and its say

Is stronger than ours

The Tsar often meet 

Resistance if his policies

Were not in line with the Dumas

They even assissanted a few of them

Then came the Soviets 

Who had no business running the country

But the Presidents cant get 

The West to leave them alone

And get on with business

They keep making false claims

That he is trying to undermine


How? What has he done

But kept a coutnry 

Known for its ruthlessness

Out of hteir hemisphere

They are the ones who wanted

To run over and introduce

Prostitution and drug addiction

Not that they were not already

Known but the West 

Just had to encourage 

Capitalism through filth

And treachery

Now we have a guy

Who is a mercenary

Leading an army of convicts

While the past political prisoners

Were considered sympathetic

These guys are hardened criminals

They get out by agreeing to kill

Thier contracts dont allow 

Them vacations nor homestays

If they leave they will be killed.

So they have an army of treacherous

Men running around the border

Having all sorts of bad luck

Then the guy in charge

Who was also in prison

For petty crimes

But got out and went honest

With a hotdog stand!

Then became master chef

And owner of multiple resturants

That the big guy

Enjoyed bringing his out of towners

After all the guy grew up

In his neighborhood

How bad could he be?

After all in the story

Of Joseph and his dreams

It is the baker who is beheaded

And the cup bearer 

Who goes back to his job

Similar to what a Butler

Does, double checking 

The bottles of wine

For poison or worse

A restauranter caterer

Was expected to be his loyal

Friend who just wanted 

To expand into mercenary work

What went wrong?

When the Pharoah got suspicious

He sent the two trusted men

To jail until it was proven innocence

What is Putin to do with his best man?

The war has gone badly

And then the guy was complaining. 

About his men who are just convicts

Not regular army.

Suggestions have been there 

For awhile that he was not 

Satisfied with his lot

Now a Billionaire himself

He does what he should not do

Decides to march on the Moscow

He said he was going for the defense

Ministry not the President

But they left their designated area

And were getting close

The Mayor of Moscow 

Was not amused 

And set up road blocks

And warnings

Then the call came 

He could not take

He stopped in his tracks

What did it say?

His wife and daughter

Were about to be executed?

His men were going 

To be target pracatice

With one of those nuclear bombs?

Or that he would immediately 

Be shot by the first city guard

That saw his shiny head?

Any past misadventure

Not unknown?

Well, stopped time

An aggressive manuveur

Towards his boss

Is not taken lightly

What happened?

He says his men will stand down

But will they?

More troubles on the border

While he goes into exile

Hmm, Camp David 

Was in use this weekend.

Wonder if he has a good view

Of the Potomac?

Or is it the Thames?

Tea drinker

Might prefer the British...

Friday, June 23, 2023

All is calm along the Potomac


Should we tell them 

The truth?


Mother, should we go ahead

And crack that little nugget



Or should we wait

A little while longer?

Never is her answer

From inside.

She has no plans 

To tell them at all.

Meanwhile, at the White House

Along the Potomac

All is calm...

The Prime Minister of India

Is visiting and without a wife.

I have to look it up

Does he have a wife?

He is in a long line

Of Inidans of India

Who choice to lead a country

Who are ungrateful for thier doing so.

All those years of conflict

The truth is they want their way

In all things 

At least the American Indians

Don't attempt to provide 

Any reason for seeing them 

As anything but Kings and Queens

Leading them to freedom 

Was a cry for many

And yet they are just

As difficult to rule over.

No meakness on thier part.

Just a very important

Location in between

China, Russia and Europe.

I do hope Jill enjoyed herself.

The French had another school 

Blown up from a gas leak.


And then the results

Of the submarine

With five dead men 

Who should not have

Gone into the water 

Without their lifejackets.

Can you imagine

The Titanic was known

For not having enough boats

Nor life jackets

And these guys went in

Without any emergency supplies

No life jackets

No air device

And no way out

Of their tiny tomb

Once something went wrong



I still dont believe the guy

Who went around threatening

Everything and everyone

And actually did set fires

And leave behind faulty gas connections

Is now being allowed 

To wear a suit

And pretend his limp dick

Has anything to do with anything

At all.

