Thursday, August 31, 2023

Or the story of Jezebel?


Does anyone know

Who Ahab is?

Not the Moby Dick guy

But the one married

To Jezebel.

Now Ahab was a very bad man

Not that he married a witch

That was his fault

But that he was  covetous 

The worst possible thing

In the Hebrew scriptures

Is not to covet

Do not covet

Your neighbors wife

Nor his property

Do not covet.

A very bad man

Was our Ahab.

He not only married

A witch named Jezebel

But also wanted his neighbors


He just could not stand it

He just wanted it.

The guy would not sell

He said some nonsense

About it being an ancestral

Piece of dirt.

As if that mattered

According to Jewish law

A person could not be forced

To part with property that was inherited

It came down the line

And was expected to keep

On traveling down the line

Of the same family

Pretending to be a relative

And selling the thing

Was not taboo either

Well, our very bad man

Named Ahab

Could not stop dwelling upon it

He went into a great depression

Threw himself down on his bed

And would not stop wailing

About how cruel this man was

Oh, go and kill him

Said sweet Jezebel

Cant do that!!

He would get caught

If he could only have it

By a mircle 

The guy got gutted

No one knew who had done it.

But there she was blowing 

On her nails in the sun.

Sweet Jezebel was so pleased with herself

Go and get it done.

In the middle of the night

To unknown men.

Know as the guy next door

Not the next of kin

Ahab the bad man

Simply took the vineyard

For himself

Wonder what kind of wine

They had made?

It was all bulldozed

And ground under

That expensive vineyard

That had been there for centuries

Just because Ahab wanted 

He destroyed his neighbors

Ancestral property 

Which had been held aside

By the law of Moss

Now it was going to be 

Not a blight on his sight

As he passed by

This guy so successful

He would just have it 

An extension of his own

Back gardens.

While his wife 

Whose name Jezebel

Appears to mean

Where is the prince?

A strange question

For a witch.

Perhaps she planned

Next on making herself

Into the wife of a prince.

But too late ...

The Prophet happened along

Heard about the vineyard

Had a message from god himself

Threw her down to the ground

While she was drying her freshly 

Painted nails.

The dogs from next door

Hungary with no master

To feed them no more

Took advantage of the situation

And consumed the witch 

In one great feast

All that was left of her

Was her palm

Just the palm of one hand.

It was enough to identify her

Once her husband came back

That bad man Ahab.

Who did nothing at all

To the prophet 

Or the dogs

Who had consumed his wife

The bad man Ahab

Just kept on walking

Through his new backyard

With great pleasure.

Her palm was enough

To identify her

Just like fingerprints

Those funny whirls and whorls

On ones palm 

Are unique enough

To be able to identify

A single individual

Even the modern FBI

Have information on how 

They use this particular

Part of the body

To make identification

In case there are no fingertips

Keep your fingertips

To yourself 

Mr. Trump

It wont make any difference

They can still make

An issue of your palm prints.

Once in a blue moon

There is a man so bad

That his own wife

Is killed over his envy

Coveting someone's wife

Such as Jimmy

Just wanting to be my husband

Or wanting to own

The piece of dirt 

That is no longer

A Jardin of fruit bearing trees

The trees are no more

Nor are half a dozen places

He has thrown away my families

Things to the wind

He does not want them

And there are probably

Bad people there where

Once a family of five generations

Lived together in harmony

All women too.

GG to Grandma

To mother and daughter

One by one 

They were killed

Just Like those squirrels 

Jimmy caught 

Which got him sent

To Meadow lark reformatory

Where he met and left

Behind a girl of his dreams

Which is where they remain

In his dreams

Because none of 

Them are real to him...

When he goes

His palms will be

Ground up for fertilizer

Once in

A blue moon

The world is righted

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