Monday, July 31, 2023

Revelations 1000+


Just wants to have his way

That is all Jimmy

Ever says...

Laying in another stolen room

His father keeps bitching

About Hilton hotel bills

And this town does not 

Even have a Hilton!

But it does have a lab

He is all into medicine

Now that he knows 

What it cant do

Cure cancer!

He is trying to read

A Gideons bible

He stooled from the last hotel room

While he gently plays 

With his rat

He traded the rat 

From one of those special

Labs they have on University campuses

A real international school of medicine

And a stupid girl named Debbie F

Willing to do what he wants

Shes from Alabama 

Just like he is she said

He was not to be reminded

As his mothers family

Practice something else

He is a mutant they say

A miracle others say

While some just plain

Admit he should not have been born

White from a black mother

With a white daddy

Who thought he was going to get away

With an affair

But instead sat there with his kid

For the whole world to see

His wife never acknowledged 

The kid who looks just like him

He called him Bob jr.

She called him Benito Mussolini

Her little demon child

Which is what others called him

Behind his back

Why he always reports 

Those people to the CIA

As terrorists who use bibles

They wont let him have the child

She is an angel 

With beautiful eyes

He just wants to tear out

Which he did already

Except they had them replaced

Beautiful blue ones

Like marbles of the sky

Now they are putrid green

She always sighs when he is around her

His dad found out that there were two of them

One of them disappeared

And then the other one was brought forward

Identical girls 

Now one of them is dead

She told on him about Santa Claus

He though Santa could give him

What ever he wanted

But no he was told 

To keep his hands off the child.

Spanked by his grandpa

When he went to visit Alabama

She was going to suffer for that

His mother Camille

He wanted to be called Jimmy

So he can sign her checks

She is a rich bitch

At least she was until he took it all

Then she died of a massive heart attack

Right now he trying

To get the mother of the girl

His way with her 

He just wants her

To destroy her 

And make sure she does not have a life

Debbie was running around Mexico

With the rest of the teenagers

Who could not afford a trip

To India or Turkey

His mother had already taken him

To all those countries he wanted

Now he just wants this family

To loose their lives

So he bargained with Debbie

To give him her child

So he could claim 

The sweet six year old

Was guilty of a sin

And be blamed for it

Denise he named her

No one denies him

Pregnant stupid girl

Was eager to keep her parents

From finding their perfect one

Was getting paid for doing it

Against a wall in Tijuana

They had moved to the Bay area

And were too good to have

A bastard born out of wedlock

To an unwed teenager.

So now he has her lab rat

They inject them with cancer

These little guys

And he is going to have it bite

That white woman

Reading his doomsday book

He is so happy

She got bit!

Now all he has to do  is wait

She is going to die of cancer

From the rats bite.

He never did pass the sixth grade

His reading was limited

He hired someone to read it too him

Then had him arrested

While he found out that the bite

Was not the same as from a rapid dog

Which is what happened to the girl

She  knew her sweet dog

Had rabies and took him

In to the right place

Where they put her on medicine

Which is where both of them

Learned about injections

So happy is Jimmy

He is now standing over 

His other mother 

Giving her injections 

While she is tied to a dentist chair

Now she is going to die

Of cancer!

He just wants it over

Three decades went by

While the slow growing stuff

Took affect as she appeared 

To still be normal

But acted odd and bizarre

The bitch made him suffer

Now he is going to make

The woman suffer as well

For denying him his rights

She just laughs at him.

They made him permanently impotent

A long time ago

And he has beaten her too many times

Besides she plains to decapitate him.

His precious brains and hair

He still has the same hair

And he is over sixty

Not six years old 

And  kept from going to school

Because she had been scalped

Chop goes his head

He deserves it 

She just has to find a way

And then he will be one 

Of those missing Americans 

In Mexico

Should not travel across the border

Jimmy Benito Junior

Meanwhile there is a fire

So large and out of control

That it fills the sky with smoke

While the are using small jets

For the fire retardant

Small croppers are usually used

Or even helicopters

But this one has a larger plane

With more red stuff.

So large and so close

To Los angeles

Where the movie stars 

Live and breath

There is another one

Near Las Vegas

Where those other singers

Make their millions

Why is he so untalented?

All these fires that he lives for

To destroy what he is not allowed to touch.




Saturday, July 29, 2023

Take to the limit



What  is it?

When is it enough?

All those guys 

In the wars 

And on the walls

They are just dead old men.

Nobody cares really about

Their exploits

Just someone's obituary 

The world revolves around

Young people 

With no experience

Nor knowledge

Who are impatient

About getting rid

Of the obstacles in their path

They even hire assistants

Who are willing to led

The lambs 

To slaughter

In Greece 

Those young men raged war

Against the entire system

Alexander the great

Came to power 

As a young man

He died a young man 

As well 

As all those stories

Of the gods and heroes

They had lived for a millennium

But looked as if they 

Were still waiting to shave

While the Romans 

Remained in power

Until someone poisoned them

With hemlock tea

Old men with vomitorium's

Now a days 

They make a qualifying

Male wait till his old mum

Drops dead 

Or just gets smothered

By the impatient granddaughter in law

72 is King Charles III

Waited for over fifty years

To fill the shoes

Of his mother

Who was only 24 

When she had to take over

As her father had died

Now his son is 40

Along with a conceited witch

They just want to know

How much longer?

