Friday, September 29, 2023

Its over!


Its all over!
There will not be a tomorrow
Someone call Jimmy

And tell him 
Not to even bother
Getting up at all.

Come Monday
He will be in complete collapse
They are actually talking about

Canceling his favorite
Captain Kangaroo 

No more Zelensky
Jimmy and his favorite
Stand up comic.

He has put a lot of money
Into this guy
Rising him up to celebrity status

And then into political office
All so he could go after
You know who

Mr. Bad.
The chauffer 
Of Gorbachev

Who kept him alive
And thwarted his attack
On Yeltsin

And the White House
That GQ guy
With the cool name

Evan Jack Palance
Was originally named Vladimir

It was better than 
The other popular name

Alot of those guys running around
But it was this guy
Who kept jimmy 

From walking in 
And stealing the Oval office
From big Bill

Another one of his 
Favorite things
To destroy

Most people 
Don't recall 
The days of the pre cell phone

And Tik Tok days
Jimmy attacked the man
In the bathroom of the 

Library of Congress
While Bill was giving him
A tour of Washington DC

Including the buildings 
On the Hill
And then tea at the White House

Jimmy attempted 
To throw the an over
The barriers

In the huge oval
Of the Library
Stopped by his best driver

The Head of the KGB
Is often listed as the driver
Or the Chef 

As in America
There are so many
Of them that suddenly 

Get dead.
Hmm, anyways
He decided to march

Into the Whtie house 
And relieve himself

Off the second floor
Just as Hillary hung

Her head out
To tell him 
To get out of her house!

Somehow they kept 
Bill from killing him
While Yeltsin went home

Knowing his time was short
He appointed his savoir
As the next head of state

On the eve of the 21st century
Imagine the headache 
Jimmy had that day

Stay in bed
Jimmy for the next week
Don't wake up Monday

And find out that the 
Has shut down

One more time.
Unless they dump
That program of his

The one for Ukraine
And his special battle
They either cut corners

Or they don't pay 
Any of their government workers
Including the military

Wonder what they will do
Cut Zelensky
Jims best friend

Or go to no employees?
At least I got paid
A day early

Paid my rent
On went shopping
Bought some black things

Just in case 
I get an invitation
To Dianes death

Oh that's another thing
Stay in bad jimmy
Your favorite Aunt 

Has died
It is all over
Those days when you ran

Around San Francisco
Because your real mothers
Husband had become Mayor

Of Washington DC
You thought you owned 
San Francisco

The Twinkie curse
We all know who eats

Sitting in a closet
And plotting

The end of the universe
Who shot JR?
Not Jimmy!