One day someone will take 

Aim at him 

And they wont miss this time.

Then there is that other thing

Going on in Moscow

Appearently there is a coup

Going on  or is it mutiny?

Mutiny is one of the things

The Indians were constantly

Having to deal with.

Many British military 

Mutinied as well as locals.

Indias independence came at a price

Now the Wagner group leader

Has been accused of mutiny

He does not want to fight this war

To free the neighbors 

Of Donbas

It is said he has sent his tanks

Into Moscow.

Will he attempt a Coup?

Or is it the end of his reign

Of terror?

So much has gone wrong

And now they are threatening

A nuclear bomb or something.

While the French talk climate control

The Russians are having infighting

Then there will be all those sad ones

Who dont get to go to the Olympics in Paris.

Another dream of mine 

Gone to the wind.

I did make it all the way to the capital

I saw the President heading 

In the opposite direction

Probably because of Jimmy

Who sitll just wants to sit down

At the desk that will give him power.

He is a fraud in all things.

But should we tell the others


Did you and Father ever discuss

Your little issue with infanticide?

By the way little brothers

You might want to double check

Your documents

Because Candance 

Has a thing about removing them

And replacing them

As her daughter Lisa Gordon 

Belives I am going to fall for her

Being my daughter at the age of 6

Maybe at 15 I might have 

Been able to have a child

But then I already had a tumor

Growing in my Uterus 

It is now the size of a grapefruit.

Or a large Broccoli

My surgery was canceled.

Quality of Life

Has been endangered. 

By nurses who just want

To spy on you to see if 

You are eating junk food

While they sip their Starbucks

Full syrup and sugar drinks

Oh Jimmy!

We need to talk 

About your future 

If anything happens to you know who

You will no longer have a voice

All those close calls seen around the world

While you whittle away  my life over your ....

Wednesday, June 21, 2023



Summer Solstice...

Is the longest day of the year?

It is also when the earth. 

Is at its furthest tilt.

23.44 degrees

Any further and we might 

End up topsy turvey

Or worse

The earth can only tilt 

So far before it alters 

Everything back at home

The ancients always made 

A journey to one of their 

Special places 

In order to encourage 

The Earth not to fall over 

Backwards of something

Maybe they knew something 

We don't know now.

Were those old sights.

The locations of apexes?

You know when a car 

Or boat begins to lean

Due to something such as a bridge

Or wave causing it to go


Everyone over to this side

Hold, Hold, 

Okay breathe

We made it!

We wont every know 

Will we without evidence

The Moors were on a warpath

Against knowledge

As were the Romans before them.

Did you know they used to navigate

Through the desert by the stars

As if they were out on the ocean?

Anyways, today is one of those days

Everyone I believe ran to the beach

For once I could not walk

I got this close.

And then the inflamed hip joint

Said not another step

What it means not to have 

A primary doctor anymore

Just because Jimmy wants to tell them

That I am his wife

Having to endure 

The Miss Wheat 

Nonsense until is evident

They believe I am a Mrs. Wheat

It is Jimmy who is not a Mister Wheat

Nor am I married to him

Nor will I ever be

Not even in Heavan nor hell.

As for the Windsor's

Who seem to have reversed?

To Mountbatten Windsor

Mr. Mountbatten had to go by

His wife's designation

Of Mr. Windsor

But now with Charles 

Being the next one on the throne

He gets to have both his fathers and mothers names

Now Jimmy who is known 

By his fathers name 

Robert James Keshan Jr.

Is also called 

Benito Bullocks

I have heard him called both

By his mother and his father

The Royal ascots

Are running their course

Those horses mean more than 

One might think.

Just as the old Chess games

 Played out with humans moving

To the different spaces

And the old Knights challenges

These races have politics 

At their back 

Too bad Jimmy 

Did not decide to jump

On a plane to go visit

They would appreciate the new man

Who is just really the old teenager

With no improvements

I would like to know the results

But America is consumed. 

With the little sub 

Who could not make it

Back up from the depths

Of the Titanics demise

One hopes and also does not expect

Would one trouble god

With such a thing?