Can he really take 

That crown instead of him?

The only other monarch 

Left is Margarethe 83

And her son is already.

Taking over responsibilities

While poor Carlos 85

Who replaced his grandfather,

On the throne while still of tender years

Is too old to be given a bed

He has to remain outside

Due to his decisions 

Being seen as ridiculous

By his daughter in law

Who wont even allow the Queen

To touch her children

And now has made them 

Into common whores

Going in for military training

Where all they do to those

Types of people

Is hold them down

And gang rape them

Who sends a princess

Into the barracks?

She will at least be seasoned

Compared to the White house daughters

Who think they own the world

Turn down a prince

Just to end up in a union

That goes on strike

All the old men of the news 

Are retired

They might as well be dead

Only a few remember

Their names or faces

While the young ones

Who did not have to prove

Themselves first

Are starting to show

Fine lines 

And grey hair


They are not taking it well

That there are those antiquarians

Still assuming they matter 


Look at the way Biden

Is allowed to stumble

Over his own feet

When he was vice president

He was jogging and golfing

Now he is hanging on for dear life

70 years not young

And Feinstein and O'Conner

Were both made into 


This last week 

By their own staff

Who told Diane 90

She was going to make a speech

Instead of simply casting a vote?

Really, all that infectious

Disease going around

Half of America 

Caught some version of it

And it cuts off oxygen to the brain

This means almost everybody

Inhaled the micro bites

Of the disease 

And what we have is 

A nation of brain dead 

Individuals who think. 

If they make a whole

Then it will be okay.

And Mitch 81

Has always been. 

The front man 

And there he is freezing.

While his staff 

Roll their eyes backwards.

It will come a day.

They will regret. 

Just standing by

And making it obvious

They are tired of being. 


When in fact

They would not have jobs

If the newer folk

Had not taken over

When they did

All  those German hippies

Going around pretending

They wanted peace

And lived off of nothing

While undermining

The American society

Now they are all


Having robbed us of our freedoms.

Still think they are young at heart

All the rock stars

Are over the 65 limit

Some of them over 70

Dentures and toupees

That was the generation 


Too keep themselves

Working while they could

France did not want

To retire two  years later

Put thier nation on fire

After getting all that free stuff

From America and paid jobs

They have the youngest guy

While the last man standing

Of the old regime

Is proudly 70 years old as well

While he is making nice

With Africa 

Who have a lot of old men

Left to teach their youngens

If they are not taken hostage

By the military

Those guys in uniforms

Keep thinking they are going

To run a nation in peace

But dont know how 

To negotiate a surrender

Look at the founding fathers

If they had not lived 

For half a century

After the win against

Old George

The country would have gone 

To the dogs 

And ended up in civil strife

Which it did when the last

One of them died.

What is this nonsense

That these old ones

Don't know what they are doing.

Some African countries got a win

Because some guy is stupid enough

To blow up the Crimean bridge

So now his wheat grain

Is not going to him

But being provided 

Free of charge

To those who really need it.

Too young enough

To know better 

And not qualified

To control half the worlds

Resources by attempting.

A coup on the big guy

While still being a small fry.

The young want all those

People who keeping reminding them

Of the WWII heroes

And the bomb to die

Then they can stage 

A world event of their own

This will result in an age

Causing the dinosaurs extinction

To look like paradise.

I want to kill the babysitter.

Who has given the impression

They are the ones in charge

Leading the children 

To not want their parents.

Take it too the limit

A famous song about?

Let them live, I say ...

Old people are good to have around

Don't feed them to the sharks

But keep an open mind 

About where jimmy wants to go

With him being over sixty

Just wanting to have his way

By the way Diane

You did not question 

Jimmys authorty

Did you?

Cause that would be your death.

Look at what happened to my family

He killed off the over 90s

And put the 70' in nursing homes

While poisoning the rest of us...

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

He blinked first!


There are times when
You know you area right
And they are wrong.

But then they forget
That they were the ones
Who blinked first.

Poor Hunter
Being the son of a President 
Is not easy

All those offers
Who can possibly know
Who to trust and who not.

There is not much a son
Can do but live as if he is a pauper
Not allowed to really have a job.

Look at Ronald Reagan Jr.
He wanted to dance!
He got his chance to be a ballerina

And then he disappeared 
Into the air
It is easier to be the daughter

Then they get to pretend 
They are in fairytale land
Play the princess

And the poop 
On everyone afterwards
When they don't marry a prince

When really they just want
To be witches for the rest of their lives
Only a few of them

Have done anything at all.
And almost none of them
Have faced a criminal court.