Mayor Moscone 
Got shot dead
So. me guy went to prison

And Miss Rosenberg
Was put in place
As the first female mayor

Of San Francisco.
She was a native of the city
Her grandfather was born

In Russia 
Died in Eureka California
She is both Jewish

And Russian
But all Californian
Led us through the eighties 

As a strong female voice
Still was voting
From the floor

On the very day
Of her demise.
Did not give up

As a Senator 
Either lending her support
To everyone 

She felt a connection
She was Jimmys
Favorite aunt

He somehow 
Managed to get her bank account
At some point

Her husbands fought
For her as she grew 

The died one by one
As jimmy demanded
To have his way

What was a woman to do?
She did her best
Which was better than others

Poor McCarthy
I told him he would win 
His chair

But he would have to be
Prepared for the day
He would be faced

With the fright of his career
He is facing a shutdown
And the end of his control

What will he do?
Without the threat
Hanging of Mrs. Feinstein

Anything is possible
Cut the Zelensky program
And emerge a winner

Stay in bed Jimmy
You don't want to know
What is happening out there

Even New York city
Is in a state of emergency
They got rained on 

The storm has caused 
The Subways to stop
And the five boroughs

Of the Big Apple 
To be undated with water
Cant even drive

Stay at home 
They say
Stay in place

Don't get up Jimmy
It is bad out there
No more Diane

For your to use
Behind her back
No more government aid

Did you notice 
You had no money
Coming to you this weekend

It is all over.
Government shutdown
Zelensky not getting 

His latest hand out
The state of California
Governor is going to have 

To appoint someone 
To stand in her place.
Do you remember his aunt

He had an aunt as well
She had two girls
And two boys

Went out to supper
And came home to 
A house on fire

In flames was her home
She lost her two daughers
In an electrical fire

Be careful of that aquarium
Sitting next to your desk
It might tip over

And wreak havoc 
On your computers cords
Gavin, Gavn

He has seen almost 
As much as I have
In deaths of families

At a young age
Now well over six feet
Acknowledging his wife

Was a rape victim
Of your friend
He might not be as easy

To harrass
Whom is he going to appoint?
Not me

Not you
Stay in bed Jimmy
She wont even get

A state funeral
With the government

There is no funds
For her to be laid 
At state 

Her family will have
To pay for her return
To the Bay area

Of which she was raised
For which she fought
For which she is remembered

A private funeral
For her family and her friends
While her public

At home in private
No Tik Tok
No public funeral

For the government 
Has shutdown
And there is no one

To even empty the trash cans
At the Watergate
Nor  anyone to drive 

A garbage truck
Down the city streets
It is over for you

An end at last 
A Jewish woman

Has passed away
I saw my first 
Rabbi nutcracker

I should have bought him
But was taken aback
By the next one

The Queen in blue
With her handbag.
Dead and still providing

Tourist Nik nacs
I got a strange note
This week

A personal message
From her on my email
My phone would not work

And I was informed of
A special inspection
Took up my week

Just wanted to now
Why had I gotten the message?
After all she is not my aunt

I thought of her as a friend
Of the family
But her people

Did not want to play nice
I lost the pre civil war house
In DC 

Only to come home
To the city my father
Was the Mayor

Only to have his life
Stolen from him
By someone named Jimmy

Don't go out
There might be a garbage truck
Or even a bus

That just cant stop
An asteroid fell from the sky
And missed your house

On Del Sol Court.
Goodbye, Au Revoir, 
Do Sivdnayia 


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Welcome to my town


San Diego was once

So beautiful that even

The Queen of England

Brought a boat 

To explore its area

Instead, today it is 

Nothing but a large

Garbage dump

People dump things

Outside that they don't want

They even dump people

Here they are attempting

To live on sidewalks

Because there is no place

For them to go 

Beds are full

And tasks persistence

To get into any program

And once one does

It is as if one has checked

Into Hotel California

No way out 

Once inside

Grateful for a roof 

Over my head

And yet

They steal everything

The can, even if it is nailed

Down on the concrete

Here one has to watch

Ones toes

Yes, they are even

Taking those off

How many more 

People are going to be

Diagnosed with diabetes

I don't even eat sugar

Chocolate has become

An issue because of my teeth

The old joke of people

Selling their teeth 

For money because

They are so poor

They don't need them anymore

Since here is no food to teat.

Now the toes are disappearing

Another man who was once

Active and enjoying himself

Now has a wheelchair

And no toes

My toes were broken

In my terrible auto accident

They even showed it on the news

They listed it as a fatal accident

Outside the city limits

Where there is no traffic stop

There is a stop sign

But everyone jumps it

And there are about a dozen churches

On the outside of town

Due to the cost of the property

My toes are hidden from view

But they are trying to get me

Into their program

I know I don't have diabetes

Because I have been through

This before and it is not

A reason for high glucose

I have a kidney transplant

And that would cause me

To have too much glucose

Eating sugar  does not make 

One a diabetic

By the way

Did I mention Jimmy

This week?

