Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Life afterwards ...


Shucking oysters every evening
At the local bar run by his
Ladies relatives

His life was over 
He thought after that event
But returning to his parents

Home where his father
Was a Judge
And the descendants

Of Irish Harpists
Who immigrated to Canada
During the Hudson trading company days

All those fights 
Between the men who got rich
Off the surplus of animal pelts

Including the Astors
Who also had a fort in the west
The Russians had been fierce hunters

Not warriors 
They had the entire coast
To their leisure and then 

Those others began to arrive
Some poor guy named 
Coronado was claiming this area

A conquistador with a Jewish grandma
They made those conversos work
For their freedom which mainly came

From crossing the ocean and doing harm
There are others of course
Who arrived first

They even found a Samurai 
Floating off the beach 
They say his ship is out there

Off of  Winters Wonderland
Thats Marshall Winters 
Who owns the Winters township.

And his family also own the beach
Ocean beach 
Is what it became afterwards,

But right now, there is an Irish pub.
With his family's crest 
That serves for him an outpost.

Off this new town below 
The city of the angels
He has been provided for

By the Grants, 
Lawyers and land grabbers
Are the two sons of the former

President Grant who won a war
But got ridden out of Washington.
Due to his administration's corruptness.

Which is why his family had headed 
West during the Civil war
Except for Virgil

Who was already conscripted
All those western towns
Wanted was to get the hell.

Out of Dodge
They wanted no part of it.
The horrible civil war

He had plans for that ocean beach
He planned to retire there
Just as the Grants took over Sweet river.

But here he was shucking oysters
As his ladies restaurant
While waiting for sundown

His main role as Sheriff 
Of this new town 
Was to keep the ladies off the streets

He had his own gambling hall
To keep the wealthy entertained
But the lady who ran the bank

During the day
By night had her girls .
Saddled with a situation. 

Which was not going to get better
He had to make sure they were not girls
Nor slaves but clean honest women

Who performed the only task 
The West recognized as honest work.
While the day he dealt with the riffraff

Who drifted in from the East
And those who thought Mexico. 
Was a play spot to get lost in

Whole lot of troubles down there
He remembered those who thought
They could settle the area

Where no one was living
Mostly Mormons
Who had to retreat 

Once those men taught to fight
During the Spanish American war
Wanted to ride north.

All those over the rights
Of a river called Rosa Rio,
The Russian River.

He remembered the fort 
Up the hill
Which became Balboa park

Training men to fight 
Against the possibility
Of the South launching an attack

Against this West coast town
Some guy named James Wheat,
From Eastern Tennessee

A young kid brought out here
Lost one of his canons
During training exercises

Ended up being sent north,
After he had relocated his family
With a proper land grant out there on the river

But he blew up the munitions wagon
Causing a huge explosion 
And it was sent careening down towards town

Burning down the church
Thankfully without an occupants
But it was too much for his commandment.

He complained from San Francisco
Bitterly cold every day

At least if he blew something up
It was in the middle of the bay.
And they had to guard the entrance

Called the Golden gate.
While his family ranch was waiting for him.
He went up there last year,

After his trip to Sacramento
By ferry boat he got an eye
Of his adopted State 

He has settled into this city
Of fog by morning 
And sunshine by evening

His brothers visited 
For a short time.
But most of the time they wanted 

Not to remember too much.
Just seeing what the old people
Had thought was a new opportunity.

They were not much
Into fishing nor sailing
Cattle country they were from.

He thought the sail boat was
An improvement on the wagon train
After all those hours in the saddle

They were not happy with the place
Thier parents wanted to call home
He was one of the little ones

Who had come to the west
By wagon train .
Having crossed the great desert

By horse and wagon 
Instead of by boat
Meanwhile he was jut sitting

Above a bank run by a woman
Who had no interest
In sending any robbers

To his jail 
But straight into the grave
Hopes end. cemetery 

Was filling up quickly
After the Old towns cemetery
Was set aside for Catholics only.

Tombstone was a distant memory
Or at least he told everyone that
The Earps took down a dangerous gang

Lost their friend Doc
But managed to stay together
His brother is a Sheriff up north

In a mining town to keep
The gangs from taking over.
At least he did not have to deal

With miners 
Just ship jumpers
And claims jumpers

Who wanted to get drunk
Instead of building this beautiful
Town into a city by the bay

Life afterwards,
He might just take a sail boat 
Out and head south to see what it looks like

Maybe sail all the way around,
He just wants to live a little longer
That the others with a woman by his side.

Harpist for gods sake!
Good thing those thugs
Had not heard of it .

Or they would have been left hanging
From the rafters
Now he can sit back and smile

As his lady brings another tray ....

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