In the good old days,
If one sinned 
And forgot to file their taxes

Such as my mother 
Did every single year
And some of us close to her

Also found ourselves 
With missing years
As she would steal them

Before they got mailed.
She was a trifle confused
About Jesus telling someone

To pay to Ceasar 
What he was due
And in those days 

They even taxed a person 
For being alive
They called it a head tax.

Everyone had to pay 
If they still had their head attached
Unlike Jimmy who was decapitated

Sometime ago 
And pretends he does not have
Banks accounts in the Caymen's

While living off someone else
Social security and unemployment
While the Bidens had someone

Smart enough not to want
To be involved
In the wrong avenue of the court

The court does not decide
To persecute they are the ones
Who proceed to trail 

And then decide punishment
The justice department decides to prosecute
They don't have to if they don't want to.

The cops arrest people under suspicion
But are held innocent until proven guilty.
Allegedly in the past

The Tax court
And yes there is one of those
Would frown upon those

Forgetful ones
But would decide if the person
Could do so they would accept money

Preferably cash
As one of the few courts who can do so,
The issue being that money is due

The government and they want it
If the person can pay the past taxes
With interest and usually a stiff fine

They allow them to remain free
In order to work and pay off their debts.
Jail time only comes from tax invasion

When there has been a crime committed
In association with the money
Evading taxes is not technically 

A crime.
It is how they acquired the money
Why they did not pay the taxes

And what they did next 
That can cause a crime 
To become apparent

It is actually very American
To refuse to pay taxes.
My mother was not so much American

But obstinate about taxes.
A number of us have fallen
Into a pleading position

With that court 
Asking forbearance
In the missing documentation

And have paid themselves into the clear.
I am now told I have no work history
And therefore have nothing to worry about

Until the day in which
Jimmy gets caught stealing 
My income and I have to face 

The IRS for non payment.
In the mean time

A plea bargain
Is not necessarily 
Unfair nor unchristian

It is a matter of business
It wll cost the state
A certain amount to house

And convict a person
Who could instead make 
An agreement of some sort

It is up to the judge 
To decide this especially 
In the case of first time offenders

It is better to have them agree
To work off the debt due society
Or to provide evidence of a more 

Serious crime 
Or simply listen to a bunch
Of shoplifter's brag about their thriftiness.

Then to send someone
Over a misunderstanding
Or a confused customer service

Individual who simply does not want
To provide a service
And does not see it a sin 

To lie about someone 
When there is no evidence
But what ever does occur

Once the page has been wiped 
Clean it can not be revisited
Nor additional charges brought

On the same offense
Here they were worried about
Outside sources or foriegn interest

In the case of a relative
Of a politician
Treason is basically 

What the prosecutors were after
And since he is not known
To have a low economic life

Even though broke
And living off dad
He should not be deemed 

As worthless
Such as a homeless person
Who does not have the rights

Of a citizen.
Whereas an illegal alien
Is given the oppurtunity

Of finding a source of income
Usually someone elses
They are provided a hearing ear

By the fair and just courts.
It is the brown skinned
Nonwhite or Latino's

Who are always under suspicion.
This is a day for a very traditional
American past time.

Ice Cream.
Take young Hunter to the 
Ice cream parlor

And treat him to a triple scoop.
He is now going to have to face a trail
Unless the court decides on something else.

Did you know that the prosperous
Polos were not believed?
They were rich merchants 

Who traveled and got caught
By the grandson of Genghis Khan
In his own land

They kept the son for so long
That he came back more Chinese
Than Italian.

For instance he preferred
Thier dishes

What could be more Italian
Than noodles with sauce?
He of course brought back rice noodles

Not horrible wheat ones
And they did not have tomatoes
Columbus had to bring those back

From his travels to America
Columbus by the way is not Italian
Nor were his employers.

As for gelatto
It is very Italian 
Especially with expresso

In China it does sometimes snow
And then they make up treats
Without sugar but plenty of salt

In Italy all things
Are made over for the Pope
And we now have Italian ice cream

And American Spaghetti!
Remember who blinked first!
Not I but Jimmy

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Dog days of summer


Hot and sultry

Dry throats 

And sweaty skin

There are always those

Who know how to lie

Down and take it

Findinf a man size

Dog bed even!

But most would not want

This as a solution

Walking on a picket fence

Is not an easy ordeal

But can be accomplished

If one has the mind 

To do so.

Instead I find this day

To be confronted 

With a ghost from the past.

There was not any 

Single thing

That was not taken away

A natural sibling

Or an adopted child

Replaced with something wicked

Yesterday I once more

Ventured out to an appointment.