I have a surprise for him

He was a going around 

Selling body parts

He was not a grave robber

He dug graves

And put children in them

Such as myself

Only to be shocked

When we found our way out

He found he had not  hit us hard enough

Anyway, he goes to the morgue

For his body parts

Miniature penis for the pillow fairy

So the mother of the young boys

Know that he is serious

If they want a normal son

They do as he says

Well, I think it is time

His tongue is always 

Sticking out at me

From his pants

He says it is golden

Has never had an erection

Nor produced sperm

Hmm, maybe instead

Of attempting to sell a child's 

Kidney to an old lady

We should decide to ten

This battle of him 

Having a body part 

I don't have 

And don't desire to have

His penis could be removed

While he is still living

It does no work

And he could get paid 

For having it donated

To someone else 

Who probably wont

Leave it hanging around

Nor expose it to 

Dangerous elements

There are many men

Who by accident

Or due to war 

Loose their most 

Precious item.

They would probably pay

At least half a million dollars

A kidney goes for a quarter of a million

Therefore this much more 

Precious item will be worth

Much more

Its weight in gold!

He wont mind and 

I am sure a number 

Of his ex girlfriends

Could do without it

He likes to make them

Hook for him

Since they cant make 

Him excited

Imagine a world

Where people such as 

Jimmy offer themselves

Willing to others

What a sacrifice

And for a Christian cause

He can just have a catheter 

Inserted into the spot 

And he can pee into a bag

Attached to his waits

Piece of cake.

In fact we can even

Deal with the homeless 

Situation by offering 

Them a reward of money

In exchange for theirs

After all there are places

Such as Ukraine

Where they are losing

Just about everything

Including their manhood

It would make the 

Red Cross Society

So happy to have offers

And I know with all 

That loot they are getting

They can afford

To pay for their men

Who have had the ultimate

Loos of limb

In fact since 

They are taking all those

Migrants and bussing 

Them to unfriendly environments

Far away from the border

They might want to get in on 

This great deal.

They could go and fight 

For the Ukrainians

Where they will get food

And shelter in exchange

Or sign into the Penis giveaway

Iran offers a huge

Compensation for donations

While some countries

Frown on body parts

Being recycled into others

Asia on the other hand

Sells them on the streets

Like everything else

After all once a man

Has lost the ability to work

He has no further need

Of repopulating the world

After so many die on the streets

OF America from starvation

Or in parts of the world

Where the leaders

Don't see it worthwhile

To offer freedom 

To those who ask for it.

But hey, they can be compensated

From all those willing to part

Witha worthless limb

I am not going to loose 

My ovaries

Got another gynecologist

Still not pregnant

Nor am I going to hear those words


Just because I turned 40

And was size zero

They screamed in my face

And refused to treat me

As a human

Now I have a huge tumor

And lost my thyroid gland

Due to being seen as worthless

Just because I did not have a man

Women were once valued

For their virtue

Not their super skinny silliness

Oh Jimmy

Come here, I have a surprise foe you....

Monday, September 25, 2023

Knock, Knock, Whose there?



Queen Candace

Of Ethiopia 

In the bible

There is a story 

Of this woman queen

Instead the insanely jealous

Witch calls herself Candy

I mean Queen Candance

She cant even pronounce it

And the story is about an African

Candy is highly allergic

To anything remotely

Not White 

She is practically an albino

Although they have said

A few things about her

Father not being the same

And his mother was ...

Well, well

Knock, knock

It is Candy 

Knocking on your door

Then she lets herself in anyways

Always has always will

Just let herself in to your place

I hear she is the one who does 

Those raids down there

Every time we put food

In the cupboards

We would get a call

To go somewhere 

And poof it was all gone

It still happens

And even when I go shopping

My bags are taken away

At least she does not eat

The shoes or other things

Just throws them away in the trash

There is going to come 

A day when it will be her door

That goes knock, knock

And it will be big men

In military fatigue

She knows not whom

She steals from 

Just so they cant have something

Never going to stop

No not her...

Knock, knock

Huney will you get it

I am busy up here

You go and answer it

I cant right now

John gets up slowly

And lowers himself down the stairs

One step at a time

Waiting for her to be done

But not today

Are you still there?

Whoosh goes the door

As it is blasted open

Yeah they are still standing 

There with big guns

And they just took down the door

Johns is blown off his feet

He is only five foot three 

Or something and Armenian

Or is Italian? 

