Sunday, May 28, 2023

The reverand cometh

 He had heard about the young boy

How many times did they have 

To be told of his obnoxious behavior?

He marched over to him

Plucked him up off the ground

And landed him bottom side up

On his lap

Whereupon he commenced

With his knowledge of hell

The boy was not 12 

Before he had deserved 

Such a performance of his authority

But he had withheld his decision

Upon her view of her babie

He was special and needed tenderness.

She had been prevented from marrying

Her heart throb while doing he duty

By attending university and marrying

A man in military uniform

But the baby they had was a girl

Then no more came along.

Eventually she found out about

The other woman whom he adored

No divorce was available to them

He came home a hero 

Went into politics

Getting elected Mayor of DC

While she grew distant to him

The other guy came along 

She gave in to him on a trip

Then she had to go off to Munich

Where she had her boy

Came out mulatto 

Just like her grandfather

Pale skin all over

And just the few signs 

On his face that he was of African

Descent a mutant from the old world

Her family were mixed between

The old Africa 

And the newer German

Her daughter was dark

And he was light

She hid it from her husband

Since he would not divorce her

Waited til her death to marry

The other woman named Mary

Benitta was a good girl

A beautiful woman

In her own way 

With her dark African skin

Now the boy was spoiled

By her in all she could 

But had to go home to dad

Where he had him in a foster 

Situation but he always wanted

More than they could offer

It was not money 

As they both had plenty of it

To offer him but he just

Wanted his way 

All the time 

Making up stories in his head

To cause problems for others

Accustomed to not having a nuclear 

Family where he belonged and owed

Allegiance, which he has none of.

The spanking was deserved

But not supposed to happen

Jimmies rules were that he never

Got punished for anything

So he kept on doing things

To make other miserable

Without ever having to pay for it.

He now had been spanked

By a black man 

Claiming to be a Reverend.

That was ******

No black man would be 

Accepted as a priest

He knew he was lying

He was going to make 

Him miserable and regret 

His thinking he could 

Lay a hand on him.

His death was not stopped.

He went after every man

In his family including

The ones who were not really

Making sure they knew 

He was not going to be punished.
He did not like people knowing

What  he was doing nor remembering

His bad days.

He used drugs and beatings

He captured her so many times

Always gets a spanking

For just being a good girl

All the time instead 

Of devicing ways of deceiving

Her own parents as he did

And made the others believe

That their parents were lying

Or not even theirs

He had created a whole

Fantasy world where he gets

His way and never gets told no

All he has to say

Is "he just wants his way"

And they know he cant be made

To understand anything else.

He should not have been

Allowed to grow up 

With other mental patients

Nor among the celebrity kids

He made sure they never

Got what they wanted

Which is why he was not 

Supposed to walk around

Acting as if he was a god

Or something else

Not important enough 

To allow the government

To do something

But he went after their kids as well.

Then his stupid father

Who cant see in the dark

What he has between the sheets

Goes and gets a special thing

The Catholic man 

Was honored with a Jesuits degree

How could he do that to him?

He had always been a clown 

In his eyes not a smart man

But instead he now is a man of god.

It did not take long

For him to get his way with him

His father died suddenly 

Of heart problems

Then he could finally got his 

Foster mother whom he called 

His  mother in law

Even though not married

To either of her two daughters.

No college!

No religious men!

No smart women!

Those were his rules 

And everyone else has to live by them

Or he does what he does to get even.

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