For the sake of my kitten

Only to have the transport

Turned upside down

Meanwhile there are those

Who just wont stop

Taking pictures with their phones

It is illegal to include

A stranger into your selfies

But they do it on purpose

If taken to court 

They will go to prison

For it is the law

With the new devices

Not to take advantage 

Of a situation 

But modern people

Don't care who they hurt

In fact that is the only 

Reason for getting up

In the day 

Just to say 

Hey mom

What can i mess 

Up for you today

My life was promised

Not to have a bunch

Of retarded women

Full grown demand

That they wont

Be reasoned with 

In their heroin brains

About a small child

Being the birth mother

Or not to be punished

While my mothers brain

Rotted inside its cavity

From brain cancer

Given to her by her own

Adopted boy 

Who hated her as much

As his own mother.

Merciless girls

Who have now experienced

Life believe they can provide

Evidence just by rubbing me 

The wrong way or biting me

For no reason at all

The judges told 

Each and every one of them

That i was not their mother

Including Richelle the rich girl

Who survived Jonestown

But not a free life

Of no work except

How to kill my father

What is going to  happen

If I should disappear

Will the big white blob

Really think she 

Is going to keep stealing

And then demanding 

She is not someone elses

Why are all of them

Such cowards 

Unable to do what is right

Because everyone lives

In a fantasy world 

Without reason as to who

Or what or when

Little mis Collins

Sits on a tuppet

Having farted in everyone's face

Just so can screw 

The idiot puppet

Of this horrible massacre

Zelensky is not the one in charge

Nor is she a qualified interviewer

All they know is to get a story

They have to provide an answer

As to why women were not allowed

In the press room 

In the first place

Look at the examples 

Of Kelley and Martha

Who did everything 

They could to endanger

Someone by removing her credentials

Then having nothing to say

The rest of thier careers.

It is worse than watching 

A dog fight....

At least Barbara 

Had a way of letting people

Know who she was to them.

Death if they did not cough up

While my grandmother 

Had to survive London blitzes

Only to sent to Hollywood

Where the real heroes 

Were stationed instead of Europe

Where she got caught trespassing

Found Eisenhower in his tent

But forced to interview Jimmy Stewart 

When these girls get the message

That AI is here to replace them

The robots have arrived

No more need of a vagina

When they have artificial intelligence

To do the job much better

They will have to lie down

With the dogs 

Instead of flying with the birds....

Thursday, July 20, 2023

"A denarius for a quart of wheat", Revelations 6


The apocalypse is upon us!

Revelations is being fulfilled.

Don't harm the oil or wine...

According to learned people

This means that the vines of both

Grow deep into the ground

It would take a deep drought

To cause the wine grapes 

To dry up and whiter

As the olive trees

Only in California 

Have we seen entire grove

Of avocadoes shrink 

Like those Amazon heads

Causing the land owner 

The inability to pay his land tax

For at least a decade or so

Unlike the ripe rich fields of wheat

Which are surface fruit

For those who live off of cereals

For their subsistence

A denarius was a days wage

Which used to mean a lot

But now most minimum wage 

Earners drive fancy cars

And buy expensive phones

But the idea that one could not eat

For a day or two

Was catastrophic in those days

When it was thought that humans

Needed a loaf of bread a day

To subsist until richer foods

Were available 

Such as the French revolution

When the scorching of the fields

Had caused a shortage of flour

Now Europe is going to meet

It head on as a continent

No wheat flour

For all those bakeries 

Which used to have a variety

Of types of pastries and breads

But now it is all wonder bread

Too bad for those with an allergy

Who cant even taste something

Without the plague hitting them.

Don't worry Europe 

It just caused diarrhea in the end.

Stomach troubles develop

Over time for most white people

It is a grain of the Mediterranean

And Africa whose stomachs tolerate it 

But not cows milk 

Lactose intolerance is common among

Those children in Africa whose mothers

Are nothing but slaves

To the nipple ...

Anyways Mr. Biden

Has upset Mr. Putin

Mr. Putin has to offer

Mr Zelensky is nothing 

At all in the way of grain

Being shipped from those

Fields just like Montana

Across the rural Russia

Just because he attacked

His bridge to Crimea


Now his ships are targets

And he just cant take 

The chance of all that 

Grain and cereal

Going down 

In a drone attack

And sinking

Just like the Titanic

Too bad, too bad.

Officials will just have

To deal with the aftermath

Of causing so much trouble

After all he was not responisble

For kindapping and holding hostage

For ransom those children

Who decided not to keep their kids home

From school when there is 

A war being fought 

On their front door steps

Anyways what ever the situation

Is that those kids are alive

And being feed their wheaties

But the kids in China

Are working sweatshops

For those Nike shoes

And other Macys clothes

Bankruptcy has occurred 

So many times for that company

But we all love the Macys day parade

Which was featured for a Natalie Wood

Film as well as a modern one

Where my little sister got to be in it

Along with Jimmy

Who still insists they got married

By Santa Claus!

Not bad work by the way

Keeping those men on their toes

No more wheat for the Jewish guy

Who does not want orthodox priest

To remain in their homes...

Thier is oat flour

And rice flour

The old staples 

I have some in my fridge 

Just in case there is a reason

To need it.

Really who keeps 

Taking out a needed bridge?