Something non catholic

Before their arrival in America

When they became Catholic overnight

Anyways john look and acts

Big fat mafia

His face turns a strange color

As if he has seen a cat cross 

His path or something

What the hell

We knocked and you did not answer

But i was upstairs...

What are you guys doing here?

Looking for a mis Candy

Who says her name on the phone

Is Camille?

Camille cant get through

Any single phone call

Has not gotten a single piece

Of personal mail

In decades

All because Candy needs to know

Hey that's my wife

And I give her permission

Just the guy we are looking for,

Spread them!

Spread what ?

As they turn him ove

And spread his legs

He finds out what they want.

Him in handcuffs and ankle wraps

Look what we found

A man behind the witch

Where's the wife?

Not speaking correctly

Something about his tongue

Being behind his ears

Cat got your tongue

His eyes glaze over

Cat haters galore 

Is his wife and her family

Only one feline has ever survived

The one called Camille

Honey I told you to answer the door

What the, hey where is the door

Oh look, you are on the ground

Got to go, see you later

Off she goes over the fence

Before the big guys can budge

Still working on the little man

On the floor

Where did she go?

To her sisters 

Someone is blinking pathetically

With his tie stuffed in his mouth

Fleeing across the desert

At high speed 

She gets caught in a back draft

Right out side her house

Is a county road

Everyone thinks is a highway

Between three semis heading

Towards Costco

And the Soccer moms minivans

She is struck on her but

Trips and falls right into 

The fields which once grew

Hunts tomatoes ketchup

Now it is home to millions

Of rodents and snakes

All hands on deck

Or go get her 

Is uttered

As they haul 

The little one out to the truck

They drive right past her

Struggling in the ditch

Somehow they miss her 

Searching wide afield 

She finally becomes conscious again

And ventures softly towards the far field

Where she is met by one sister

Waving her towel

Don't come near me

Don't know what you did this time

But they took my door off!

She hitches a ride

Actually she slaps 

A sports car going past

In the old days

They always stopped

This time she is hanging

On to an electric bike

As he bumps his way to her other sister

Who has sent out the dogs

Looking for her as well

Don't come this way

They took our door off!

What ever you did this time

I dont really want to know

You anymore

Go find someone else!

Justin is a little bit

Put out when he opens his window

Around midnight

To the persistent sounds

Of a cat howling

And hissing 

As his aunt crawls inside

You are the only one

With a door still attached

That is because i stood outside

And held my hands over my head

What the hell did you do this time?

I don't know but it seems to be about

You know who.

They say you have a wire tap

On her mobile phone

And you intercepted 

Her letters from some Senator

I always do that

It has to be something else

You did not cash any of her checks

I dont do that anymore

I cant think of what it could be.

Frustrated she has begun to shed

Her clothes in the bathroom

Don't take a shower

The neighbors will hear

But I had to crawl through

Just go sit outside 

While I run around

And get Janet for you

No, not Janet

Camille almost killed her

Last time 

Well, you wont be going

To see her tonight

Oh yes I am 

I want to know why

My families doors 

Are being ripped off

It might be time 

For aunt candy to find out

That some people are not impressed

When they spend alot of time

Taking care of something

Once precious from a distance

Only to find it has been stolen

All that stuff was going to go

Back  when the time was right

Except a few buildings

Have been torn down

And they got the word

About the thrift stores

Being the only place

She can find anything 

At all of her family

Who were once good citizens

Accept for that war 

And all the anti military 

Nonsense going on around them.

It is Mike and Bridget

Who finally come 

With their dog down the street

Here kitty, kitty

They shove her into 

Thier new cars trunk

Which opens automatically

And speed off into the distance

With a tiny tracker 

Following them on the FBI van

What did you do this time?

Everyone who does not want 

Thier doors knocked down

Have had to confess to not knowing

You at all.