It is their wish to go down

Into the places

They can't be brought. 

Back up from.

But then it is odd 

Another Jimmy

He liked to alter the steering column

Causing the thing to go left

Instead of right or vice versa

How many times do the pull

Up on the controls of a plane

Why does he want to know?

I caught him using the automatic pilot

And then jumping out of the plane

With a parachute.

The plane landed with great effort

But it had to run out of gas first

That plane that turned itself 

Around on automatic pilot

Could have gone down 

On or near Long Island

Where there are a lot of people

But instead crashed in a location

Almost impossible to find

Much less investigate.

They still have not told 

Us about the condition 

Of the bodies of the three passengers

Plus, one pilot although they had seen him.

Now we have five people

With a trained pilot 

Gone to far to be recovered

If they cant be found

Before the pinging goes silent

Then we will never know 

What really happened on board

When they lost contact 

With the surface 

Causing a massive world wide effort

To find them before the air runs out.

It has cost money but not lives

Wonder if they will get them

Even dead would help

It is a one of a kind ship

Its loss will be felt

Just as Brosnan who went 

Up to space with his new 

Adventure only to go bankrupt

Closing down the tourist portion

But only after William Shatner

Got a chance to feel space

One does wonder what 

Would have happened?

In the Furious movies 

They made it not back 

In there converted car

But were found by others

Out there doing their own thing

It is not like the Jetsons

Where one leaves the child

At a signpost 

And it is found by the neighbors.

In the case someone from 

Another continent

Would the Russians help out 

They did actually already do that

In fact, they have been known

To put their ships out to help recoveries

But the Americans are more reluctant.

Well, we know we wont get help from

And by the way, there was a gas explosion.

In France, Rue Saint Jacques

My poor kitten has run under 

The couch for that is his name

Jacques after my grandfather

Who was a real war paratrooper hero

Not a fake boy seeking revenge

And is still an adolescent. 

In all his actions

Does he really believe the authorities

Are bound for him to make me

Be his wife and perform for him?

He just keeps drugging me 

So i cant complain

Each time he removevs

 Another privelege

That should have gone to him instead.

Every apartment or house

I have been provided he has seized.

Including this one but 

Maybe the police are getting tired

But it is the FBI 

I want to get excited about his behavior.

Well, the ancients believed. 

They had to go to the place 

Of the summer solstice

Perhaps to provide a human sacrifice

I volunteer Jimmy!

He is taking up too much oxygen

And maybe the world will tilt

Back to its correct position in politics....

Monday, June 19, 2023

And then there were none...


What were they thinking?

Building the largest cruising ship

Actually a multi steam engine 

To cross that little pond

The Pilgrims made it all stuffed inside

The Vikings and others did it by canoe

But these people could not handle

A little thing as an ice berg

Didn't even see it coming

Maybe it was never there 

The rip in the vessel

Was done by something else

It is mainly the stories

Of survival which were so well known

And how many rich people went down

Such as the Astor's.

A new trophy wife on his arm

And pregnant, lucky man

Got her out but knew 

Did he not that they would not be coming?

It is an issue with old world knowledge

They often knew when there was hope

And when faith was needed instead

Such as the Woolworths

They created the original 

Franchise system

Of building stores across 

America and then suppling 

Them with trained managers

Instead of owners 

To run the stores 

Who catered to the everyday

All those necessary items 

But not in gold  nor silver

Macys has gone into bankruptcy

Half a dozen times

But Woolworths was part of the American 

Landscape until a brave couple

Stood there arm and arm

Refusing to leave each other

And they were old!

Older than is necessary

According to the modern thinkers

Really if you get to social security age

Such as Jimmy who is now 63

You are too old to be of any use anymore.

So one of the riches couples 

Went down with a ship 

That should not have sailed

At least not with all that cargo

Wonder what really was on board?

Missing bullion perhaps?

Well the riches family 

Today in America 

Are the Walton's

That is Walmart to most of you

And they are somewhere in the area 

Of a half a trillion dollars 

Worth of cheap items made in America

Where as China supplies Macys

They are a necessity

And their franchise business

Includes owners as well as managers

They even carry that fraud

Pioneer woman's flower power

Imagine someone living on a cow ranch

In Texas claiming to be an heiress

To those recipes and those designs.