Our coastline train

Has been dealing 

With land slides 

Due to the ongoing 

And never ending drought

They have repaired the tracks

Again for travel from Los Angles 

To its southern neighbors

But no one is going to come 

Visit me as in the old days

They would prefer 

I be dead than alive

All those years of dealing

With mom and her dementia

Only to  have everyone rob me

Only my enemies show up

With their hands out for more 

While jimmy keeps sticking

His dick out at me.

Never going to grow up

In a world that expects 

A woman to give up her

Rights to her body.

Good job Vladimir

Let Volodymir eat

No wheat at all

Then America will feel

The pain of this crisis

Sending those toys to him

Now they are going to have

To provide foodstuffs 

As well as military tech

Californians wont worry

All they eat is yogurt

And salads 

Whereas New Yorkers

Need that bagel in their hand

Pizza eaters be happy

They now have a cauliflower crust

Just like my great grandmother 

Used to make 

Available at Dominos

And fine pizza joints.

My family line is so old

That it does go back to europe

And people used to have 

Things on doors and gates

To symbolize the family origins

My family symbol was

Three sheafs of wheat

Symbolizing they were 

Well enough off to have

Three separate fields

Or communities

In which to live and grow

Wealthy they must have been

To grow wheat but not eat it

Anyways our name is not 

Really Wheat but something else

Like those millers who were

From somewhere else

But ended up on the French side

Of the Holy Roman empire

They could be almost anybody

All in a days work

To look up ones surname

And find the real meaning

Such as Jimmies mothers name


Wonder what that means

It is British 

Anyone from England 

Cant tell us what his family

Were called before they immigrated

To my land ?

Native Americans existed without white flour long ago....

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Blue chip stamps thief!


I was accused of being
A blue chip stamp thief
I recall my mothers horror

When she found them gone
And assuming i was the guilty party
She never got over anything

And I have spent the rest of my life
Wondering why she keeps after me
Or why I cant go shopping without 

Knowing the staff have been informed
And as for the coin jar or piggy bank
Well, I always assumed it was Jimmy

After all he did go to prison
As a teenager and as an adult
He has committed almost everything

But he has a challenger
Imagine an old guy
With a roast in the oven

Has been convicted of being 
The Golden state killer
He was once a cop 

And a Viet Nam veteran
And also a neighbor
I recall his wife was my mothers

Divorce lawyer!
He went from being a cop
To ransacking people places

Stealing nothing more than
Thier piggy banks 
And their blue chip stamps

For those who don't remember them
These blue stamps were given out
At stores and gas stations

Then when you had enough
There was a catalog to buy things
There were also stores 

Where my mother bought
Our school clothes 
And her linens 

And dads tools
It was this thing that was
Never touched 

Those things that brought
Home the things one was not going
To get at the trip to the stores

Anyways my mother was never the same
When they shut down
It was the end of her life

Anyone who stoled them
Were dead to her 
And yet i had no means of spending them

Who would allow a child to use them?
Anyways this cop started tormenting
His neighbors with ransacking

He ended up being arrested
And convicted of rapes and murders
At least three different sprees occurred

In California with the cops 
Wanting him but then he moved on.
Until he got married 

His pictures were there 
At the post office 
As well as other places

One of them matches him
Another one looks like Jimmy
Who likes to replicate others deeds.

How much more of my world
Is going to be dissolved
What kid does not trust a cop

Nor a familiar face coming along
Meanwhile people are blowing things up
All over the world

From a bridge in the Crimea
To a sewage transformer in India
To a Pfizer plant in the path of a tornado

Too many complaints about
Everything and everybody
My cat stoled my phone

And I was outside going around
Looking for it in the bushes
Then I stepped on his only plastic toy

I squashed his bell with my foot
Had to clean up the little pieces
And spotted my phone.

I bought him a new potty
With a cover for his privacy
And for my feet not to step

On tiny grains of litter
Every time I need to use the toilet
He loves it

Moved right on in
And then looked shocked 
To see my peeking at him.

If i could just get him
To stop drinking out of the tub.
When is Mr. Putin going 

To be allowed to have his way
With his country and his military?
Never for the former Allie

Is now the enemy of America
Worse things possible
What if he is not actually wrong?

Too late.
America has put all thier eggs
In the same basket.

By the way
There is a lottery going on
It is not unchristian

To buy a single ticket
Or a few more
It is unchristian to sell

Your house or someone elses
In order to loose everything
But crazy people go around

Causing problems for people
And I have not even thought
A billion-dollar payout

Would be the worth the cost
Of others having me
Tarred and feathered

Wonder what jimmy 
Is going to do this weekend
With the Comic con in town

And the actors on strike?
No visitors no free lunches.
What is the poor guy going to do?

Monday, July 17, 2023

Then there was the incident with the emu


Sadly, my mother well sell 

Anything and everything

Including your soul

Not hers 

Mind you 

But yours.

Anyways there was 

The time my father would 

Sit me down and explain. 