Somewhere they is a very frantic

Person attempting to explain

How an entire block of buildigns

Is no longer standing

And inside were boxes and safes

For more than one person

All because Candy

Keeps knocking 

On the doors of her neighbors

And her doctors 

And even the local guy

Who knew she was not allowed

To have access to those files

Nor to a wire tap

He is sitting quietly in his office

Waiting for the capture

Of one of the most wanted

Culprits styled a cat burglar

For her endearing quality

Of always coming back

To the places she knocked on

To clean them out of anything 

Of value and has stepped

On a few too many toes

And gotten rid of too much 

Evidence on other criminals

Heading towards Mexico

The couple have not a clue

As to what is waiting for them

If they should flee

The border with a wanted fugitive

Meanwhile an angry little man

Is being given the first impressions

Of what it means to be humble

His orange suit does not fit

He begins knocking on his cage

It will go on all night, and all year

Before they will tell him

It was all because he did not

Answer his door promptly....

A humble man 

Would have known

Not to be arrogant

About his own door knock

Instead, he got captured.

In a Cats fabulous tale...

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Speaking of goddesses and empresses


Who or What 
Was Eve?
A goddess of the garden?

An Empress of the Earth?
She was the first woman
Not born to another

We know from the book 
Written down a millennium

Ago by a man directed 
By an angel of god
Both the Holy Bible

And the Holy Koran
Mention this woman
As do the old works

Of Hinduism and Taoism
One woman created
To fill the world

With her offspring
Even science acknowledges
Such a person existed

All DNA matter can be traced
To this one female
Whom no one knows

Except according to the
Knowledge of scriptures
Was made for one man

Named Adam
Now Adam was created
According from mud

The minerals of the earth
The Master worker 
Being Christ

Said of him that 
He was made in gods image
A living breathing thinking 

Individual who could 
Get his feelings hurt
He as a man of the earth

Was assigned to watch
The animals of the earth
To name them as they developed

And grew to expand across
The earth
His garden of Eden

Was so beautiful 
It caused envy among
One of the most beautiful

Of all the angels
Lucifer he was called
And then Satan the Devil

Psalms explains his beauty
Was so enormous 
Compared to rare jewels 

And his assignment
The beautiful garden 
Which housed the humans

If he could just get rid of them
He could have it all for himself
What he really desired was devotion

God above looked down
And saw his creations
And it was good in his eyes

What his son in heaven
And his fellow angels
Had done with this assignment

Was promising for more to come
But there was one little flaw
There was no female for the man

While they had created a male
To be a human to watch over the animals
They had forgotten one thing

That he would need a companion
Unlike themselves
Adam had needs 

And those needs god decided
To fulfill by making a woman
For him all of his own

He put the man to sleep
And took a bone from him
Most likely not one that was vial

But perhaps one that no longer exists
He took the mineralized calcium 
And made out of it a perfect thing

A female who would please man
Who was made out of the mud
He then raised her to the age

Of procreation of at least 14 years of age
He was not so cruel as to provide
The man an infant

He would have to care for till 
It was old enough and then rape
No God was wise enough

To cause the man to sleep
For ten or twenty years
And then recover his senses

As if he had been in a coma
To find god had arranged
In the Garden a special ceremony

He presented his newies creation
To Adam as his companion
Who said at last a woman 

Of his own
And not an animal
For him to breed

Supposedly she was created
For him to have enjoyment
And therefore they did not sin

When they consummated their marriage
As performed by god above
Watched over by both the angels

In Heaven and the one loose on earth
Lucifer seethed with anger
He wanted the place for himself

He did not want an interfering woman
He set out to trap her
During the breezy part of the day

Adam would walk and speak
To an angel who conveyed 
The thoughts of god

A unique form of communication
As if god was in the wind itself
While the woman went around

Her Paradise Garden of Eden
To make herself at home
And to ensure she was seen

As necessary in the future
Now no animal was known to have died
No burials were found 

Nor was the fruitage and foliage 
In any danger of dying
But they had been busy

Making clothes for themselves
The animals had furs
And the birds had feathers

Even the angels had wings
To cover themselves
Adam and Eve 

Were no different
They found covering for themselves
Weaving together grass or large leaves