Well on to more interesting topics

As in anything else 

The tourist trade is always

Coming up with new ways 

Of endangering the public

Thank god the one that went 

To Space came back down

Hate to have to send a rescue

Mission out there with such a wide search area

Unlike Florida where they are always loosing

People and boats

That poor woman with her boys

Who were parasailing

Until the captain cut them loose

Why loose his boat 

Instead of the paying customers?

Now the Titanic has taken 

A few more lives

Tourist excursions to the bottom

In a mine submarine

Have been operational

For awhile and there it is 

Missing for over 24 hours!

Has a few more days of oxygen 

Left to keep them alive

But will they be able to float

To the top?

Lets send out an expedition 

To Africa to find the  missing

Greystroke family

What a mess that was 

And it lead up to enslaving

People from various tribes

All because they found out about 

The boats that could take them away

Captured and sent away 

From their ancestral lands

So the other might benefit

From their losses.

Only to have just one guy return

And give it all away

Who was that guy 

Who wrote Roots?

And they come by the airplane loads,

Everyone want to come and explore

And get eaten by tigers and worse

Tough when a family goes missing

Even if they were under the impression 

They were part of that Peace Corps

Somewhere there is a washer and dryer

Still running under the villages

Center tree and water hole

The family were unimportant

They just wanted to wash their clothes.

Well best to the missing submarine

Some people go missing

In America and are never found

My family had to move my sisters 

Body so many times

Because someone was always after it.

She was just six years old.

But no it was Jimmy 

Who just wanted to violate her 

Tender frame now that she could not resist

Him anymore.

If I hear one more story about

Sweet innocent Dawne....

There are going to be heads rolling

Really I am into decapitation's 

Leave her alone!

Friday, June 16, 2023

By the way, Father...

She sat queittly waiting,
Checking her watch 
She wore around her neck.

It was bought specail 
For her by her husband
His family had lost their land

During the Schwelig wars
Between Germany and Denmark
They had been old Danes

Now his family were immigrants
To America living off 
Thier old banks and new properties

She had been one of those introduced
To Queen Victoria
Old Saint Petersburg elite

She could have married
Almost everyone they said
With her beauty

Instead she married her heart.
She had inherited 
These titles from the West

Those crazy uncles had gone
To get their riches
Gold rush of California

And the West dreams
Riding horese with a shotgun
And  making friends with Indian

Crazy old fools.
There was little left 
When she was finally old enough.

1907 she left on a boat
For Canada to take a train
Into the West

Idaho is as far as she got
Before they caught up 
With her and her fiance

And her got married 
At the Justice of the Peace
They were waiting for San Francisco

Which they found 
Was still putting itself 
Back together after the 1906

Earthquake and fires.
Ten years had gone fast
Finding more abandoned homesteads

While he was in a new religion
That required tithing
And wanted to know their bank records

He would end up loosing most 
Of his life but kept a few or the farms.
They had their own wine label

And trees that produced 
Nuts and fruits
That would sale to anyone 

Who had money for the transport
Now she was back looking
For a distant relative

The revolution had hit her town
Leningrad is now its name.
Here she was sitting in a forest

They used to take parties
Into the woods with picnic baskets
Instead she had brought a small boy

Out of the war torn city
In her hamper
They were waiting for his father

He was bored with this situaiton
He had been through it before
He might remember his mother

But maybe not
He knew he had been in the woods
With a crazy lady

Who said she was his mother
Kept him from going to school
That got her in trouble

With the locals
The country was different 
They all  had to cooperate

With the Soviet leaders
Who had appeared to be friendly
With the Americans and the French

In order to get away from the Nazis
They had burned and pillaged
The lands all the way to Moscow

Where they starved out the locals
But in the end they left
Just as Napoleons men had

Back to where they came from.
They were no longer being freindly
With either America nor Britian

Instead they took over Berlin 
And most of the Western small nations
In order to build a buffer zone 

Between themselves and the others.
Now the people inside this zone
Were under fire if they don't 

Show full cooperation
He had seen a couple shot
When he was only two years old.