He had just bought 

Himself and my mother

Burial plots.

Did I understand?

I was to bury them in them.

The problem was 

That he did it a number of times

In different places

And I knew jimmy would

By right behind him

Using his name

In order to get the money

A rich spoiled white mans son.

My mother would also 

Sale them to others 

Or at least give them 

The impression they were theirs

After all she had no plans

To use the burial plot 

For herself

And my father she would 

Just throw out at the old dump.

I remember a big party

Shocked so many people

Had shown up for his death

And then I went to sleep

I remember waking up 

To find a strange box

Was sitting next to me

I paid no attention.

And went along to the office.

Later someone delivered the box

To the old house up the hill

The neighbor found it 

Went into overdrive

How could I not bury 

My father?

She took me by the hand

Over to the Memorial Park

Where she paid for his cremated remains

Were put into the rose garden.

I sat there in shock

Because I was really sure 

We had buried him in a casket

In the ground!

Who would dig him up

And burn his body

Throwing away his clothes?

If not Jimmy

Who else would do such a thing?

Now jimmy woke up one day

To find a large bird

Poking and nipping at him

It was like Sesame streets

Big bird

Only smaller

An emu had escaped.

He got tired of it 

And walked down stairs

Putting on his old blue robe

Which used to belong to someone else

And found to his horror

A bunch of packages of Emu meat

On the counter!

His counter had been defiled

He heard the garbage trucks

Walked out with his collection

And deposited them in the back

Just when my mother drove up

She was attacked by the big bird

While she went into shock

At seeing Jimmy walk out

Of the very house he was not

Allowed to be inside.

Meanwhile, in his haste

Jimmy had tied the robe 

With a buckle around his fat belly

It got caught in the dump truck

The buckle part was tangled

With the claws of the machine

The last cul de sac on the route

They took off happily

For home the guys in  front

With Jimmy dangling off the back

Stupidly attempting to free himself.

He was succesful!

The robe came off his body

And he was free!

And very naked.

He thought about it 

For a few moments

Got honked at 

And decided to walk back.

Straight down the middle of the road.

And along came the escaping Emu

Straight at him, agian.

It was not a pretty sight

To see its neck wrung 

With one of his hands

While the other one was doing

Something unexplainable.

Along to the house

We had moved back into

As the lawyers had explained

It was ours after all.

Jimmy is in the habit

Of dropping by

And deciding to stay

Making it his home.

It is now in his wifes name

Not mine anymore 

With no bill of sale

But those country clerks

Are underfed

They will do almost anything

For a free pizza

Or a subway sandwich.

He punished me of course

Once it was found out

That I was the one 

Who had placed the emu meat

On the counter 

It was my fault he had been 

Attacked by the Emu

Laying in someone else bed

It is the same house

On Del Sol court

That his wife evicted me from

After stealing my mother

From the train station

And then calling an ambulance

My mother only lasted another 

Six weeks laying there waiting

For someone besides me 

To rescue her.

No on else came.

And never intended to rescue her

She had sold them out 

So many times in the past

I am not even sure 

Where her parents are buried

Nor my little sister

Most people dont bury things

In the back yard

Although those old houses

They keep tearing down

Might have something under the back porch

When they did not have cemetaries

And were homesteading.

Anyway, she sold her grandparents

Homestead to so many people

I cant even keep account

While her aunt their daughter

Out survived her 

And it was never hers to sale.

Now I am the will stated heir

And cant get on it 

Over  some idiot drug dealer

Who is taking bribes

From women who just

Want their husband dead

Two feet of water

Is not enough for a full grown man

To drown in and multiple times.

He has moved into Buckingham palace

Once or twice

And the Vatican 

As well as the Kremlin

He just wanted to look

Around it he said.

She even sold houses

While they were being occupied.

Such as the one on Long Island.

I saw in the news, 

Some guy is claiming he grew up

In it where he was born.

I know that house had lots 

Of visitors while I was forced

To reside in New York city

They were off to the wilds

Enjoying this prime piece of property

A little red house with green trim.

Hmm, I wonder of Joe

Did not dose off on the porch

Wonder what they will do with 

The DNA they gather from 

Twenty to thirty 

Years ago?

Lock you doors 

Mr. Putin.

Jimmy wants to sleep in your bed

And please don't leave. 

Any strange animals around

Even a cat he has strangled 

Just for sitting there watching him.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

One night i went out


For drinks with my sibling

And I did not come back

I woke up on the beach...

Did I ever tell you 

About the time i got

To be Michelangelo?

.  .  

My cousin studied in Paris

In the old days 

To become an artist

And he was very good

Instead, he became a missionary.

It was a different time period

Everyone was into the bible

Even the Asians wanted to know

He spent decades sacrificing.

And then retirement came along.

Like all other business

Once one is too old....

There I was hanging off the ceiling

Of the Stanley theater

Coloring in the images

He always gave me coloring books

And watched me carefully 

Keeping to the lines

Teaching me the correct color

Combinations and even allowed

Me to copy things

Without all those nudes

That is why he gave it up

He said, those girls would follow

Him around not unlike Candace

Handsome and old fashioned.