So as to not cause alarm
Should anyone wander by....
Insanely jealous was Lucifer

When he saw her making 
Her self at home in his garden
What did she think she was 

A goddess or something
Then it struck him
He caused her to hear the serpents speak

The animals were not known to speak
While her husband received 
His information from the wind

She was actually speaking
To one of the animals
Perhaps more would speak to her

Then she could become 
An Empress amongst 
The males of the world

For she was already pregnant
And feeling the power 
Of her creating a human

Form her womb
This made him even more angry
God a had given them the power    

Of procreation!
He had to be stopped
So he wander into her hair

And spoke to her ear
Is it so that you are not allowed
To eat of the one tree

At the very center
Of the garden?
The original vegetation

From which all the oth2er 
had sprung out to cover
The rest with foliage

And food for all to consume
With that one tree
All others had been  made

If he could not have it for himself
He would destroy the very nature
He kept after her until

She saw the beauty of providing
For herself the nectar of the gods
Above or so he told her

She would not  longer 
Serve the god her had created her
But worship herself

Making her into a goddess
She also had to do an act
Or worship to the serpent

Who was also a dragon
Walking around when he was not slithering
Adam was glad he did not have to have

Intercourse with an animal
The woman was wonderful
But now she wanted something

He felt her desires increasing
As he had used his seed 
To make her into a child bearer

She kept after him
As water dropping on his forehead
Driving him to distraction

Maybe a pretty flamingo
Would be better to hold on to
Instead of her but no it was not to be

He was hers to have and to hold
There was that day 
When he could stand it anymore

This thing that was made for him
He did not even have a choice
Just the one and only the wone

She wanted him to do something 
For him perform a function
Then they would be alright

He had to get down on his knees
And then take the fruit 
From her hands

Then his eyes opened up
And he became aware
They were being watched

He had been so alone
And sad with no companion
Only it was not true

Thre were myriads of them
Standing there in the air
Watching everything he did

Day and night
It made him afraid
Of his own self

And she had been carrying on 
About not needing god anymore
Now that they were going to be parents

No need to be hand feed
Nor to worships him
They were their own people

All he had to do...
He got tired of it 
And did the one thing

Complained about his assignment
It was not cheesemaking
Nor scholarly translation

It was the care and keep 
Of animals
He wanted something else

And something else is what he got
Booted out of the garden
Was he and his wife

They even locked the gates
Just as Lucifer had wanted
Denying them access

To it all 
Now he could become 
A farmer of the earth

Growing his own vegetation
And tilling the soil as well
The one tree had been cut down

The garden was going to die
Or at least the garden
Unknown to Satan

Who had caused them to wrohsip
Him instead of god
Was no going to be taken away

From all of them
Stories would rise up
Of the goddess named aurora

The lights of the north
Created an aura 
For people to believe

there was something left
That had created the earth
While the wind was no longer 

A friend but an enemy
Adam should not have cursed 
God his sone fought 

And killed each other
While their daughters were raped
Until one day 

A perfect child was born
Who would worship 
God above 

While Satan had been created
By the eating of the fruit
Into an enemy of god.

All for the sake of a female
Who was now the empress of all
The world who were born 

To woman through the men
Instead of a goddess of the sky

As he had wanted 
Her causing the tree
To be contaminated 

Was the end of her life
Next time god gives an assignment
He will have to be more careful

Some angels like the humans
Some prefer the animals
And other themselves

All for the sake of procreation
Was Adam given a female
To form a world of Godfearing humans

Instead of nature worshipper
Where the devil hides his delight
At destroying life itself....

At the dawn of creation
Was now the harvest season
The beginning of time

Was in the Autumn
Not the spring
While he went back 

To heaven to brin gout
The worst of the others
Asam was his own man

And Satan the Devil
Wanted him to be his son
Not gods image

All over a woman
Brought to life
For the world to be born

Empress Eve
Instead of the
Goddess Aurora 

Lifes little jokes

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...