Her friends did not arrive
But she had shown him the necklace
He had not known she had.

It was a trifle to him
But he knew they would want it
And would cut her throat 

In order to get it.
When they came instead
He acted as if he was cooperating

Thugs and worse
They were this gang of thiefs
They had her as quick as they could

She did not have a chance
He worked with them 
Until the sounds of the other approaching

Then he turned the tables on them
Freeing her from being kept 
As a kidnap victim

After the money was paid
They would always kill the victim.
He knew this even though he was

Not yet seven years old
Too young to fight a group
Too small to get away from them.

She was ungrateful to him.
Why did you not fight.
He shook his shoulders 

And said it was not the time.
Then he handed her the item
They really wanted

A time piece on a gold necklace.
She had no idea how much
That one item meant to those men.

He had seen her as well
The woman who had held him
Hostage when he was younger

Amongst the group
She had promised him he would 
Not see her again.

Had she lied to him?
Instead, the new people 
Were telling her that they could

Not remove the child from the country
There was too much trouble
She went along with them

To Leningard
Where they found an old couple
Who had lost their children

During the siege.
She nodded her head ever so slightly
But holding his hand firmly

She walked him to the ferry
She told them she would be back
First she was taking him somewhere

He was the son of a relative
Who had not been seen for a long time
Now the hier had been found

She made her way through
Having been an old citizen
To first Stockholm 

And then Mexico city
She told him she had to have
Him put his feet down

In Baja before he decided 
What he wanted to do.
He found himself 

On the West coast 
With the water as far as 
One could see.

There were horses to rid
And boats to play with
As well as a working orchard

He was glad it was not one 
Of those places they see in the news
Hay and cows and men in hats

Who spit out their tobacco.
Instead he learned the nicety 
Of being in a Capitalist country

He had begun at a school
To train them to become
Real Communist

Instead of those self serving
Ones who  spoke out of the corner
Of their mouth

But did not support 
The rest who were under Lenin
They came for her out their as well.

He recognized the son 
Of the rogues from the forest
They were not nice

They threatened to burn down 
The town she was hiding
She had thought if they did not go

To America they would not get caught
Most of their properties had been confuscated
Except for the ones her sons were living upon

The ones who had not died
In the two wars she had not known
She would have to face
Her husband was gone now

So she stayed on the Baja prperty
As the safest from all those
Crauts they were rescuing 

From Germany
Fools they were the worst
The ones who were not 

Going to support any coutnry
But here they were 
And her waiting for her granddaughter

To be married and take over this place
Instead she had sent him to Korea
Another war for her to cry over

At least she was on hand
She made the quick decision 
To flee down the street

Where reinforcement came 
They told the angry ruffians
To get lost which is not what 

They did.
But getting the law to come out
Meant he was discovered.

Now she had to go to court
She won her case of adoption
But they still took the boy 

Back to Leningard
Where the chef who had befriended
Her husband took the boy

Home to his son and wife
They were now childless.
The boy tried not wish he had 

Been better behaved
It was too late for that.
He had to endure one more family

He spent his time learning
Got into law school.
Visiting her occasionally

In her holiday retreeat
As they called it in order for him to visit
Where it had been raided over and over again.

He granddaughter did marry a nicer man
Than she deserved as she was hysterical
Finding there might be anther one.

Long days in the sun
Where now spent  in doors
He barely remembered his days

In the woods nor the forest
He wished she had not been so old
That day sitting their with her watch

Maybe they could have escaped
And not been followed home.
When she died the little girl

Arrived with the watch
To tell him that it was over.
His life there had only been 

For her the woman who had rescued him
From the horrors of an abducted life
Where they never tell you the truth

But always have you working
Fraudeleant things
Out right thiefry and murder.

He was a good citizen
Who married a woman
Who was not in love with him.