Hopelessly i was stuck 

Upside down carefully 

Following the lines 

Of his religious art

He was finally given a task

Worthy of his compassion

But too old to complete it himself.

They reminded me of my days

At the Russian orthodox schools

I was not allowed to go to Catholic private 

Instead I had to go to the other one.

I loved those old paintings

Still do and worry about them

Over there in that place

Where they have no place 

For Christians anymore.

The Kevian's don't want them 

Anymore those men of faith

Out! is what they have demanded

My family inherited a homestead

Here on the west coast

Complete with a port site 

For the boats they arrived 

As well as an old wagon

For when they had to come back

Overland, with all those old buildings

That jimmy has been tearing down

We had a small playhouse in back

That had a funny onion dome

Turns out is was an original church

In downtown where no one had noticed

It even had miniature paintings.

Long gone to jimmy's whims

He bulldozed the building 

When we were still children

Now he is burning down each place

That reminds him  of those days

A spoiled rich kid

Who wanted to play

With the politicians had come to town

California governors and presidents.

Anyways another old hotel has been demolished

Wonder what my sibling we do when he finds out

They were too small 

When everything went wrong

They grew up in different places

Not knowing how much trouble

Was caused with my father 

Was elected mayor of half of the city

Long time ago 

We were respectable people

My mother went all bible

And destroyed her marriage

Even though he was not doing anything

Except getting her pregnant again

And again.

Sadly she gave them all up

To others to have and raise.

Leaving me with nothing at all.

After my sister died.

But I was the heiress

The first born who was supposed

To have access to the various places

Not even the ones I paid for

When I was working.

Jimmy took my bank account long time ago.

I caught him in the Bahamas

When friends asked us to visit

I do know where my family came from 

But also know a group 

Of German gangsters arrived

Illegally in the country

Thieves and murders 

They have always been

Training the third generation

To replace us in peoples eyes

My family were eliminated.

One by one

Till there is only me left

They thought it was over

So they allowed me to find out

That he was rich and i was broke

Then he got angry

They don't know him the way I do.

He does not enjoy being caught 

Which I know comes with a cost.

Why I don't tell him what I know

A confrontation occurred

And I woke up on a beach

Knowing I had survived another attack

On my person 

I keep waking up screaming at times

Those slanted eyes of a man

Looming down at me.

It is confusing for I know

Not to talk about things

And yet my system seems to be full

Of truth serum or something

I might have had a nervous breakdown

But then something really bad 

Might have happened

Which the others know about

And keep after me not to recall

He is thier guy in place

Except he is not going to do anything

But what he wants 

Which is to control the politicians

For some reason he thinks

He is qualified with a type 1 ego

The conversations I have to endure

And no one to report them 

While I keep finding idiots

Who think I will agree to what 

Jimmy wants just because.

I laid there dying on the metal bed

Having flatlined 

When I was only fourteen years old

Thirty three minutes

They said it was a miracle

I survived and recovered

All those migraines

And lies behind my back

He had promised he would not

Do it himself....

But it is hard not to believe

My mother and her lies

Her brain was gone anyway

And she only trusted 

Those who said they are religious.

When in fact they are atheist

Obviously from their actions

Who keeps insisting a six year old gave birth

To the child they are using for extortion?

I see another family home 

Is in the news 

There it is the family home

Of a suspected serial killer

Small red house on long island

Who knows where the guy got

The idea he was raised in it

Or who gave him the keys.

Perhaps the authorities will get it right this time...

Friday, July 14, 2023

Bastille Day!


Vive la franc!

Long live the ...

Something went wrong,

Oh well, its was just

A Misunderstanding

Really, who wants to see

A bunch of people

With their heads 

Cut off!

The storming of the Bastille

Was done by women

Who were tired of their men

Being held hostage

While they had to not only

Work but often raped.

The paintings show 

A single woman leading the charge

These famous artists 

Shied away from showing

The vengeance even women 

Will have upon others

When they have had enough.

Bastille was a prison

During the more corrupt times

Of the French empire

However Versailles

Was removed from Paris

And its many illegalities

None the less

Heads rolled due to their lack

Of responsibility

The results were men put up

A new machine designed.

To severe the heads 

The person was laid down

On their belly and then

The blade came down

Onto the neck of the person

Causing the head

To become detached 

Falling into the basket below

Carts of bodies 

Were lead through the streets

Of Paris missing their heads!

What did they do with

King Louis's head?

If only Jimmy would fall 

Down onto one of these machines

Even monstrous Cathy M

Told me in front of the class

That she wished I was gulliontined

After refusing me the right

To take French courses

In High school.

Some Principles should 

Be hung with their lack

Of responsibility

As for what went on this weekend

Who is going to accept

The final responsibility

For Zelensky and his wife

Being allowed to visit 

The NATO summit?

