Sunday, October 1, 2023

Meaghan for President!


Inmate Meaghan 
Has come along way.
From being convicted

As a minor 
For attempted murder
And abduction

And holding someone hostage
As well grand theft auto
And of course deletion

Of a persons bank account.
Her and her co-conspirator
Gail Gadot

Had gotten in big time 
Trouble by stealing a womans life
All they had to do was show up

Anytime the woman had 
A public appearance 
Such as a news reporter

Or as an elected government official
It had started when she was just
A national park tour guide

She had gotten her picture
On the cover of the NP magazine
They would drive long ways

To see the girl in action
Cabrillo National Park
Is not next to the highway

Just so they could go in
And introduce themselves
To the boss

She had abandoned them
She refused to support them
They had free housing and food

With their foster parents
But they wanted more
They wanted blood money

They wanted to be introduced
As princesses to real royalty
They were just bastard babies

Given up for adoption
Not born to the girl
Who had made history

As a native American child
Who had made it on the cover
Of LIFE as an Indian princess

It did not matter in those days
After all they used 
Little Feather to steal 

Marlon Brando's only Oscar
Due to his belief he was doing
A good thing by supporting 

These people from the reservations
When in fact she is not even a real
Native American  

Acknowledged after her death
And too late for Brando
Meanwhile there was also 

Norma Mankiller
Who showed up from 
South America 

Married to a mafia type
Claiming she grew up
In the Tenderloin

When in fact there is no evidence
Her documentary was based 
Primarily on her own interviews

Not any factual evidence
What is known is she arrived
And she stayed without her husband

After destroying the peaceful
Alcatraz environment
And getting into an argument

With a child over being a princess
Who thinks a child should have that privilege
Instead of a teenager 

Who just wants to have
The right to have sex with anyone
When in fact the child

Was both a descendant 
Of Chief Powhaten
And the grandchild

Of a man who had worked
At the secret laboratory
Oak Ridge on the Manhattan project

Was not allowed to even 
Tell his own son about his work
Until the right time came

His many marriages
Provided him with step children
But his first born

Had a set of identical girls
One of which died
The survivor was going 

To have a hell of a time
Getting out of everyone's 
Bad side since she was not at fault

But there it was 
A jealous conceited individual
She might even have caused

The Banks girl to disappear
Over the stairs 
Found dead at the bottom

No one has ever cleared it up
But we know one aggressive person
Went on to go home

To her families home in Oklahoma
Only to find no house
They had to live in her car

While they walked to school
She got a job at the local authorities 
Ran off the elected mayor 

And chief of the clan
The same man she framed
In San Francisco 

Whose identical brother
Ended up being shot
The girls father

She was not elected
The first female chief
But stepped into place

When the office
Was left unlocked by 
The Janitor

During those days
It was not a 24 hour job
And if their was military 

Or other things going on
It was not a necessity
To be on site

Forest fighting was a rage
They even set Yosemite on fire
Easy pay and hard work

She self appointed herself
Ran around calling herself chief
Then got to sick to be argued with

Only to die in office
Having defrauded the indians
Her and her daughters

By pretending to be Indian
When her DNA check showed
She was Muslim and had probably

Come home from Afghanistan
Or Iraq from WWII
So many switched places

With dead persons
And stole their identity
She brought in Casinos

Organized criminals
Running the places
Along with prostitution

Becoming a legal career
She did nothing for women
Nothing at all

But show how wrong
People are when they follow
The wrong one

My father was set on fire
Two girls watched with delight
He died in my arms 

But everyone wants to blame me
He was a  Korean war hero
He even acquired step daughters

Who throw him out of his houses
Becky and Rebecca 
Think they are not going to jail.

Now fast forward
Gail Gadot attacked me 
In front of the local police

Got to become Wonder woman
And had children
Whom she calls princes

While her cell mate
Knocked on my door
To introduce me to her new boyfriend

The pre civil war brick building
Was incorporated into a glass building
While all of my families things

Were tossed into Goodwill
She ran off and got married
Without me and showed 

How much hate there 
Is towards white people
Who don't get the message

It is not about slavery
But about them being self made

Who expect everything be given
To them with no pay back
She tortured the Queen and her husband

Till they died of shock
She is Connie Selleca's 
Missing baby from the hospital

In Manhattan who has never been found
But Connie divorced her husband
Not the father of the missing infant

Moved into the same neighborhood
As the child being raised
By a social worker

Who is not her real mother
Dora is not her biological 
She claims i am her real mother

She claims to be a native American princess
She claims her children are black
That they are royal blood

They resemble one of Connies
Former known boyfriends
Mutual of Liberty

Sex offender 
Died in prison

Wait till they grow up
Anyway this woman
Has done nothing for women

Except wear overlarge stilettos
To hide her heroin injection 
Between the toes

Has caused Britian
To become ashamed of themesleves
They got eviction notice

Her and Harry
Just as they gave me my walking orders
Out of pity

It is now said
Theat the rightful 
King Charles 

Is allowing the squatters
To stay since they have no home
Meanwhile the other side

Of my families 
Who invested in a 300 year old
Inheritance from France

Has been used for nothing but trash
Since management was taken over
By Gail and Meahgan

Rachel by the way is her real name
Not Queen Elizabeth
She even called Diane

A liar amongst other things
Now she wants her job
One day the woman is standing

And voting 
Then that very night
She is dead

And flown back
To San Francisco
Without even a goodbye

She will be buried
Before I will get notice
She once took me away 

From my cruel mother
Who had brain cancer
Could have been cared for

If those girls had not
Decided to take her life
How much does it cost

To buy a beauty contest?
Gail got out of prison 
Having spent multiple nights

In jail for attempting to cash
Someone else's checks
To be given the crown

But agreed to her probation
By doing two years in the military
What will Meaghan do for the African

Community when she has already
Stolen the rights
Of Native Americans?              

Can we ask for her to produce
A birth Certificate?
Or have her facial recognition

From her prison days
Or at least a blood test?
How much does it cost Oprah

To become President?
At least give Kamala a chance.
When is there going to be a real Indian show up?                                     

You know what they say about 
Queen Cleopatra of Egypt

She was born a Greek
Died a Roman
Was married to an Italian
And her daddy was an African.

Do you know what you are 
dear Rachel?

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