She was sad the little one
The Sorrowful lady
She was called amongst others

She could niether come and stay
With him nor live in her families homestead
Her mother had been captured and tortured

Now she was just plain crazy
They had even killed her twin sister
The same group 

Three generations 
After the family that had gone through
Germany in order to serve

Thier new country.
The father was similar to him.
He had been traveling from London

Where he was left behind 
By his mother once she had married
The man she was already married 

Somehow, he kept getting lost
His mother had been thrown from a train
When she pregnant with him

They lived in Geneva
Until they were found
Her husband having been told 

She was dead.
What a mess that had made.
He became the heir but it was already

Gone the things they had been
Told would be his when he was old enough
He went off to unviersity to get a degree

In anything scienctific
As he did not believe in god.
Now his son was being dragged 

Down through Meixco
His wife had forgotten 
Not to get him in trouble

While he was at school
They did not allow married men
The boy was  put with a rich family

In London who then had lost 
Anyways they were now together
At this laboratory with the new thing

They were going to build a bomb
To destory Germany 
Than the world would be at peace

As these bad people
Were not going to stop
Until they controled the whole 

Of humanity to thier demsie.
She travled from Quebec
To New Orleans

With the boy in order to get him
Away from anyone who was seeking him.
Then she went into labor

She had to go back 
For just a few days
The baby would be his brohter

They would grow up together
And have fun in the sun
With peace at their disposal.

Instead, she died afterwards.
They said blood poisoning.
But it was probably what his dad 

Was working on
Nuclear fusion or something
She came for him when he had not expected

Grace was beautiful. 
But took him araound with her
Her husband was a loyal America

Having fought through both wars 
On a ship in the Pacific
Then he retired with his nephew

As his only child.
Poor kid had never meet
His mother who died.

At some point in high school
After he had already been to training
His eyes had to be replaced

They did not tell him 
But they think his mother and him
Had gotten too close

To one of the explosions
He had learned to read 
After he had been taught

By oral the numbers
And other things he could learn
Without seeing

What he was now seeing
Was another kid who looked
Just like him

He did not know whom to talk 
To about it as he was supposed to have died
The baby she was carrying.

His memories of his mother
Were scant but he recalled the train tirp
Here  now was a kid who looked 

Well, his real dad showed up
As he was going off to war.
He would not acknowledge teh kid

At first but did speak to him 
About were he had been
He had been raised in Louisiana

Could it be the two boys
Had been switched?
He had gone t o court 

Over his newborn disappearing
Then this one showed up 
At his brother in laws.

Wonders never cease
In tims of war
And then peace

Where the threat to your 
Family is real enough
But one does not think

They will steal them
Nor kill them
Little Albert

Did not have  long to live
He married a girl 
The descendant  of the Conquistadors

From Texas then she divorced him.
He liked the little girl
Who kept calling him father.

But one day he and the other gy
Met, it was not pleasant
Then he finally got it 

His brohter had lived
Now to tell his father
But then he was dead

They were shot at.
Would it never stop
Those people who keep after one

Long after a war is done?
Now she had an uncle and a sister
Gone to the graves

Soon her greatgrandmother 
Would follow
And then the grandparents

Who were the only ones
Who knew what had happened
Had their lives shortened

She fought for her uncles
To survive and live
Happily among them

But her parents lost thier way
The boys were removed 
Taken to other places

They were to get together
Again one day 
But  it was venver going to be the same

All things kept leading her back.
Now her parents are gone as well.
Then they swooped in to take the properties

That  had been guarded 
The only things left of the old ones
Lives after leaving Europe

At the height of the troubles
All their treasures have been 
Distributed as well 

The bad guys just did not
Want them to have anything at all.
Too many false ones came forward

All she his is the watch.
Not her name nor her life
They have taken everything 

Even her eyes were removed
She had worked hard 
As the heiress whom 

Was to take care of the rest
Those who were still alive
Had gone a long time ago.

To their own rewards
Not knowing the battle is still not over
For them it will be a figh to the finsihs

She intenad sto be the last one standind
She does not blame her farther 
For his failing eyes sight

But wished here mothers brain
Had not been tampered
She is going to kill 

Every last one of them
Before it is over 
For not knowing when 

Enough is enough.
By the way father
Mother lied to you

I am the other one
Not Dawne
But Aurora.


Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...