It is dangerous to keep 

Encouraging a murder

He even refused to remove

The dead bodies of soldiers

From one town retaken

By his men

Leaving them thrown 

Out of the way 

For all to see

Or at least the gullible

Media who are eating up

Everything he is serving

Them on a silver platter

Not even during Barbarian times

Would they have had such 

A public display

Of lack of humanity 

Much less christianity

Not that I am anti semitic

But this guy shows off 

His disregard for others 

Religious beliefs

And makes it clear they are not

Christians in his country

Any longer

He is actually after the old

Eastern Orthodox monks

And priests 

Making their lives hell.

Meanwhile the country

Decided to go Catholic. 

For the association with

The current President of America

Who is only the second guy 

To be Catholic

And the last one was 


I don't believe that 

Biden is really fooled 

By his pretense

But to have them present

When in fact the whole

Basis of NATO 

Was to control the aggressive

Countries while encouraging

Peace amongst the stronger ones.

Ukraine is not one of the stronger ones.

Having to panhandle for funds

While offerings his wife as a whore

To any leader willing to climb

In bed with his murderous schemes.

They have already ruined any peace

That might have been in the world.

Those Donbas Donetsk people

Haven't a chance of ever being forgiven

For their desiring to be free as many others

Have during the ages.

Watching the fallout

From the mutiny of a chef

Who thought he could be a mercenary

Fits well with this butcher 

Of the humanity once thought

To be part of the modern world.

It is like the Fascist

Who came to rise after

The sweet Victorian era

Came to an end.

Did you hear the one about...

A guy proudly says 

His grandfather died 

At Auschwitz!

When he fell off 

The guard tower!

How many comics 

Are going to explain

How this genocide 

Is going to be viewed.

Let them eat cake

Or Pizza 

As the current complaint

Of spoiled people

Who immediately

Stood in line at the ATM

Machines, depleting them

Of all the money in one day.

Leaving no cash for anyone else.

Thoughtless and merciless

This man has lead his people

To laugh at the bodies left behind

Just so he can feel big

Standing there in his Cuban outfit

Clearly the old communists

Which did not die when the Soviets

Went down to the desire of the people

To be free from the machine

That was grinding them all into the ground.

Did you know that many people

Had a chance to look at the records

In Berlin to see who had turned them in

Only to find it was their own spouse

Or relative.

One wonders about some of these


We see in the media

Such as poor little Charlie

Theron, whose mommy

Went to prison when she was a child

For shooting her daddy.

South Africa is full 

Of white supremist

And old guard fascist

As well as communists.

What was the argument

Really about?

Or perhaps it was the child

Who laid in wait for old da

To come along after visiting

His friends down at the pub

He wasn't going to let her go

Royal or some stupid thing

Instead she got to be a child model

In Italy and Japan

While her mother went to prison

Everyday and every night

The big girl partied

And snorted cocaine

A field of poppies 

Was not near her house

Was it?

I understand it was the seen

Of another murder

An entire family held hostage

While the man of the house was shot dead.

Not unlike my family who kept

Having people follow us home.

From Europe due to both WW's

Having been fought by members. 

Of our relatives.

Sitting there as a child watching

The gun men and women

Point a gun at your fathers head

While your mother goes into 

The routine of crying and giving

Up her own family

In order to save herself

But would not take the medicine.

To save herself from brain cancer.

Some people dont known not to

Sit down when someone else is being

Interviewed and begin the extortion

Of threatening the freedom 

Of someone who is not a relative

Nor should be blamed for the actions

Of others including grandfathers

Who at least attempted to help

Free people they did not even know.

Only to have them want them go to jail.

For nothing at all except having a few things

That they did not hand over to them.

Then I had Oral Roberts 

Sit down and tell me he was also

Cherokee Indian as well,

And a relative of mine.

Never know who you are going to get.

But those with court orders 

Should understand that when 

They deny the justice system

Of giving them the right to live

But not keep others from living

Are going to find their fate

At some time taken from them.

Why is she in all the best movies?

Why does she not have kids?

Adopting something she is opposed

Does not work when her past is obvious.

Meanwhile I have never been forgiven

For anything I have or have not done

By my own real mother.

Thank god I do not have any daughters!

Or I would have to cause them to die.

If I had any work history according to Social Security

And I was a member of a union

Such as the Actors 

Who are going on strike 

Just as the industry is getting 

Back on their feet.

I would withdraw my membership.

What do they want anyways

The freedom not to be undressed

Which does not provide any acting skills

Or be told their hair is too long

Or their skin is the wrong color?

I was sat down and had that explained 

To me by my GMA associates 

Who were both white 

Trash from nowhere

While my grandmother and I worked

Since we were young

Proving and refining our skills.

Only to not fit in with the next group

To French

Ekk, an Indian!

Who is next to wiped out 

Of existence?

The Donetsk people 

Who were once Welsh

Have already lost their right, 

To freedom.

Perhaps France is a reminder of what has been lost....

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...