Friday, October 27, 2023

An empress has been born!


She might not be pretty
Nor Kate Middleton
But she is an empress

An Emperor Penguin
A female one 
Has been born in San Diego

Just 13 years have gone by
Since the last one
This does not happen 

Every day 
Nor is Kate ever going
To get William

To make her into an actual
Empress nor matter how much
Drugs her parents smuggle 

In on their airlines jobs.
Look at her!
Standing so proud 

And terrified
Tiny black head
And lavish silver garment

Right down to her toes.
Which can just be seen!
Ahh, this is astounding.

Really, I am a nature buff
Grew up in the wilds
My mother had a severe case

Of racism
Nature meant tossing me out
Every chance she got.

Now I cant even get down
To the old family homestead
Meanwhile I have someone 

Ghosting me.
Julia Roberts 
Whom everyone assumes

Is the most beautiful girl
But really she is just plain
With a lot of makeup

I cant even get my lab tests
Correct without interference
And here comes someone

With a different birthdate
No joke!
Her birthday appeared on my records

I have been hacked so many times
It is probably just jimmy
Having fun with  me

And being mean.
He cant tell the difference anyways
He has albinism eyes

His doctors were frustrated
With my mother until they
Realized she had dementia

Probably caused by jimmy
His eyes have no focal point
The doctors were perplexed

Until they realizes he has 
No Pigmalión
This does not mean

He is a pig
But that his skin 
Has no color

He still wont eat pig.
Though he does have little
Pig eyes.

Anyways tonight 
Was the first game
Of the World Series

Anyone heard of it?
I  mean with all the news
Slanted towards Trump

And Trump
No one knows 
What is going on in the world

It took a bowling alley
Getting shot up
To close down the media

For a few days.
Now the guy has been
Found dead

Terrible to be a sharpshooter
To come home 
And find you are not needed 

May as well be dead
Miserable plight
To take others lives

Just to prove 
What he once was.
No one really knows

It is all assumption
Why did he do it/
With him dead 

It is the end of the matter
Except for the families
Who have to pick up hte pieces

And move on 
Without anyone knowing
A sad day in Maine

Who still believes
They ended up on the wrong side
Canadians you know

After Washington won the war
And Howe surrounded
There was still a group

Way up in Maine 
Still going at it.
Had to be told 

Enough is enough
It is over.
So is the first game

I caught it at the ninth inning
Great timing
Must be in a building

Of Footballers
Did not hear any radios
Bottom of the ninth

And tied
May as well move on

To the eleventh
And they did just that
They were walking 

The guys 
And even hitting them
All to make sure

They did not hit 
A homer
But one guy managed

To get it over the wall
Bottom of the eleventh
And a Texan 

With the name of 
Garcia is our hero
He is African Mexican American!

Well, well
My mother would be spitting
Up thorns about now

She always did hate roses
A rose garden is what i found 
If is still standing

After all of those fires.
Our driver came back
From a dram trip

With his mom to China
I told him it was a good thing
They had not gone to Jerusalem

Why is that/
They went to war overnight/
He went home and turned on

The news channels
Then did not show up
The next day for our shuttle run

Gaza is spending a miserable night
While Lewiston gets to breath
After stay at home orders

The weekend is upon us
It is trick or treat time
Anyone know if that

Tiny thing that keeps 
Popping up on my screen
Is true?

Has Putin had a heart attack?
Wish it was jimmy instead.
He deserves to die without hope.

What about it?
Is it a true story
Or wishful thinking?

Almost got kicked out
Because Jimmy once used
My tub for his drug making

Tub distilled methanol!
My tub is over thirty years old
And has rust spots.

Not my fault
Had two special inspections
Cleared me of mold

Cant have mold 
With all the apartments flooding
I just beath heavily

And now need a pulmonary doctor
What next?
I just want my diagnosed thyroid

To be treated 
And these unwanted tumors
Taken care of.

The day of the dead
Is upon us
And so is the 

Day after
All souls day
When they rise again

Or so it says 
In the Bible
My dear little sister

Yes, I will be there
God willing
Spoiled one who did not 

Have to endure more
Than five years on this earth
Miss my father as always

And if her real sons
Can ever forgive her
She might get a second chance

With them.
Not me.
Now about that story...

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